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PGA Qualifiers, 5 Spots left

image: 1pga_27
Tonight is the last night for Signups for the two day PGA Digital Arena Qualifiers, with some 2,500 Euro's to be won this is a fantastic oppourtunity to take the first step to Poland and take on the other four Polish teams that will compete in a six team tournament for Polish Gold!

Signups close tonight at 22 GMT with the full brackets being released shortly after. So far 11 teams have signedup and we're looking for 5 more to complete the bracket and avoid BYE's in the opening rounds. The big boys are out in full force with recognisable names like idle, aMenti and zP, and with a packed field of hopeful's there is bound to be some phenominal games this Wednesday and Thursday night!

If you want to signup it costs just 10 Euros and to do so just contact [email protected] to complete your signup and get further information. The tournament will start at 19.00 CET tommorow night. Best of luck

taLa speaks: The interview

image: talaproSo here we are on Xfire 3. At times it looked as if the moment would never happen, and it certainly wouldn't but for the incredible efforts of our head coder,
Belgium taLamasca. At the Crossfire LAN in Rotterdam I took a few moments out with taLa to talk Xfire 3 and discover a little more about our reclusive creator, the results of which can now be seen in our brand new interviews section. Here's a short extract to whet your appetite:

QuoteI offer taLa the chair as there is only one, and we get down to the nitty gritty. The subject of course is xfire 3, and I begin by asking him just how much of a challenge the process of taking xfire from 2 to 3 has been. This clearly is a subject taLa can speak for a long time on. His eyebrows furrow, and I'm given the sort of look that says 'if only you knew'. He talks about the trials of practically rewriting the site in order to remove all the bugs, and starting the new version from the ground up. He reels through the list with speed, touching on security, expanding features, starting with a blank canvass, not to mention the ever changing objectives being placed before him. Ending with a sigh, this last point seems to weigh in almost heavy fashion on his mind. Having spoken with taLa on many occasions before the LAN, I have an idea what he might say when pressed for the reasons.

View the full interview here

Welcome to Crossfire 3!

Its been a long time coming, however Crossfire 3 is here and here to stay! The third installment of the Crossfire community has been expertly coded by the wonderful and tireless Belgium taLa to whom we all owe a great deal of thanks!

The past months have been a great effort to make this site a reality and we hope it will house the now ever larger Crossfire community once more! There is an upcoming change log and more formal launch later on Tuesday however notable features include:

- Movie Section - Add your own movies, rate other peoples movies and comment
- Clan Section - Create a page for your Clan and add all your information
- Tutorials - Tell the world how to make a movie or build a config
- GamesTV Feed - The Power of RSS brings GamesTV.org to Crossfire

And of course, much more that you'll find along the way!

In the mean time however, if you do find any bugs we'd highly appriciate you posting them in The Bug Forum Thread, if you dont tell us, we wont know!

Important: all user names that have non-standard characters in them, have been converted so that all of these characters have become an underscore. Allowed characters are: a-z, 0-9, A-Z, ., *, !, -, [ and ]. If your user name contains any characters that aren't listed here, you must log in by replacing those with an underscore. For example:

my~nick will become my_nick.

If your account still doesn't work after having done this, please contact us at #crossfire.

Enjoy the site, and feel free to contribute!

Warleagues: ET Season VII Opening Up

image: top_logo

This Monday evening the signups for Warleagues Season 7 opened up. Clans will be able to sign up untill Monday the 13th of November.

Sign up here: Click me!

All matches of Warleagues Season 7 will be played using the 6v6 format, using the Warleagues.com Season 7 Config and the latest ET & ETPro versions.

6on6 ET and GIGA 2 Live with English Stram

Tonight, the ESL will introduce you the ESL Fall Series with the official opening match at 23 CET. GIGA 2 will cover two ET matches tonight. The first match will be the official opening match of our 6on6 Fall Series. In division 1 Europe dtekt will face Austria Ultima Ratio on frostbite and SW Goldrush TE. At 23.30 CET it will be the IPS clash of vib facing diversus.

image: teaserxf

The second match will bring you the Russian team of Violence is Bad will facing the Polish top team diversus to gain some points and money in the rankings. Both met each other during the qualifiers and showed a close and hot fight, now they can prove they pracced much more and gain a better result for themself.

IPS and the match on sunday

image: ips This Sunday night we have uQ and diversus in the spotlight facing each other to get their first win in the IPS. The maps will be Braundorf and SW Goldrush, two known maps for both teams with established tactics up and running. At 20:30 CET both teams can prove and get in a better spot in the rankings.

QuoteStatement Germany uQ - chaoz: My statement is kinda the same shit as last week. The ET god seems not to be with us. Joop is leaving sunday morning for a class trip, he will be replaced by crajsor. We dont know yet what to do. If we're able to play diversus on sunday is not sure, but If you can expect an exciting match. Cant rate how strong they are since we never played them so far.
QuoteStatement Poland diversus - kot: We haven't been able to practise enough recently due to several problems, but we still believe that we can come out victorious of this match.

Battle of North America

For those who does not have anything better to do tonight at 3:00 CET, you will have the opportunity to watch the battle between United States and Canada. It is a battle of who will reign supreme in the North American continent, and who gets to flame who on the ET-center forum.

So far there has only been published one ETTV server for this match, but hopefully there will come more (me waves at GTV.org). The lineup of the Canadian forces has already been announced; a team that attended the 5v5 one-day cup just a week ago. The team to defend the honour of USA is a mix of players from different clans, it is however not linked with NationsCup team.

United States of America Team USA 2 4 Team Canada Canada
Time: Monday 23/10 9:00 PM EST (Tuesday 24/10 03:00 CET)
Maps: Fueldump, Crevasse_b2
ETTV: GamesTV.org

USA lineup:
United States of America sponge (c)
United States of America Blue
United States of America threebs
United States of America vader
United States of America eclipse
United States of America matt
United States of America paul

Canada lineup:
Canada Blazen (c)
Canada Animal
Canada Redzone
Canada Trapt
Canada Vegetable
Canada Boi

I was just told by sponge from TWL, who is the organizer of the match, that the game has been delayed to tomorrow. He also told me that he is the captain and which players will be playing for Team USA.

- ET-center

CoD2 Mignight Cup #2 Check In running!

image: teaser With the signups starting this thursday the cup was filled very quickly. Prepare yourself to check in the cup in the next 30 mins and to use your reservation to join the cup. Only 16 of 24 teams can check in and it is first come and first serve!

This system is first come first serve!
Check In: 21.10.2006 19:30 CET
Late Sign Up: 19.10 - 21.10.2006 19:45 CET

:: Cup Check In and late sign up
:: ESL News

The grid will be published before the first round is on its way.

If you missed to sign up you have to hope for other teams beeing too late and you can prepare to sign up after the chech in is closed at 19:45. The grid will be done as soon as 16 teams are in the cup and before the first round is coming up.

Crevasse_b2 released

Crevasse b1 has already featured on Lugafrag and made it into a few cups such as ET-Cup. Now, b2 is the solution to the somewhat bugged objectives in b1.

Major Changes include:
- Removing first button on gun (the one some people struggle to press)
- Moving gun slightly away from axis spawn
- Changing final objective to a grenadeable
- Allied CP instead of flag pole

For more information on the changes, see the Readme

Also, see readme on some trickjumplines Australia I included to show new players a few things.



CoD2 - iNfensus returns...sorta!

Call of Duty 1 superstars Cubic have returned to action, some of the artists formerly known as iNfensus have grouped together to form a powerful Swedish team for the upcoming WonderBase and PlayZ lans to be held in Sverige, all be it playing under the name cubic and not iNfensus!.

With an all Swedish lineup, and the obvious home soil advantage this team must instantly command respect, their names and reputation plus the lack of travel needed will aid them, however, their lack of time is going to hurt them. Cubic are as follows:

Sweden Bullovic
Sweden Slize
Sweden Lokkish
Sweden case
Sweden Toppe

Be sure to watch out for them in the coming months, and to find out more Ireland Crow has posted an introduction and interview over at CrowFrag.com
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