Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare EuroCup

image: bannerecocef3

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare EuroCup Participants & Groups

The EuroCup announcement for Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare just passed by. ClanBase announced who will be playing in this year's EuroCup. As announced earlier, the Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare EuroCup will feature 32 clans, whereas all 32 spots will be filled with direct invites.

Enemy Territory EuroCup

image: bannerecocef3

Enemy Territory EuroCup Direct Invites And Qualifiers

The EuroCup announcement for Enemy Territory just passed by. ClanBase announced who will be playing in this year's EuroCup, with the direct invites, as well as those teams who are going to have to play a qualifying match to see if they get in.

ET:QW Beta Bonanza: Comp Mod

ETQW Beta Bonanza: Comp Mod and 1.5 BETA[/u]

image: etqwbannerss8

Good news: There's light at the end of the license tunnel! We've at last received the proper license files for both the Competition Mod and the 1.5 game update. With that in mind, we're now prepping them for release and hope to get them out as soon as possible (for real!).