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ESL Summer 1on1 Grand Final

The Summer is coming to its end and we present the first Grand Final of our Enemy Territory Summer League 09. The first Grand Final will be the final match of the 1on1 competition.

75 players signed up for the Enemy Territory 1on1 Summer League. The best 32 players joined Play Offs. The Grand Final will take place today at 19:00 CEST.

Will the alltime favourite Poland voiler again take the crown as the best 1on1 player? France Kartez is for sure a worthy opponent as he is ranked third in our prestigeus 1on1 ladder. Both faced and overcame strong opponents in the playoffs. See as follows:
The road to the grandfinal
Poland voiler

win vs Sweden son1c
win vs Spain magico
win vs Netherlands JALLAAA
win vs Finland vokki
France Kartez

win vs Poland cRkje
win vs Netherlands saken
win vs Estonia JyrkZ
win vs Germany Gumball
image: game13725

All eyes on the EuroCup XX

With CC7 announced and CoD6 on the list, you shouldn't forget the current EuroCup running for CoD4. Some of the teams have surprised and attended the previous Crossfire Challenges doing an incredible performance on LAN, such as the Czech powerhouse Czech Republic esuba.

Compared to ET's EuroCup, this one is much bigger! With 24 teams performing in the first group stage the ClanBase crew invited 28 teams in total, seperated in 20 direct invites and 8 teams for qualifiers.

Direct invites

Belgium Rodcad Call Of Duty 4
Czech Republic eSuba.AMD.SAPPHIRE
Europe Deathless Gaming
Finland JiggawOOh
Finland xtothed
France H2k-Gaming - Thermaltake
Germany Team SPEEDLINK
Germany mTw.Mindfactory
Hungary iNFiNiTY*SKiLLS
Netherlands The Imperial
Poland Universal Soldiers
Portugal noProfile.LP
Romania ManiaX eSports
Spain xt6 Gaming by probytes
Sweden mo_O.se
United Kingdom Vitriolic Gaming - SteelSeries
United Kingdom wildSTAR
United Kingdom YYT.AMD Eurocup Account


Finland -=@)Pelipojat from Finland(@=-
Germany The UGLY Smiley Crew
Hungary Team GIGABYTE
Europe Bai-Bye [Eurocup XX]
United Kingdom YNC videos
Turkey RRush Gaming
Italy Cubesports.AMD
Netherlands druidz.MW2 * Qpad * Gigabyte


Euro Cup XX
Details: Cup page
Participants: 24
Direct Invites: 20
Qualifiers: 8

Previous Season Winners
Germany TBH.MSI
Portugal noLife.LP
Europe H2K.Thermaltake

OpenCup (S&D)
Paricipants: 504
Details: Cup page
If you are looking for names such as United Kingdom MYM, Sweden fnatic or Germany SK Gaming, you should remember fnatic's announcement to boycott the euro cup (and their team is quite inactive) and SK Gaming releasing their team due to lack of perfomance a few weeks after CDC4. United Kingdom MYM, rather known as United Kingdom The Last Resort as runner-up on CDC4 is nowhere to be found in this list.

The EuroCup has been covered by Tek9 and Cadred.org in the past years, if you want to follow this event, keep up to date with them.

Italian Lan attendee?

image: wolf

As United Kingdom Impact is a quite known name for the Enemy Territory scene with England eVo sending numerous of teams to different Crossfire lan events this is not about them for once. There is another team formed for ages already: The Italian brand Italy Team Impact is established for years in Call of Duty. For a while they supported other games as well and succeeded with TF2 as example. Now they introduced their new Wolfenstein team with an entire Italian line up:
  • Italy Juan 'mama' Pilloni
  • Italy Michele 'vegeta' Vanga
  • Italy Massimo 'Asdino' Tarsitani
  • Italy David 'hUMY' Patacchini
  • Italy Michele 'sponge' Garzoni
  • Italy Marco 'Ryu' Sanfilippo (backup)

Announced yesterday, the reputated clan made his first step in the wolf scene with ItalySpainGermany mamalukes, known for numerous participations in ET's EuroCups and at Crossfire's LAN events.

There was nothing announced about attending the CC7 as Wolf team, but Italy vegeta added the following statement:

Quote by Statement of Michele 'vegeta' Vanga "We are very pleased to be joined by a multigaming important as that of the impact. In the coming months we will give our best to keep up the good name of the team and get good results both in Italy and in Europe."

Source: Impact.it

Update: The team will most likely be going to CC7, it's not confirmed to happen yet though.

Crossfire Challenge 7 Announced!

The Crossfire Challenge 7 is approaching and its time for the basic information of the event so that you can start planning your trip to lovely Enschede again!

CC7 will run on the first weekend of March - The 5th through the 7th at the WZZRD Gaming Center in Enschede once again. The event will run the following game titles, Enemy Territory, Modern Warfare 2, Wolfenstein. We will as per the last few events be bringing in extra PC's to expand the venues to capacity to handle the multi game tournaments.

Belgians to get blurred vision?

image: banner1

Who will go to the Upper Round of EuroCup XX Qualifiers? Who will already secure a spot in the group phase? Find out today!

BelgiumBest players Belgium ever had will try to make their comeback into EuroCup. After being disallowed because of cheating scandal in the past, they have missed a couple of battles. They served their time and now they want to prove to everyone that they're still top team without any external programs.
They have been paired with PolandBlurred vision. The sooner the EC announcement show was, the harder they were practicing. Is this tough enough for the Belgians?

Brink in September

image: newbriewe

Brink has grabbed the spotlight in September, with plenty of news, interviews, previews and content floating around. The multiplayer component of Brink is building up quite nicely, and is based on the similar team experience found in the Wolfenstein series. There are plenty of video interviews and Q&As going into a lot of detail on the multiplayer, even though Brink won't see the shelves for a further six months. As expected from Splash Damage, Brink won't be a regular FPS. The game will feature up-to 8 player Co-op throughout Campaign mode, as well as a few other surprises. Richard Ham described some of the advanced modifications Splash Damage have made to the id Tech 4 engine - to quote (not exact), Splash Damage have pretty much made it their own engine, with plenty of stuff re-written from scratch. A new feature added to the engine will only add textures to the memory that you can see, allowing high detailed textures - hence superior graphics. More information on this can be seen in the video interview.

image-et open beta

image: image-et.banner

image-et is a tool designed with the goal of implementing state-of-the-art camera effects to Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory.

  • Multi-threaded writes and gpgpu processing improve capture performance (50x)
  • Ingame cvars allow realtime preview and scripting of all settings
  • Off-screen rendering enables capture at any resolution even when minimized
  • Captures are sorted by demo name and timestamp
  • Console can be used while capturing
  • Enhanced capture precision allows timescaling at any given fps

EC Invites & Qualifiers

image: banner1

QuoteTonight Clanbase announced the EuroCup invites and qualifiers. After a quick chat with Poland[CB] Homer about the invites and qualifiers he announced this season's EC with 4 teams getting a direct invite and 16 teams getting a qualifier battling for a spot in EuroCup XX in 8 matches of biblical proportions!

One of the most boring things ever: CB Radio. After endlessly listening to crappy music and even more boring voices announcing loads of things I couldn't care less for the time finally came! ET EuroCup XX! Special guest SwitzerlandGifty was a welcome addition to the show but nevertheless the whole thing was pretty dull.So what did we learn today? Next time just release a list instead of making a CB radio show.

Direct Invites
Estoniabossid - sixty
Finland Masculine Mans
Belgium Team YoYoTech

Full CB Qualifier list

TheImperial venture into Wolf

image: the_imperial_logo

After a few quiet months for The Imperial and the loss of several teams we decided to venture into a new scene, which is none other than Wolfenstein. The game which is a follow on from the popular Enemy Teritory has already been picked up by several big organisations such as; Team Dignitas and Celsus.

The Imperial's brand new Wolfenstein team comes in the form of an all UK lineup, formally known as one4one. The team has had some recent sucess in the very popular Wolfenstein Gather Cups. Having come 2nd behind Dignitas in the 1st Season and then winning the 2nd season, the guys have shown they are one of the best.

d&b aToOn.

image: atoon_logo

After a short time the team #invictus.et finally has a good and stable lineup for upcoming Clanbase season
Belgiumdim , Hungary dxtr and Estonia sCope already played together in Europe invictus.et.
The new faces of the Lineup are Germany ScaTmaN and Russia JOkE
With that lineup and upcoming backup players which we still search we hope to be a part of the upcoming Europe OC Premier League

Germany aToOn-ScaTmaN_
Belgium aToOn-dim
Estonia aToOn-sCope
Hungary aToOn-dxtr
Russia aToOn-JOkE

Short Statement of Germany aToOn|alien
[qWe are happy to give this good and willing team support in ET. Our effort in ET has started in 2004 and we are glad to still have teams playing for us in this game. In the past years we have already had several contacts with Scatman and wish him and his team the best of luck.[/q]

Statement of Germany aToOn ScaTmaN_
QuoteI hope we can be a part of the upcoming OC Premier League to make good results for us and aToOn

Contact : #invictus.et and #a.ToOn @ Quakenet

image: atoon
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