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Team YoYoTech ET reformed for CIC7

image: 24wg31j

After playing together for 2 years United Kingdom Team YoYoTech's Wolfenstein Enemy Territory squad decided the time had come to fold. At that point Belgium Jere and Netherlands Jo0f were asked by United Kingdom Ross to join a newly formed team. The line-up of the new team was the folowing: Jere Jo0f R0SS Toxic and Xanah. After playing some pracs we decided to drop Netherlands Jo0f, as the team wasn't really happy with him and he wasn't that happy with the team either. After that we heard Belgium Worm was again available for CIC7. We decided to ask him to complete our line-up and he was very pleased with our proposal. So hereby I present you the new YYT.ET Line-Up:

Belgium Jere - Jeroen Van Gool
United Kingdom R0SS - Ross Gracie
Malta Toxic - Steve Micallef
Belgium Worm - Wim De Buyser
Poland Xanah - Karol WoŸniak

CB HoN & R.U.S.E closed beta key give-away

image: clanbase%20logoS2 Games are having a closed beta on Heroes of Newerth and ClanBase has gotten a chance to give keys away for this exciting game, as well as give you a chance to participate in the Featured Beta tournament where S2 Games is giving $500 in cash prizes directly to the winner.

We have gotten a bunch of beta keys for the closed beta of the new exciting game Heroes of Newerth from S2Games, that we are giving to our registered users.
The first 100 beta keys are reserved to our VIP members on a first-come-first-serve basis.
The rest of the keys - we are giving out - also on a first-come-first-serve basis.

MW2 players banned by their ISP

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It seems like bad news about Infinity Wards latest Call of Duty title will not stop.

Some United States of America american players reported now, that they got contacted by their ISP for breaking the terms of use for their ISP contract. Since there are no dedicated servers in MW2 multiplayer, games are hosted by the players themselves (with the IW.net system), which runs over peer-2-peer connection, just like filesharing tools for example.
So the ISP accuses their customers for "excessive filesharing over a p2p network".

Infinity Ward has not released a statement yet, but there are alot of angry players raging over at the offical CoD forums.

This could also affect users in Germany germany and other Europe european countries, who's ISPs have similar terms of use in their contracts.

Source (German):

A Fresh Power at CiC7

image: logo4The previous eSuba team, now playing under the wings of Power Gaming, have changed their line up once more to beat inactivity.
They will be attending to CiC7 with the following players:

Czech Republic Jan "paradox-" Duchon
Czech Republic Nikolaj "Mazarini" Lazarev
Czech Republic Lubomír "Luboshmir" Pešák
Netherlands Erik "Froster" van den Biggelaar
Netherlands Nick "toxjee" Hol

The Dutchman Froster has recently joined the squad, and now also toxjee was added to the line up. The player is well known for his achievements in ButtonBashers and Serious Gaming.

Toxjee had the following to say to Cadred:
Quote by Nick "toxjee" HolAfter the serious gaming team I played for broke up due to lineup issues I went semi inactive, waiting for an offer, but not really looking for one, to join a new team. I played with a few different clans mixing and playing in cups, HoN (I am too good at it) and minigolf (unbeaten!). I got asked by Froster to play some matches with Power Gaming.

While we were playing it took off really well felt good playing with them. They're loads of fun, almost no whining and they all have really good team play. After that we played for a week or two and they then told me that I fitted into the team just right and they wanted me to join properly. I will be going with them to CiC7, so make sure I see you there!

Today they had their first official in the ESH Roccat SDMS cup. They won from Team Dignitas with 13-5 on the map crossfire, which surely means a great start and a confidence boost for the new line up.

The side is looking to achieve at CiC7 and we wish them the best of luck!

EarlyXmasRTCWCup - PlayOffs

image: abc
image: 5z2zxz

The Groupstage of the Early Xmas RTCW-Cup finally ended yesterday with the last match in which EuropeChaos have beaten EuropeFallanx 4-0.

Concluding the passed three weeks, three of the groups ended the way everyone would have expected them to be. United Kingdom118, EuropeChaos and EuropeNo Pressure all went through undefeated and deservedly took the BYE to the Quarterfinals.

Only SwedenKiH could not live up to the expectations. It was HungaryCave who out of nowhere first defeated Finlandfixed, then KiH and finally also EuropeiAm to top group A.

This loss for KiH will be something they will be hauted with for some time. Not only they don't recieve a BYE for the single elimination brackets but also their oponent in the quarter finals - should they get past Fallanx - is none other than 118.

The full randomely generated brackets can be found here
The final standings in the groups can be seen here

The maps in for the playoffs will be determined by mapelimination with the team who placed worse in the groupstage starting to eliminate first. If a decider is needed the maps are eliminated from the remaining 4, the lower placed team starting to eliminate first again.
As reminder - the mappool for the cup is: ice, base, assault, beach, frostbite, village

The timelimits for the games are:
1/8 finals - 09.12-13.12
1/4 finals - 14.12-16.12
1/2 finals - 17.12-20.12
finals asap
Matches can also be played earlier

[center]Groups - Brackets - Demos - #rtcw-cup[/center]

Quake Live Update 9.12

image: 3372328

Today id released a major update for Quake Live, feat. the biggest changelog ever.

New hitboxes, weapon balancing, map changes. The latest Quake Live Update brings alot of changes.
Finally you can also kick and ban players from private servers.

You can find the full detailed changelog and a statement from developer SyncError about the hitbox changes below:

* Hitbox Changes – We fully expect there to be a required adjustment period for most players. Some players may find the change subtle and adjust quickly while others may need 3-7 days to adjust. Once adjusted you should find that the new hitbox provides a more consistent game play experience, it will be slightly easier to dodge and hitting other players can feel more rewarding.
* Increased Server Framerate – In addition to providing a smoother gameplay experience, the increased server framerate also addresses an issue that was occurring with the lightninggun. The lightinggun will now fire at a consistent rate, something that was not possible (with great precision) under the previous server settings. You may notice that the LG will sound ‘better’ when hitting consecutive shots, rather than the hitbeeps sounding staggered.
* True Vertexlighting – The new style of vertexlighting present in the maps updated this evening more closely resemble the Quake III Arena style of vertexlight. No lightmap data is referenced, so all shadowing is removed from the level. The end result will be a fairly brighter look and if your visuals have been configured for the other maps you may need to adjust your r_gamma and/or r_mapoverbrightbits to find acceptable settings. While currently only present on these maps, the plan moving forward is that all maps will have true vertexlighting when in vertex light mode.

Web Changes
* New Home Welcome Page – The site now has a new Welcome Page on the home, and the ability to specify which ‘Home’ section you default to upon logging in.
* New Registration Process – The account registration process has been overhauled and is now much more streamlined than the previous process.

Game Changes
* Added HitCylinders – A cylindrical collision box is now used for weapon hit detection. The previous axis aligned cuboid hitbox is still used for player movement collision.
* Fixed Extrapolation Issues – Improvements to client prediction of enemy models to more accurately draw the location of your enemies’ models.
* Changed Server Framerate – Servers now run at an increased framerate (sv_fps 40) for a smoother play experience. No adjustments need to be made by the player to take advantage of the new server framerate.
* Fixed Post Processing Issue – Fragment program optimizations, may result in slightly improved framerates.
* Changed Rocket Splash near Edges – We have altered how splash damage is calculated when rockets explode on steps, stairs and ledges.
* Changed Lightninggun Damage – The lightninggun now deals 7 damage per cell (no damage falloff).
* Fixed Projectiles through Angled Walls – Fixed projectiles going through walls in certain instances (popular examples: angled walls on t4 & t9)
* Fixed Scoreboard Ping Calculation – Addressed an issue that caused the players ping on the scoreboard to be incorrectly inflated.
* Added cg_impactSparks <0|1> (Default: 0)
o 0 – Disabled
o 1 – Causes the enemy to spark when they are hit by any non-explosive weapons
* Added cg_impactSparksLifetime <0/1000> (Default: 250)
o Time in milliseconds before impactSparks fade out.
* Added cg_impactSparksSize <2/16> (Default: 8)
o Adjust the size of the impactSparks.
* Added cg_impactSparksVelocity <-128/128> (Default: 128)
o Speed in which impactSparks gravitate up or down.
* Changed TeamOverlay Information – The TeamOverlay information is now arranged to display a players health and armor information closer to their name, and will by default no longer include their clan tag on the TeamOverlay.
* Added cg_clanOnTeamOverlay <0|1> (Default: 0)
o 0 – Do not display clan tag information in Team Overlay
o 1 – Display clan tag information in Team Overlay
* Changed cg_drawTeamOverlay <0|1|2|3> (Default: 1)
o 0 – Disabled
o 1 – Draw TeamOverlay in Upper Right Corner. The TeamOverlay will expand down as the team size grows.
o 2 – Draw TeamOverlay in Lower Right Corner. The TeamOverlay will expand up as the team size grows. *NEW*
* Added cg_drawTeamOverlayX <-640/640> (Default: 0)
o Offset the TeamOverlay right or left from its current position by the specified number of pixels along the x-axis.
* Added cg_drawTeamOverlayY <-480/480> (Default: 0)
o Offset the TeamOverlay up or down from its current position by the specified number of pixels along the y-axis.
* Added cg_drawTeamOverlayOpacity <0.00-1.00> (Default: 0.33)
o Alter the opacity of the TeamOverlay background.
* Added cg_drawFullWeaponBar <0|1> (Default: 1)
o 0 – Draw only currently held weapons on the weaponBar
o 1 – Draw all weapons available in the map on the weaponBar
* Added cg_drawItemPickups <0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7> (Default: 0)
o 0 – Disabled
o 3 – Draw Icon + Item Name on Pickup
o 7 – Draw Timestamp + Icon + Item Name on Pickup
* Changed cg_lowAmmoWarningSound <0|1|2> (Default: 1)
o 0 – Disabled
o 1 – Low Ammo Clip Reload Sound played for Low Ammo, No Ammo Click Sound played for No Ammo
o 2 – No Ammo Click Sound played for both Low and No Ammo *NEW*
* Added cg_lowAmmoWeaponBarWarning <0|1|2> (Default: 0)
o 0 – Disabled
o 1 – Draw weaponBar ammo value in red when empty
o 2 – Draw weaponBar ammo value in yellow when low and red when empty
* Fixed cl_mouseAccel issue – Setting cl_mouseAccelOffset 0 was causing a divide by zero error that would cause you to lose your mouselook.
* Fixed Lightninggun Impact Errors – The lightninggun impacts for other players were often not drawn, or when drawn, positioned incorrectly.
* Fixed sv_floodprotect – Floodprotect code utilized by drop cmds was flawed, making it possible for ‘next command time’ to be prolonged.
* Changed the default cg_crosshairHitStyle from 0 to 2 – By default, the crosshair will now blink red when you hit an enemy. The blink color is controlled by the cg_crosshairHitColor cvar.
* Added Sorlag Player models Shader Definition – Added the missing Sorlag shader definition to address picmipping issues.
* Removed snaps cmd – As noted above, the clientside setting of a snaps cvar is no longer necessary. Clients automatically run at the appropriate rate regardless of the server’s framerate settings.

New Private Server Features
* Added kickban – command is now available to server owners and server ops
* Added banlist – command is now available to server owners and server ops
* Added unban – command is now available to server owners and server ops
* Added stopserver – command is now available to server owners
* Added opsay – command is now available to server owners and server ops
* Added Admin PassVote – Server owners and server ops may vote on their own callvote to instantly pass the vote. This allows owners and ops to force map switches.

Map Changes
* QZDM6 – Campgrounds
o Clipping fixes, more maneuverability around the center ad.
o Z-fighting fixed on center ad scaffolding and lower staircase.
o Dirtmap lighting in lightmap mode.
o True Vertexlighting in vertex mode.
* QZDM8 – Brimstone Abbey
o Clipping fixes.
o Z-fighting fixes.
o Texture realignments.
o Dirtmap lighting in lightmap mode.
o True Vertexlighting in vertex mode.
* QZDM13 – Lost World
o Clipping fix near Quad scaffolding.
o Clipping fix lightninggun staircase.
o Z-fighting fixed in 8 locations.
o Bridge slats fixed, were misaligned.
o Megahealth and Lightninggun doorway arches slightly enlarged.
o One 25 health bubble removed near lightninggun in Duel gametype.
o Dirtmap lighting in lightmap mode.
o True Vertexlighting in vertex mode.
* QZTOURNEY7 – Furious Heights
o TDM Item location changes, quad more centralized
o Dirtmap lighting in lightmap mode.
o True Vertexlighting in vertex mode.
* QZTOURNEY9 – House of Decay
o Fixed camping/hiding exploit in GL YA’s ad
o Fixed lighting fixture placement.
o Slightly moved spawn points to reduce spawn fragging.
o Dirtmap lighting in lightmap mode.
o True Vertexlighting in vertex mode.
* ZTNTOURNEY1 – Blood Run by ZTN
o Fixed camping on clip exploit between RG and teleporter.
o True Vertexlighting in vertex mode.


Wolfenstein ressurected?

New information has surfaced regarding long awaited patch for Wolfenstein. Our beloved community manager United States of America Sokal whom kept in silence for months like a mute partisan have made a post on official Wolfenstein forum informing us about changes and fixes that the patch will introduce.

While Wolfenstein did not life up to it's promises and generally didn't get warm reception from players, this patch makes bold statement that developers still care about their fans and do not wish to see their game abandoned.

Very important changes and fixes are listed below:

- Players will now receive their proper gold and stats at the end of the match instead of occasionally losing their gold and upgrades
- New legal text
- Global chat is now UNavailable in spectator mode
- Objective explosions don't count towards team kills (they will however still kill a player)
- The dedicated servers will now sort correctly by ping
- A waiting bar has been added when waiting for the servers to appear
- When the player goes into the game, the auto-assign selection is highlighted gold instead of black
- Competition mode (all unlocks available, option to turn off the arrows above enemy players)
- MP43 and MP40 are adjusted in terms of damage, range and accuracy.
- Pressing T will bring up the chat box without also entering the letter T as the first letter
- Panzershrek has more splash damage
- Veil Sight drains veil energy more quickly
- Ironsights is more effective
- Amount of ammo picked up off of dead players is reduced.

No release date has yet been given, but according to post more information will follow soon

This patch is a second step on a ladder of success that will help to make Wolfenstein great competitive game. Now we have to wait on what WolfPro team will be able to offer us, with a help of long ago promised SDK.

EMS on Monday

image: ems_fall_match
The third and last match week ended officially on Sunday. Nevertheless we have got some wildcarded matches which will be played these days. If you think that all is clear already, then you failed! There are still various decisions to be made.

Update: match will be played tonight 22 CET. Read on for more details!

One hour later we have an equally skilled match with two european topteams facing each other. Europe ESL Winners!! face Europe nOu way. If Europe nOu take this win home they win their group and thus directly qualify for the playoffs!
image: s_headimage: s_news
Europe ESL Winners !!

Poland dialer
Poland wiaderko
Netherlands perfo
Sweden NuggaN
United Kingdom Meez
Germany sNoOpimage: s_news
Europe nOu way

Poland zMk
Poland Frag`Stealer
Netherlands LavOd
Netherlands joshua
Slovakia filuS
Hungary Noniximage: s_border_shortimage: s_news
image: game14951

ESL Matchlink - ESL EU ET Mainpageimage: s_foot
Quotewe were praccing a bit but i am almost sure it just wont be enough to take them down, already played couple games against them and they were by far the strongest opponent. But with a bit of luck we can surprise :)

QuoteIt's not how many dogs you bring to the fight, but how much fight is in the dogs. I can assure you in preparation for this ESL Masters Series tournament game in Enemy Territory we have stuck to a strict training regiment. Oh and Booboo is definitely not happy.

eCW face TAG in EC LB Final

image: cbecxxkdk

The Clanbase Eurocup takes to the stage on Monday night as TAG and eCW to fight it out in the Loser Bracket Final of CB EC XX. For the winner the right to face off against finlands finest in the grand final of this seasons Eurocup, for the loser, a nice shiny bronze medal next to their name.

image: shead

image: snews

Europe TAG

Netherlands Lightning
Netherlands Hope
Croatia rimi
Finland lettu
Germany zerender
Latvia Clown

image: snews

Europe eCW

Poland dialer
Poland wiaderko
Netherlands perfo
Netherlands teKoa
United Kingdom Meez
Germany snoop
image: sbordersho

Time: 21:30 CET
Maps: Not announced
ETTV: GamesTV Link
Hosting: ClanBase

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MixMix win Intel Sunday Night Cup #1

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