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Battle For Berlin - Tournament Update!


Hello Crossfire Community,

Battle For Berlin is moving along well, with some more donations and contributions from the community, we aim to expand our prize pool and attain more servers soon.

We would like to welcome mrc0 as an EU General Support Admin for the tournament! Aswell as NA WolfTV Cameramen; Kalamazoo & Digital.

We are still looking for 3 more EU admins to help out the tournament, aswell as 1 NA admin. If anyone is interested please contact me asap.

5 new teams have signed up since our last press release, we would like to welcome:

Europe Yokohama Fragers - (fra, smutzig, gifty, FeTTe)
Germany Shadowfighters - (Hitman, Zero, KingM, Zodi, Sin)
United States of America Team Trinity - (woodst0ck, suCka, saleen, Myth*)
United States of America Team TBD - (NoName, Nick__, Terror, WildChild, Strapped9)
United States of America Team AVN - (Alien, Nard, v1d)

Battle For Berlin - Recruiting EU Admins + Update!


Hello Crossfire Community,

With the press release a few days ago, I have had an influx of interest in the European community, and wanted to post some updates and info on here to keep you in the loop.

First off, Battle For Berlin is in search of community-oriented admins to help oversee EU matches, help with getting the community invovled, and keeping up with the lingo. Every region has different ways of expressing things, and having representatives from that region on the admin board is important; as unintentional insults are bound to happen (Hopefully I do not insult anyone with my posts, and if I do please correct my errors :P). If you are interested in being part of Battle For Berlin EU Administration, please email me with your age, name, region, RtCW experience, and administration experience.

As for updates, we would like to welcome:

Europe HighBot
Italy --n1ce--
Belgium --Nameless--
United States of America Blur
United States of America Reflexive Gaming
United States of America Team Hostility
United States of America evil

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