Team Czech Republic

image: team_czech

The country that has given the world amazingly good beer for decades have now decided to step up to the challenge of proving they can do other stuff too - In this case, doing the dingding-dance and playing ET.
Czech Republic butch, the captain of the team as well as being a strong, silent one, had this to say about the team's previous experiences, this season's expectations and the purpose of life:
Quotebah :x

And that pretty much sums it up.

In the previous season Czech Republic Czech Republic ended up in the same group as Sweden Sweden and Netherlands Netherlands so advancement was almost impossible. However, they managed to place fourth in the group after Hungary Hungary by beating teams like United States of America USA and France France.
And here they are, the defenders of Czech pride in all their glory:

Czech Republic butch (HeartBreakers)
Czech Republic marv (aMenti)
Czech Republic loo (infrag)
Czech Republic hellish (infrag)
Czech Republic alexzoo (infrag)
Czech Republic daef (r3volta)
Czech Republic teente (r3volta)
Czech Republic nindrt (infrag)
Czech Republic brs (infrag)

ClanBase team profile

Opencup Premier aspirations for #Highbot

image: logo_highbotAfter the Opencup Premier League group announcements were made, the discussion about the player changes is going on and the groups are interesting.

So Europe Highbot presents a new ET squad, its the successfull Czech Republic singularity squad, which is playing together for a long time.

The clan management is at one and hopes for a good teamwork, it supports the squad with an overall fullsponsoring.

Slovakia neo
Czech Republic marvje
Czech Republic butch
Czech Republic Ripman
Czech Republic VD
Czech Republic Loo

Czech Republic CPU
Czech Republic milo

Only time will tell what the future holds!
Good luck to all involved :O>

Uncertainty Principle

image: xfire_up
Clan Singularity would like to present their first Enemy Territory fragmovie Uncertainty principle directed by Neo.

Movie Info:

duration: 13:58
size: 410 MB
ratio: 29 MB/min
resolution: 800x500
fps: 25
codec: XviD

Frags by:

Slovakia Neo
Czech Republic butch
Czech Republic marv
Czech Republic milo
Czech Republic ripman
Czech Republic VD

We'd also like to thank to:

- All the nice clans we've pracced and played officials against.
- CB, WL, ESL and CZSK scene for organasing various tourneys and leagues.
- Swertcw for hosting our movie.

Download at:

Contact: #singularity @ Quakenet