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Crossfire PrizeFight Challenge - CoD Results

It's been a long and hard event but I think everyone can agree it was a resounding success. Speedlink were toppled from their throne at last and as many predicted it was Dignitas who inevitably were the ones who could do it.

WHO Crew and kickR rolled back the years and surpassed all expectations in taking 3rd place but from the word go it was Dignitas making the headlines. After a surprisingly close playoff match against NWA, the UK heavyweights stepped up their game and absolutely steamrolled H2k to move on to the final with Speedlink lying in wait.

So began an epic affair spanning 3 maps that caught the atention of even the newest CoD fans. I was told last night by an avid ET player who shall remain nameless, "I don't know a thing about CoD, but that final was damn exciting!".

After losing on Dawnville, Speedlink were powerless to resist the force that was Team Dignitas and although they stalled it, taking a win on Toujane, there was only ever going to be one winner on Burgundy, the deciding map.

I would like to personally congratulate all the teams who attended the event and made it something special and of course especially the winners below. A big thanks as well to the whole admin team who really stepped it up all weekend and made this event almost trouble free.

I'd like to single out Raza in particular because although there were other guys doing an amazing job it was Raza who was working with me on the CoD tournament and his incredible work on the first day especially made my job a whole lot less stressful so <3 Raza. Congratulations as well to TosspoT who worked like a machine, day and night, for us all and without him the event could not have taken place as you all know.

Without further ado anyway, here are the winners of the CoD tournament and I think I speak for everyone at the event when i say a big thanks for puttnig on a great show!

1st Team Dignitas - €1,500
2nd Team Speedlink - €1,000
3rd WHO Crew - €500

Tournament MVP: Trainee (Dignitas)

Well done and see you next time!

Crossfire Prizefight LAN ET Standings

So the final standings for the Crossfire Prizefight PCGear.nl LAN are:

[*] Estonia Idle.ee - 1st
[*] Finland sFx - 2nd
[*] Netherlands Team-NL - 3rd

Congratulations to all involved! More coverage to come soon (when we get home). Thanks for watching.

#14 ET-Cup Final - MyLegend vs Rewind

image: u93

Result: Belgium MyLegend 2:4 Sweden Rewind

Its been a frantic day in the ET scene with the CPC in progress but that wasnt the only competition available for competitors this weekend. There was also the small matter of the #14 ET-Cup for people participating.

So after 4 grueling rounds, we are left with 2 to compete for the title of #14 ET-Cup Champion and enter the "Hall of Fame".

So how did Belgium MyLegend and Sweden Rewind get to where they are now, the final? All is revealed just by clicking "Read More" at the bottom of this post.

Here is the all important details for this exciting match!

Match: #14 ET-Cup Final
Teams: Belgium MyLegend vs Sweden Rewind
Date: Sunday, 3rd September 2006
Time: 21:00CET
ETTV: GamesTV - Match ID 1157


WoW moves from dtekt to Fear Factory!

image: 1879403201Beside emotions connected with Crossfire Prizefight Challange, whole scene is living normally. And this is normal situation. Enemy Territory squad (WoW) of Europe dtekt Gaming Association has parted ways with the multigaming clan. Now Poland Warriors of Wolfenstein team up with old and well know polish multigaming team Poland Fear Factory. The reasons for doing this was simple. WoW needed stronger partner which can provide them bigger support. Lineup of new FF.ET will be the same as dtekt.et earlier.

Inside you can statements from WoW and FF Managers aswell as current FF.ET lineup.

Warleagues Season 6 Alpha Group Final !


After an exciting Crossfire LAN party full with ups and downs, one would forget that some leagues ( Gamersnation & Warleagues ) are going to their end with some great matches ( finals ) ahead.
I'm more than happy to announce the Alpha Final for Warleagues Season 6 where Poland FF ( also known as WoW ) will take on Croatia elite !

Day 2 - Here we go!

Enemy Territory Grand Final Scheduled For 5:50pm

Live Video Streaming for the Enemy Territory Grand Final from Inside the Game-
You can tune in Here @ mms://media4.hosting.nob.nl/live1

After two days of ET we have finally got down to the last two teams, with a surprise win by sFx beating team.NL, they have now made it to the finals to play the tournament favourites idle.ee.

It will be streamed live with a shoutcast by TosspoT and will also like usual be covered by ETTV, IPs available at GamesTV.org.

image: cpc
The second day of the Crossfire PrizeFight challenge is about to kick off and its a bright and early start here in Rotterdam.
The ET tournament kicks us off first, we're praying that this morning the teams will be awakening on time other wise we'll be handing out forfeits like they're going outta fashion!

You can keep up to date with the full brackets here:

[*] ET - Bracket
[*] CoD - Bracket

We're extremely greatful to all the external coverage partners that have been providing the highest level of coverage of the event, and we'd once again like to direct you to their coverage:

[*]Netherlands Digital Mind CoD2
[*]Europe GamesTV - ETTV
[*]Europe GotFrag CoD2
[*]Europe Club fnatic CoD2
[*]Poland eSports.pl CoD2 & ET
[*]Germany Mu-Wo.de CoD2
[*]Germany own3d.at ET
[*]Europe idle.ee ET
[*]France Shock-FX CoD2
[*]Belgium Tek-9CoD2
[*]Europe CallOfDuty.se CoD2
[*]United Kingdom Dignitas CoD2
[*]United Kingdom ESReality ET COD2

We're hoping to get a live videostream up today, if worse comes to the worst it will become just an audio stream.

Day 1 - News Ticker

image: cpcThis post will continually update to bring all the latest developments together in one place, as they happen. Times are CET.

[*] 11.00am - Idle 4:0 T&F on braundorf/oasis
[*] 11.40am - Linux server being installed, first game to be covered is NL vs riZe
[*] 11.45am RESULT: Speedlink 11-3 Owned (cod)
[*] 12.00pm - sFx vs cZar, first map sw_gold, yet to start
[*] 12:08pm - sFx vs cZar game starting on sw_gold
[*] 12.19pm - RESULT: APU 2-11 TMP (H2K) (cod)
[*] 12.37pm - RESULT: Dignitas 11-7 cZar Gaming (cod)
[*] 1:01pm - Livestream Update. Priority #2 BEHIND ettv (nearly ready). Expect the stream to start shortly after the riZe - NL game starts
[*] 1.14pm RESULT cZar 0-4 sFx EVIL
[*] 1.24pm - ETTV confirmed for all upcoming ET games
[*] 1.50pm - ETTV Linux server operational and working
[*] 2.01pm - Server box being upgraded with RAM
[*] 2.15pm riZe vs NL game begins without ETTV, on the Windows server. However ETTV is still working, this is a time saving measure. Map1 is sw_goldrush
[*] 2.16pm - RESULT: Speedlink 11-5 NWA
[*] 2.39pm - ETTV server is taken down due to specs. New pc is being aquired and will be up, but not for the hx - dMIZE game
[*] 2.40pm - RESULT: eSuba 9-11 Digital Mind
[*] 2.40pm - riZe wins map 1 (swgold) by 10 seconds from Team NL
[*] 3.05pm - RESULT: WHO 7-11 TEMP (cod)
[*] 3.25pm - RESULT: riZe 2-4 Team NL
[*] 3.45pm - RESULT: eSuba 7-11 Doubleslash (cod)
[*] 4.00pm - foonr goes out for a hotdog and doesnt return for 30 minutes
[*] 4.35pm - Stream is down due to esport.org (host) being down, therefore not an xfire related problem
[*] 4.40pm - Switching host for stream, _will_ be up shortly
[*] 4.55pm - RESULT: helix 0-4 dMIZE
[*] 6.40pm - Idle vs sFx begins, first map frostbite
[*] After idle vs sFx comes NL vs dMIZE on ETTV
[*] 7.00pm - RESULT: sFx 0-4 Idle
[*] Day 1 Complete - T&F 4-2 cZar & NL 4-2 dMIZE

[*]Europe Club fnatic CoD2
[*]Europe GotFrag CoD2
[*]Poland eSports.pl CoD2 & ET
[*]Germany Mu-Wo.de CoD2
[*]Germany own3d.at ET
[*]Europe idle.ee ET
[*]France Shock-FX CoD2
[*]Belgium Tek-9CoD2
[*]Europe CallOfDuty.se CoD2
[*]United Kingdom Dignitas CoD2

[*] Europe LAN Livestream - upsoon
[*] Poland Pr3dS Radio (Polish only) - Sinuss Tune In
[*] Belgium Anaconda's unofficial picture gallery (from Frop) (click)

With Call of Duty running ahead of schedule due to the luck of the Irish and the magic of Raza we are going to be able to reclaim lost time and get back on schedule eventually.

#evu cup!

With most of the communities attention focused squarely on events happening in Rotterdam, many would have been forgiven for thinking that everyone else would be merely watching. Not so! Today [*eu*] and venerea clan make public the evu cup!

image: banner

With some great teams participating in the 32 team competition such as

Germany aGu
Europe quAn
Estonia oxygen.et
Europe dmt
Russia x3
Finland overload euthansia
Europe overload
Europe oceans6

and many more!

Although the tournament doesnt get under way just yet the organizers have kicked into gear and have interviews with some of the teams.

Israel gman from x3 http://venerea.ve.funpic.de/index.php?site=articles&action=show&articlesID=13
Belgium Worm from taskforceXrevision2 http://venerea.ve.funpic.de/index.php?site=articles&action=show&articlesID=15
United Kingdom Chelskill from IOS http://venerea.ve.funpic.de/index.php?site=articles&action=show&articlesID=12
United Kingdom evanbraakensiek from dmt http://venerea.ve.funpic.de/index.php?site=articles&action=show&articlesID=14


Day One Preview: The first four

image: etKicking off the day's long fest of action will be the sides of Estonia Idle.ee (1st seeds) and [flag=0] TosspoT & Friends (Last seed) at the unholy hour of 9.30. The game will be what can only be described as a feat of ipossibility for T&F, as their opponents are only Quakecon 2005, 2006 and ClanBase EuroCup champions, and commonly thought of in the scene as invulnerable to defeat. Whatever the outcome, either side can be sure of progression, whether be it through the path of either winners or losers brackets.

The second game of the day sees an rejuvenated Belgian Belgium cZar lineup aiming to conquer the somewhat stumbling Finland sFx side whose players have only been part of the same team for a matter of weeks in build up to the LAN. sFx are sporting an assortment of talented players, including mAx, whose recent introductory spell to the Q4 EuroCup earnt him much acclaim. Up for grabs for the winners is a possible tie against Idle, so both parties are sure to want to get off to a positive start.

Germany riZe vs Netherlands Team NL offers possibly the hottest named game of the day so far, with both teams putting in plenty of hours in buildup to the event. Only last week the Dutchmen spent their time bootcamping here in the TGS and perfecting their settings, gaining an advantage as their learn how the venue performs. riZe have had to give up the slot of member mAus, one of the highest rated players in their team due to suspicious circumstances and replaced him with witz, who should aim to complement him better known teammates in the quest for glory.

Europe Helix vs Europe dMIZE, a game which could potentially swing either way, with helix sporting the old and successfull Vicious&Evil and dMIZE (ex-Team Northern Darkness) who are currently ranked as the second best clan in the whole of Enemy Territory. Helix are boosted by the arrival of mike/guardian of the EuroCup winning Idle team of last season, whilst the inclusion of mesqi, although he might not be able to see above the height of the desk, is sure to fill his opponent's heart with fear.


PCGear.nl Joins the fun!

As the PCGear.nl webshop we are glad to be a part of the Crossfire PrizeFight Challenge and that we can sponsor some prizes for the teams participating in the ET and CoD2 Tournaments. We are sponsoring the following prizes for the PrizeFight Challenge :

5x 80mm Blue LED Fans (CoD Winners)
6x 120mm Red LED Fans (ET Winners)
5x Blue 30cm Neontubes6 (CoD 2nd place)
6x DDR/DDR2 copper heatspreaders (ET 2nd Place)
1x Plantronics .90 headset (Tournament MVP)
3x 10 ventrilo slots (TBD)
11x 10% discount vouchers (1st place winners)

We already wish all the participating teams good luck and have fun in the tournaments, and we hope to see you all at the Crossfire PrizeFight Challenge!

Robbin Aarsman
[email protected]
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