Clanbase ET NC!

Almost one month after the applications for this year's Nationscup had been opened, the results have been made public. Clanbase had to struggle through a mass of registrations this year, and they had to make some difficult decisions. After all they managed to set up a list with the selection of the teams who received a direct invite, and with the nations who will have to proove themselves worthy by passing a qualifier. In the following list you can see all the invited nations with their captains:

These teams have been directly invited, and do not have to play a qualifier anymore. The team captains of these nations are asked to contact their national manager a.s.a.p. in order to be added to the country account:

Not identified joins up with Team EDiT!

image: teameditzc9

EDiT who have a long and illustrious history in Call of Duty have today returned to the game after a lengthy absence. Their new squad is the old Not identified team who only recently finalised their own roster, now the dutch side have joined up with a benelux organisation.

United Kingdom revoltz
Netherlands mofje
Netherlands frostyle
Netherlands toxjee
Netherlands V1oqor

United Kingdom EDiT`revoltz gave TeK-9 this statement;

QuoteAfter discussing with a number of organisations for the past few weeks we've had alot of reasonable offers. However, our decision quickly became clear, EDiT have presented us an offer that we could not refuse, a serious and stable organisation with enthusiasm. The management is extremely friendly and co-operative so far, with a new reformed EDiT coming early in the new year. We hope that we can continue to play under the EDiT organisation for the foreseeable future and can repay their current trust by performing at the upcoming major online and offline events.

irc: #edit


EC Golden Final!

image: rubbishhhhh

For all the viewers who saw Sunday’s ET match, they were witness of a tremendous battle between two giants. The outcome of the match is known by all by now, EDiT won with an earned 4 – 2 victory. Though this didn’t mean they became instantly the champion. Since mPg was able not to lose any match (until this Sunday), and because of the fact they were the winner of the winnersbracket, a second final has to decide who will be the eventual winner of this match. That’s why we are tuning in tonight once more, with the everlasting decision of who will be this EC’s final winner.

Match info:
Date: 18 / 12 / 2007
Time: 22.00 CET
Shoutcast: QuadV TosspoT

I’ve asked both teams for a little statement:
Quote by snoopI can't really predict our chances. The skill between EDiT and us should be kinda equal so I guess the shape of today and a bit of luck will decide the game.

Quote by oliWell everyone knew the lads were the under dogs at the beginning of the match.. except me, i knew they could pull of a result and they did. The fact that they lost goldrush by 2 seconds says it all. They definetly have it in them to win it and i'm confident they will.

The best of luck to both teams!