Enemy Territory EuroCup

image: bannerecocef3

Enemy Territory EuroCup Direct Invites And Qualifiers

The EuroCup announcement for Enemy Territory just passed by. ClanBase announced who will be playing in this year's EuroCup, with the direct invites, as well as those teams who are going to have to play a qualifying match to see if they get in.

image: gid25_small Direct Invites:[/b]]

image: imagesrl8sd2 Belgium EDiT
image: imagesrl8sd2 Croatia Cortana
image: imagesrl8sd2 Europe kirwa kirwanderin kirwurit
image: imagesrl8sd2 Europe Just TAG
image: imagesrl8sd2 Europe Vicious and Evil
image: imagesrl8sd2 Finland Incomplete!
image: imagesrl8sd2 Germany megaProGaming e-Sports e.V.
image: imagesrl8sd2 United Kingdom Impact Gaming

image: gid25_small Qualifiers:[/b]]

image: imagesrl8sd2 Belgium Team <O> - Part of 8Bits vs Estonia oxygen - xZone
image: imagesrl8sd2 Netherlands OVERLOAd.X-RAYPAD vs Netherlands team ephix
image: imagesrl8sd2 Europe FatGames vs Europe Oceans6
image: imagesrl8sd2 Germany HighBot vs Europe one4one eSports
image: imagesrl8sd2 France muse-gaming vs France dESIRE
image: imagesrl8sd2 Italy n1ce.it vs Hungary Overdose-Gaming
image: imagesrl8sd2 Poland Fear Factory X-Fi vs Poland Authentic-Gaming
image: imagesrl8sd2 Europe hardMethodgaming vs United Kingdom unKind

Lineups can be seen here.

All announcements have been done.
To check out who is going to participate in the EuroCup XVII in other games visit http://www.clanbase.com.

the lamest invites evah!

Why the fuck let 2 french teams fight each other in the qualify? same goes for the polish teams. Really give me a break pff
lol'd @ bsturz plz
great, bsturz .. :D
Didn't EDiT fold?
well i guess they never pulled out of their CB EC application
Should be replaced by FATgames..
hope so , then oceans6 get other oppenent!:D
remove the hide tags pls, it's a short newspost so the hide tags arent realy needed imho
so you can't press the 'mouse 1' to open them? :)
I can, but it looks better without the hide tags imo
better imo!
direct invites look just about right apart from if EDIT continue or not
No savak : (
TAG, I lolled gl team !
i will lol with you.
Not the same lineup that they've fielded at CDC4! :]
jij begrijpt het!
Nu hebben ze de fetsinator! (Hoe dom het dan ook klinkt)
looks good to me
nice one
Team <O> - Part of 8Bits vs Ministry of Defence - bSTURZ / because i dont like bSTURZ

OVERLOAd.X-RAYPAD vs team ephix / Because overload is better

FatGames vs Oceans6 / who are o6? no idea what their line-up looks like

HighBot vs one4one eSports / Humm3l!

muse-gaming vs dESIRE / <3 muse

n1ce.it vs Overdose-Gaming / go mama!

Fear Factory X-Fi vs Authentic-Gaming / Because of the name!

hardMethodgaming vs unKind / Go w3st!

my guess!
HighBot vs. 141 and i agree
o6 -> hype fatal matz razz tornis nonix lakaii besche
LOLED as always
Poland without direct invite and savak isn't in the qualis ...
Aha, Polak vs Polak in quali, gg XD.
seriously, here goes my last respect towards clanbase. Plz explain, wtf is bsturz doing on the list?
who the fuck is overdose ?
#EuroCup said EDiT.
I heard it as well and I hope it will be what #EuroCup said. But the site says differtly, hoping for a typo.
And there you have it :')
overdose? wtf? who are they?

gl all, and 1/2 of thoose teams = cu on oc 1st ;D
overdose = ?

bsturz pls ?

others are ok I think
there should be 9nd qualifier instead of inviting 141 for sake of invite.....

and rofl @ bsturz
haha overdose XD omg low+
gl one4one
go griim,lazio,al,hell,duKe_ & rat :)
can i has an invite?

Bsturz => b a n
overdose => who? dont recognize one nick in their lineup and never ever played them in the last months. Who are these guys?
141 => should play qualifiers
TAG => qualifier instead of invite

rest looks nice
agree with TAG ;)
savak for bSTURZ biatches!
bsturz plzzzz......

gL FF!
If I look at bSTURZ's roster on clanbase I see ;

Sweden uniX - > auth
United Kingdom jkzz - > ?
Belgium aapke - > cb banned
France Manix - > vib
Estonia deadeye - > pstarZ
Hungary seNti - > still in
Germany oGr - > still in
Sweden Pepper - > ?

Lineup isnt even correct.
hahaha :DDDDD
Circus ban is confirmed by Bartichello so basicly he's inviting his own banned player, Im rly confused.
jkzz is fucking hacker, he was a low skilled player and got a massive boost to high in a week....
vib and pstarZ not in EC, so they can play?
Manix wont play with bsturz afaik
[141] ?? invite for what? being a bunch of funny people?
141 got in? no offence but there are better clans replacing edit
one4one didn't get direct :o
HighBot Vs one4one eSports
141 onki paska
one4one? LOL?
edit replaced by 141? OMFG how fucking retarded. Fatgames would be a more proper replacement imo.
I fully agree!
we just raped em so dunno abt that =)
pracs count? in that case, we should've gotten that invite I guess since we won against last week.
we didnt get the inv, clanbase typo...
nice edit ;P
we are just as good as any of the mentioned teams, sais a lot abt et... any1 can get good at it, i play with a bunch of "nonames" and we still win against most better clans lul
stop plugging feathers in your ass, you guys are (just like us) only half decent in this game.
ye which make it so incredibly funny that we can get into ec
yah very, just like us. We beat you last week and tbh we are a very average team so realy, stop pretending to be more than you are.
but its so much funnier than the truth :<
maybe xiits? wouldnt be the first time you play with xiiters!
dont adress me directly

kenta lover

gl tim!
cancerface !
when are we going to "het schipperskwatier"?
jullie gaan toch nog wel spelen?
ja en hopen dat lio snel unbanned word
hij is officieel nog niet gebanned. Ik zie geen "case" op de interne forums.
jahwel hij is gebanned op cb..
wrong info, 141 isn't a direct, though EDiT is
who ever came up with Just TAG?
year too late
Dunno, i think 141 are atm better than fatgames. In few weeks it will go the other way surely, but for now it's no difference who gets that spot. It will be easy quali for fatgames anyways...
isnt there any other clan in the EC qualilist who deserves the invite spot instead of the two you mentioned?
why did 141 get direct invite? dont get it..
and omg clanbase what have you done... again!
one4one? Must be a fucking joke :DDD

Never even heard about half of them :XD
only rat is good
edit dead?

<3 ClanBase!
i wonder which monkey decides the annual EC Invites.
[20:04:21] <[8B]-Worm> http://clanbase.ggl.com/humaninfo.php?hid=2983372&suspend=1
[20:04:48] <bSTURZ|seNti> all players are allowed to play
[20:04:50] <bSTURZ|seNti> noone is banned
[20:05:01] <bSTURZ|seNti> and now please be patient and leave me alone.
Clanbase inviting a team full of hackers to the Eurocup Qualifiers, that's the way to kill ET. Thanks for that.
Hopefully all the EC teams have brains, and wont play versus Bsturz. Show them they are not wanted please.
If it stays like now, we won't be playing against them, no point.
nice! a team with ballz
Its really pathetic to give that team a quali :P. Hopefully noone will prac versus them too :).
if you dont play them they will go through to the groupstage and nothing will happen! you should play them and own them thats the only solution you can avoid them palying EC! :]
look, we might be a good team, but we still can't win against bots I think :(
Do as rise sais. I'm sure every single CB quali or invite clan will support you. Just have all those clans sign some petition and give it to donex.

Or maybe we could write 10 journals about how shit and stupid the current EC admins are? Next they can backstab their own head admin by posting stupid comments on xfire, blaming him etc.
might be a solution, if it's stays like this, there is no chance of playing. but then we don't even play EC, and they will.. so that's the shit part of it
talk with [CB]Donex. He's actually a nice guy. But, tbh I think he is limited in what he can do because of CB rules. Just have a quick chat with him and ask him some advice :P As some ppl pointed out: you dont want to have them play EC groupfase cause you refused to play them and CB gave them a forfeit win :P
i'll do my best, thanks
says !!!! ffs :D , 3rd time i saw you write that
replied to the wrong guy :D

€: not taking sides in the BE-POL incident. Was just sad to see CB admins backstabbing their own head admin.
I was talking about this :

NO FAT CHICKS! on 16/03/08, 21:23:12 PM | Reply

Do as rise sais

QuoteWas just sad to see CB admins backstabbing their own head admin.

What did I miss? :o
Anaconda siding with his Belgium friends instead of supporting the head CB admin (whether he made a mistake or not)
Anaconda isn't a CB admin anymore since last year I think.
even though this won't be an easy decision to make, it would probably be the best decision you can make.
Maybe an official announcement like this by your team (at an early point) will make cb reconsider their decision and even if not it would be a nice sign towards cb.

gl dukey!!! :::DDDD
nice fucking up polish teams
savak and auth should play each other for qualifier idd
oh c`mon, imo savak really diserved to play in qualis...
rofl @ 141 :/
muse vs desire OMFG
its ok guys u invite teams only coz names, and invite bsturz coz the rules (they won oc prem) but CORTANA??? WTF MAN??? NO OFFENSE AGAINST THEM ( they will took as offense anyway but i dont care) BUT WTF???

Quote Fuzz
wtf is cortana doing in direct invite, never heard of them, random players inside, just nice, you could rather take SC winners WADDFELS
u deserve invite tbh :)
iam thinking different
why wouldnt they?
they played decent last eurocup and have about the same lineup
i loled, zomg @ invites
last season bsturz had lineup with me, dialer, unix, fobje and aphesia which are in auth now so i dont rly see the reason of their qualli invite :)
who does?
OLOLOLOLOLOL WHINE WHINE, oh wait, I don't play this EC :<
here's some attention for you
thanks! give me more attetion, I won a cod4 spanish lan and won 100€! !!!!! and my 5th QPAD CT LARGE!
well , you can always send me 1 >.>
You, Sir!

Play hard, GO PRO! :P
XDDDD, you can send me one :p
can i has one qpad large?
QuoteBelgium vila on 16/03/08, 20:07:00 PM | Reply
spoke with barti , we got it

Now stop editing, admin!
GL HungaryOverdose-Gaming

Team <O> - Part of 8Bits vs Ministry of Defence - bSTURZ
OVERLOAd.X-RAYPAD vs team ephix
FatGames vs Oceans6
HighBot vs one4one eSports
muse-gaming vs dESIRE
n1ce.it vs Overdose-Gaming
Fear Factory X-Fi vs Authentic-Gaming
hardMethodgaming vs unKind
And again. That's so unbelievable laughable...Who are the guys exactly who do the invitations? The lack of knowledge is not describeable...It's really impressive, how you top your suckage every year again.
give me 3 bad invites plz and we'll call this EC an epic fail, if you have to stop at 1 'bad' invite then consider again what you are writing
1.) bSturz ...no comment

2.) team desire...we won them and made it to the final, which we dropped. And because we were so fair to drop just "by the chance to have a "cheatsupporter"" in our lineup we got punished!

I don't remember, who it was, but I was talking with a cb admin last season, whether he should force the bans of sinus/bruce etc of desire as they got busted, but it was clear that they lose to tag, so he didn't.

Just to link some busts...


Bulld0g requested their bans years ago...nothing happened.

This both examples alone are a disaster...

3.) There are some other teams, which we just destroyed, without to say that we should be in or that we are playing on a good level...just check Overdose? Wtf? They are med at maximum, according to their current "ET Squad" roster.

P.S.: But you are right, too harsh formulated.
you guys would be playing this EC if you would have been a liil bit more .. 'like evryone else' :)
no o2.et no win !!!!!!!!!!!!!OoooooOOoo
I think we can only complain about 141 and mod invites but i think they won't win there quali so it dosen't matter. The groups will be more interesting.
not so sure about 141 losing the quali
well, what I know about 141.. they are pretty much supply only :[
Mehh they had night mercing and we're anti supply and still won :\
you are high skilled, gz! :-] still in my opiniom, they are supply only
Like Night could ever replace me :XD
Maybe they can win if HB isn't pracing at all. If the match was going to be played after a month of pracing i would definately go for HB
Agree, but its about who's the strongest team now. Its not our fault that we've pracced and prepared for this, while they've played other games or w/e. Still I believe itll be a close game, since their experience > ours.
stop thinking ur good mr oR reject

fucking pathetic
I know you have problems, but don't take it out on me for no reason.
why the hell bSTURZ got even qualifier spot..? sooooo fucked up
Quali winners imo

Belgium Team <O> - Part of 8bits
Netherlands team ephix
Europe FatGames
Germany HighBot
France muse-gaming
Italy n1ce.it
Poland Fear Factory X-Fi
Europe hardMethodgaming
i hope u r right :P
you mean overload, not ephix
nice to see 2 frenchies playing together.. dESIRE vs muse

no offence to bsturz, but imo savak should get their quali spot
mamalukes mach uns pizza salami ;D
aber bitte mit sahne
Just to make this clear

141 did not get a direct invite, it was a mistake on the clanbase homepage

141 is playing against HighBot in qualifier!
gl all teams :> gonna b nais ec :>
gl team o , HB,muse,mpg and 141
EDiT has folded and they still get in, I wonder why

Supervisor: Belgium Bartichello
Co-Supervisor: Belgium Koe

They haven't folded, and both supervisors aren't exactly known for their deep love for EDiT.

But ah, as long as you can whine, ain't it.
I'm beginning to like you
lol, molemmat noista inhoo niitä.
hf! gl urtier

btw kirwa kirwanderin kirwurit - does it mean anything?
gl 141 owners:o
no pstarz?
OC premier top3, atleast I hope for them.

They should make if if they pracc enough, and then it will be next season EC imo.
they`re going to fold soon!
well I can see exquizit and h20xygen leaving, but I think the rest will stick together for a longer time
i dont see asmogan playing ET much longer if he doesnt play EC :]
well then they are only 3 :P

but kinda retarded these EC only players, isn't gaming meant be be for fun? Don't see how EC can be more fun then OC, only the feeling is a bit different (you can say played EC, and people will see you as a skilled player)
well twinzzy should just create a team with lower goals and just stick together with the same lineup and it should work!

you cant blame the players he recruit!
true, but his ego is to big for that

and they still have me on CB so I can paly OC for them instead of asmo xD

but I'll just play OC with KKC, much more fun (only retards in the team, Rhand, Frenky etc). And if we play good we can actualy win something.
win some maps?? :P

no we'll prolly get placed in the lowest division so maybe we can win some matches :D

and otherwise we're just going for the most retarded team in OC award, np4us
thats for sure!!! :D
gl unkind :)
GL Overdose!
no quali for my 6s team :(

strong EC this season, i fully agree with the direct invited teams.

gl for all :)

ps: impact will take this ec imo
After keep playing with +/- the same lineup and egoquit from a ettv match (7 mins of fullhold at flag) i doubt that admins would give a chance to 6s.

o2 in bsturz out!!!!!!!!!!


we only need spree dead than its a better place to live in
bsturz lolled wtf :/
cb admins decide: hmm there are two hungarian teams who could get EC qualy.. lets see overdose or 8bits-infinity... hmm infinity they beat overdose at Hungarian lan, they beat them at hungarian christmas cup, they play at warleagues premier league and they will play the semi-final, they are in re-play cup and will play the final there. They are active on clanbase ladder too and just got beated by one4one. now overdose gaming: active in cb ladder? NO. play in WL or any cup? NO ... so who should we chose? OVERDOSE hyeah gg.
Didn't get that too =/
if u had got ec gualy i would have said GL, i wouldnt whine. dont cry little ikszrélyn :((( nnaaaa ne sírj!
I think that - besides the bsturz thing - the admins did a good job there.

I might be wrong, but to me Incomplete looks like the weakest team within the direct invites?! But this is just my subjective impression and they were 4th last time .. so it's deserved ofc.

Authentic looks pretty strong to me.
they are not as weak as you think. We got some nice trains already with them ;]
well then maybe 141 is weaker than i thought? :)
if you play more than 5 times against the same team. You can of course count on the pracresults to rate a team :)
So that means that Team who give you always a good fight in Praccs is a bad Team cuz its just a pracc? ^^

Seems iam wrong then, so i just can surrender due to your big ingame experience :]
Never said that they're bad or whatever just saying "<3 pracresults" and that you can't judge a team by its pracs exactly...
Why bother arguing that hard?

Quote by duKe_Seems iam wrong then, so i just can surrender due to your big ingame experience :]

If you say so!
really great to see o2 replacing bSTURZ, they deserved that qualifier so much more
can't agree more :)
NOT, maybe if they kick the obvious cheaters out
thats pepper aapke jkzz and myth6s .. leaves ogr and senti :D
im talking about o2
you mean luda?
eurUz and scyter imo!
wasn't distance kicked already?
i wouldn't know
Nice work :)
where is image: pl savak (elite players :S)
get bsturz out of the qualis and give 8bits a direct invite (this one's for you worm ;p)

GL to all teams, it's going to be a great cup
tbf 141 ownnn GL guys
o6 / fatgames
wow, nice to see an estonian team in the qualifiers>D
o2 võidab ec.
Implying frag skill makes a team is pretty much ignorant..Yes 141 isnt the biggest frag powerhouse, and most players dont even know who the fuck their members are, but their skill level is defineitly EC level, if they can back it up with some good tactics and great teamwork...A team with the worlds best fragers could as easily lose to a team with not as good fraggers but the best tactics...crossfiring from dif points owns the shit out of any rambo >_>
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