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The reason behind the departure!

It has been only one or two days since 4i have announced that FinlandSquall will not play with them at the Crossfire Prizefight. Leaving 4i.et with a big problem just before this event is about to start. But what are the reasons for this departure? Not one good reason was given untill now..
It seems that Squall has left 4i.et to hook up with former idle squad, Dignitas. Making the Dignitas lineup for CPC 2 the following :

Finland Squall
Estonia r3vers
Germany urtier
Germany senji
Estonia reload
Slovenia jakazc

I hooked up with Squall to talk to him about his departure from 4i and his future at Dignitas

Hi Squall, first of all congrats on joining probably on of the most powerful teams around! How does it feel to actually be part of the dignitas team?

Well, thanks haha! It feels great you know, everyone knows dignitas is pretty much the best team around and when they asked me some time ago about the last spot in their team I was quite suprised and very honored to be picked! :):)

I can imagine that! But you leaving 4i in this way leaves some pretty big questionmarks about your loyalty towards the team? This because of the fact that 4i will attend CPC 2 aswell, why this last-minute switch?

Hmm, this is indeed something I had to think about for quite some time before I could make a decision. I had so many good times with 141 ( red. 4i. ) that it really broke my heart if I was to leave them. But on the other hand this was a one time oppurtunity to play on a skill level at which I have never played before! And I think that was the main reason I made the switch, playing on a higher level.. Thats why I play the game, I wanna be the best and play with the best to beat the best

You sound like one motivated player! Last question: What is to become of you and the team when Estonia Night returns after CPC2?

Ofcourse we have spoken about this inside the team but I can not give you any information about this at this point

Well, thanks for the interview, good luck at CPC 2 and play well!

Haha, no problem!

Now we can only wait for the 13th of April to see in what way FinlandSquall will replace EstoniaNight at the upcoming CPC

And allthough the timing might make you think otherwise, this is not a april fools joke..

K1ck eSports with ET squads!

[img|RIGHT]http://img365.imageshack.us/img365/728/k1cknc4.jpg[/img]March 31, 2007 - One of the biggest multigaming organisations placed in portugal recently announced their step into the Enemy Territory again. K1ck eSports Club took two talented and ambitious teams to their organisation. On the one hand we have an all portugues lineup including several nationscup players known from former organisations such as Exotic Island and nofid Gaming. The team consists of the following players:

Portugal K1ck Blade (cap)
Portugal K1ck Moose
Portugal K1ck Qkr
Portugal K1ck Spawn
Portugal K1ck Setup
Portugal K1ck Sexclick
Portugal K1ck Agon
Portugal K1ck Mno
Portugal K1ck Porter

On the other hand we have a skilled european team formerly known under the name of Pingwins. They have already proven to be one of europes bests with getting into the playoff's of last years Clanbase Eurocup. In addition to that do they take part in the invite tournament ET Masters as well - reaching the playoffs, too. The european lineup looks like this:

Netherlands K1ck lightning (cap)
Netherlands K1ck abort
Netherlands K1ck bullvox
Germany K1ck chaoz
Germany K1ck zerender
Switzerland K1ck GuNnEr

Good luck to both teams and a warm welcome to another multigaming organisation entering the ET scene.

K1ck eSports | #K1ck | #K1ck.et

EuroCup XV - The invitations

image: ecinviteshn8
This Sunday Clanbase will give out their yearly Eurocup invitations to the strongest teams in every featured game. Again Enemy Territory got a Eurocup and with this as a fact there will be most likely 20 european top teams fighting for the victory and hardware prizes sponsored by Steel-Series.

An unknown number of teams will get a direct invite to this tournament which means they do not have to play the qualifiers. The remaining spots will be given to the winners of the eurocup qualification, again the participants will be announced by Clanbase. Almost every top team will take part at the ClanBase Spring Season 2007 – for example Team Dignitas, zeroPoint! Gaming, The Last Resort and the brand new Insignia Cadre.

The announcement will take place on Sunday 1st April starting at 19:00 CET Europe , and will be covered live on air by United Kingdom Paul "ReDeYe" Chaloner of quadV. With a mass of interviews, and also a live Skype phone-in to get your views out to the community, check inside for what is instore this coming Sunday...

As with every season of the ClanBase EuroCup, we aim to see a congregation in our designated IRC channel #EuroCup on QuakeNet to witness the list of invitees and qualification games for our EuroCup season.

Each cup will be announced in the timeslots shown below, and will also be broadcast on radio by Video Game Commentator United Kingdom ReDeYe of quadV who will also be hosting a new feature this season; a live Skype phone-in, where you can contact ReDeYe (skype-nickname: quadvredeye) directly on the air and talk about your views to all listeners! In addition to interviews with players and the ClanBase Crew responsible, coverage will be pushed to the maximum for this momentous occassion. As usual there will be ofcourse the announcement in IRC at the same time in #Eurocup @ Quakenet.

Intel Core 2 Extreme Challenge

image: 53642-challengeThe "Intel® Core™2 Extreme Challenge" has landed!

Intel are hosting a series of events across CS 1.6, CS:S and CoD2 platforms from April 11th. Gamers have the chance to win a share of prizes worth over £12,000 and pit their skills against some of Europe’s finest professional gamers.

Events include:
- 3 major team-based tournaments each offering £3,000 in cold hard cash!
- Single-play mini tournaments with £750 up for grabs every week.
- 2 Q&A/Pro-play sessions. Play with Europe’s top gamers!

The event is hosted by some of the UK’s leading community sites including HEXUS, CSGN, SGL,Enemy Down, UKCT Devotii. An expert panel of pro-gamers and industry experts will be on hand throughout the tournaments to provide regular updates, tips and tricks.

Crossfire is honoured to be one of the pre selected coverage partners for this tournament and will alongside other top gaming media organisations such as iTG, QuadV, ESReality and Gotfrag be offering indepth analysis of the whole tournament.

Find out more on this exciting new online league and signup at Challenge.Hexus.net

Turning Vicious and Evil...

After the departure of the Sweden KiH team, multigaming organisation Germany Vicious and Evil were looking for another team to fill the empy spot in VAE. Weeks full of work have passed and after receiving some nice offers, we are now finally proud to present to you our new EnemyTerritory Squad. The former one4one ET-Squad will play under the flag of Vicious and Evil for the future.


Finland Harri ( Iron )
Finland Tuomas ( Lepari )
Scotland Druwyn ( rAZz )
England Mike ( Sheep )
Switzerland Antonio ( vegi )
Europe Mr ()

Leader England Sheep, has this to say,
QuoteThe main consideration taken into account whilst negotiating in talks with VAE, was the support they could provide us with in order to attend upcoming LAN events, most notably the Crossfire Prizefight Challenge 2. Our previous team were unable to accomodate our needs which lead us to set out on a quest for another home.

VAE have what we need in regards to both online and offline support, which proved to be the predominant trait in our decision making. We hope for a long and sucessful partnership with the VAE organisation and will be hoping to exceed the expectations set upon us by both the management team and the Enemy Territory community.

VAE CEO, Germany panni, stated,
QuoteNot being double-present in the ET-Scene for the past few months was no option for us, and I think the 141 team is a superb substitution for our KiH mates. Let's look into a bright future with some cups, leagues and events. Not only with VAE.ET, but with the whole henhouse. Welcome and have a good time!

Without Finland Squall, who broke his graphic card, they faced the new team of the almighty Finland mystic, who played for teams like parodia. They weren't able to beat them on Supply nor Frostbite.

vae 0 vs. 4 Impact

England Sheep, Scotland razz, Finland Iron, Finland Lepari, Switzerland vegi, Finland Infragtes

Impact Gaming
Finland Xpaz, Finland mystic, Finland tiigeri, Finland raveneye, Netherlands teKoa, Netherlands m1lk

You will be able to see the new Team at the upcoming Crossfire Prizefight Challenge 2 in Netherlands Enschede.

Negative become Cardre!

image: cadre
Today, Insignia-Cadre are proud to announce the latest expansion in their all-round roster. The fresh expansion features a game that's none other than Enemy Territory! The team itself is a Finnish team named as Negative-Image, who now becomes Insignia Cadre's ET squad. Negative-Image is ranked 1st in Finnish Rankings, and belongs to TOP 6 group in the world.

Here is the line-up of cadre.ET:

Finland Leo " Lettu" Haasanen
Finland Tino " chmpp" Valle
Finland Jussi " twidi" Tiipiö
Finland Tuomo " MulSu" Rissanen
Finland Roberto " auron" Aarnio
Finland Mikko " kmble" Meskanen

Statement from Leo "Lettu" Haasanen:

"For a long time we were looking for suitable multigaming to support us and now finally we have found just that. We are happy to be a part of this well respected huge Finnish organisation and having the support of them helping us to do well ingame. Also we are looking forward to be competing in EuroCup and CPC3 and building a name for cadre in Enemy Territory."

Statement from Cadre Management:

"As we have said out earlier, one of Insignia Cadre's missions is to help Finnish top teams to find an ideal playing circumstances and an organisation where everyone supports each other despite the game or role. Now it is time for us to spread our arms to the Enemy Territory world and welcome the best Finnish ET -team among us! At the same time we will start to work on to build also the news crew for ET and this way give our input to increase and develop ET-scene."

Arachon[/b] caught up with Mulsu fora short interview]

Hello Mulsu and congratulations on joining Insignia Cadre, how did you guys get in touch with this MGC?
Lettu handled all communications with Cadre and contacted them with email afaik.

It is surely a big deal to join a big MGC like this. It says on the webpage that you guys going to compete at CPC3, does this mean you guys have support from Cadre?
We just joined to mgc and we are still getting to know each others. So lets not jump ahead of things :)

Thank you for this small interview and good luck in the future. Any shout outs?
No shoutouts this time !

Soure: www.cadred.org

4I vs Impact & NETR vs -img tonight!!

image: newsbanner

Tonight sees too massive games in the ET masters tournament with the latter of the games being the last match for one team.

Winners Bracket Round 1[/u]

Europe 4I 0:4 United Kingdom Impact Gaming
Time: 21:00 CET
Maps: TBA 1 hour before the game

These teams are yet to meet in an official however Europe 4I have looked very strong recently taking clean wins over all opponents faced so far including the top seed in their group Poland Netrunners.

United Kingdom Impact however have lost to United Kingdom TLR and taken only 4:2 wins over both Belgium cZar and Netherlands Morrigu so their route to the knockout stages has not been so clean.

The winner of this match will set themselves up with a round 2 WB clash with the inform Sweden Zeropoint Gaming squad whereas the loser will drop down to face United Kingdom Auxilia in the next round.

Loosers Bracket Round 2[/u]

Poland Netrunners 4:0 Finland Negative Image
Time: 21:00 CET
Maps: TBA 1 hour before the game

Poland Netrunners have been playing quite a few officials recently having beaten Sweden Zeropoint in the match for money game where they looked very strong whilst then following that up with a loss at the hands of United Kingdom TLR yesterday evening. Although a TLR win was expected by many so was a win by zP yet the poles have managed to beat the odds on that occasion. Most would consider Poland Netrunners favorites ahead of tonights game yet their form has been inconsistent to say the least so who knows what will happen tonight.

Finland Negative Image kick started their ET Masters campaign with a massive upset beating the highly rated Europe Polar eSports side 4:0 and going on from there to secure qualification of the group in 1st place. They then came up against Europe Pingwins it an incredibly exciting game which saw them beaten 4:2 on a tie break map. The odds would show that as an unexpected result so just the same as their opponents tonight Poland Netrunners you could argue that img are also struggling for consistency in their form.

What that leaves us with is a game where anything could happen but for one it will be the end of their ET masters tournament.

The CODQCUP reaches its final stages

image: codqcupyb6


After running for a week the CODQCUP has reached its final stages. 64 teams would battle out for the prizes made available by Qpad, Plantronics, X3Mservers and Noctua.

The cup features a groupstage and also a playoff stage with a winner and loser bracket. In the winner bracket the french team France emuLate surprised us all by cutting trough top teams such as United Kingdom dignitas and Netherlands Serious Gaming (old ixus / digitalMind) (EuroCup Gold and Silver medalists). They have taken the lead in the winner bracket and will meet with Netherlands Serious Gaming yet again in the CODQCUP finals.

The fearless team of Serious Gaming look eager to proof they are not to be messed with in their rematch versus France emuLate, who they lost against in the winner bracket. Now after defeating defeating United Kingdom Team Dignitas yesterday 13 to 8 Serious will get a chance to restore their image.

Date of the finals to be announced


Modus take down Adversus in Aus thriller

The biggest rivalry in Australian ET comes to a head tonight as hotshots Adversus take on Modus Operandi. A rivalry that has seen many a tough word said between the two will now come to a head after modus challenged the number one ranked team and back to back champions in the gamearena season 9 ladder, Adversus.

Without too much difficulty most ET fans will remember Modus from their time in Dallas at Quakecon 2005. However come 'The Ashes' match between Australia and Europe it was Adversus that not only ruled the roster but also were the reigning champions from down under. Infact adversus have beaten modus the last 5 times they've met.

And just to confound a current European debate, the match will be played best of 5 on Supply Depot!

Australia Modus 3-0 Australia Adversus
Time: 12:30 CET
Map: Supply Depot
ETTV: GamesTV.org

Modus Operandi:

Australia Shaggy (c)
Australia ikez0r
Australia chevron
Australia serp
Australia haste
Australia trac1d


Australia Iceman34
Australia noname-
Australia riCo
Australia dersaidin
Australia HM
Australia turismo[/hide]


Modus were simply too hot to handle as they rolled back the years in a 3-0 whitewash of their arch rivals. It was former advs' Ike's first victory over his old teammates and in the final round he delivered the finnishing blow with highest damage and kills. Though he may steal the headlines Chevron will take a notable chunk of the applause with an equally superlative display as engineer. Advs big guns Iceman and HM certainly pulled off some nice multi kills but it wasnt enough to stop the rot as MO ran out comfortable winners in this best of 5 game.

2 #eZ for us

image: ez

As the well known Eurocup approaches, we see new teams appearing just like mushrooms after a rainy day. Among these teams there is a team called #eZ. What does this team have to offer? A combination of motivated, skilled and experienced players that are there to give tough times for current top teams? Time will tell, you will decide.

People can say eZ isn't skilled, people can say eZ isn't experienced, but that will surely not take away the high motivation we currently keep up! We will be hoping for a chance to turn that motivation into good results, maybe such an opportunity will arise in the Eurocup? *fingers crossed*

Players on the spotlight:

- The team is lead by Finland decem. A multiclasser and bestest panzer, mostly known from constant xfirespam and teams like Finland #stfu? and Europe black magic.

- Airstrikes and Landmines are provided by Germany drago. A multiclasser with lots of experience, known from teams like Germany helix, Germany sTREETFIGHTERS and Germany id.no

Heart stopped? No problem, medical care is always there to give their support.
The group of highly trained doctors are:

- A 3on3 hero who is able to use smg and syringe, Norway Gjerry is known from teams such as Europe DMD, Europe Maybe and Sweden noll8

- Maybe not as known as some of the other players in the team, therefore might get easily underrated, if that happens, he is here to prove you wrong, Norway Kris known from teams such as Sweden noll8 and Belgium cZar

- A guy who has the title of medic and engineer, using pliers or throwing medpacks is no problem for him, France emoReJ known from team Europe Goliath - multigamingclanhoppers(dmize, rewind, nd)

- The rifles cost a lot :CCC in the team was trusted to none other than Belgium xAv, belgian powerhouse who surely takes good care of the only rifle our team was able to buy. Known from the latest Italy A+R team.

Backup roles for the team are being played by France momo and Belgium Kevin.

- France momo, who is also known as jph/joseph, is part of the medical care group. providing the team with healtpacks when needed. ex-teams include Europe Remedium and Italy A+R.

- Belgian Fieldopmaster Belgium Kevin helps the team by doing 5 man airstrikes and by providing ammo for those who shall need it. Known from latest Germany one4one and Belgium cZar

We are hoping to attend Eurocup.


Finland decem* (stfu?, bmagic)
Germany drago (helix, streetfighters, id.no)
Norway Gjerry (DMD, Maybe, noll8)
Norway Kris (noll8, cZar)
Belgium xAv (A+R)
France emoReJ (Goliath)
Belgium Kevin (one4one, cZar)
France momo (Remedium, A+R)[/hide]
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