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ET 3on3 and 6on6 ODC weekend!

Hello everyone, since the corona situation doesn't seem to move away as quickly as everyone thought so, a lot of players have extra time on their hands and how better to spend it than participating in a weekend thrilled ET games!

Given the fact that RTCW is kicking off with full force getting cups and NC on, it's only fair that ET follows the same steps and with that i am presenting u two One Day Cups next weekend, to give everyone a good idea of how to spend their evenings.

CF ET Cup Spring - Division 2 Grand Final!

The Crossfire image: et ET Cup, Spring 2013 edition is finally at it's end, while we might witness tonight the clash of the Division 1 Grand Final, we have brought as well at other side till the end Division 2 battles where the Grand Final will take place tomorrow between lately unstoppable Finland Polarbeers and already Grand Finalist Europe Supski.

CF ET Cup Spring - Lower bracket Finals!

The Crossfire image: et ET Cup, Spring 2013 edition, is coming to an end and we are about to witness both Division 1 and Division 2 Lower Bracket Finals. These games will determine which team will reach the Grand Final and which team will be left with a third place finish.

CF ET Cup Spring - Division 2 battles!

CF image: et ET Cup for Spring 2013 is coming to it's end but before the grand finals we have couple of matches left to be played. This newspost will mostly focus on Division 2, which wasn't in the center of attention through the entire tournament, so now it's time to show how the teams are doing here as well!
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