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Tonight Kreaturen vs Gods.Inc

Tonight you can watch to a nice ETTv match in the Warleagues Premier League. Kreaturen will fight versus Gods Incorporated e.V.

Benelux Kreaturen, the Benelux powerhouse, played only one match in Warleagues yet, versus Clan SoF. They won that match with 2-1. Yesterday, they lost against wArning! in the toFOUR Cup after a nice battle which was won by wArning! with 4-0.

Krea lineup:
Netherlands Azz0r
Netherlands teKoa
Netherlands Lun4t1C
Netherlands Jex
Belgium pr0ph3cy
Belgium nul

Krea map:

Finland Gods.Inc, the finnish clan, going for the next EuroCup played 2 matches allready. They lost their first match against Rewind and won their second match against remedium. They are also participating in the toFOUR Cup, but lost versus the new idle.ee lineup in the playoffs.

Gods.Inc lineup:
Finland MulSu
Finland kmble
Finland LeTTu
Finland Irska
Finland chmpp
Hungary Nonix

Gods.Inc map:

Match info:
Benelux Kreaturen 1:2 Gods.Inc Finland
League: Warleagues Premier League
Time: 20:00 CET
Maps: supplydepot2 / sw_goldrush_te / braundorf_b2
Admin: Malta Yancho

Germany VP Clan ETTv Server - ettv.vpclan.de:27960 - 150 slots

ETPro 3.2.2 BETA 3

image: etproAnother couple of bugfixes later and a new ETPro Beta release is here, but this one should please a few people...

Quoteb_extendedprone (default 0, disabled) - enables accurate hitbox for proning animations, and makes the prone animation transition through crouching.
b_killshot_delay (default 0, disabled) - time in milliseconds to take automatic screenshot after a kill

Quotelistenserver should work again.
limbo camera wallhack fixed.
callvote-go-spec exploit fixed.
players/specs sometimes got kicked for inactivity during pause. fixed.
/configstrings exploit fixed.
instant respawn exploit fixed.
flamethrower bounced flames bug fixed. (chruker fix)

Download HERE

And give feedback HERE

ClanBase ET Fall Season OpenCup Update

image: cbgoldlogont
The signups for the Clanbase Fall Cups are well underway, with 171 clans registered to the 6on6 ET cup and 126 clans registered to the 3on3 ET cup so far. Since the season is already running later than originally scheduled, it has been decided NOT to delay the signup closing date as originally planned.

Signups will now close on the 2nd November, rather than the 9th November as stated previously, so be sure to sign your team up within the next week if you haven't already to make sure you don't miss out.

With the season fast approaching a few vital questions remain regarding the new config, the maplist and the ever elusive EuroCup. Today we need your feedback on the maps for this upcoming season.

After much discussion we have come to some conclusions:
All 3on3 maps and five 6on6 maps are confirmed, while we have opened discussion on the two remaining map choices for the 6on6 cup over on the cup page.

Head over to ClanBase.com to read more and contribute.

We are also still looking for dedicated, active cupadmins for both 6on6 and 3on3 cups - if this is you then don't hesitate to apply!

A Personal Invitation

image: kreapdf
After a long journey in Enemy Territory..
it's time to move....back ?

Jawohl! As some of you might already noticed it, the days where we put hours and hours of dedication and commitment into Enemy Territory have been long gone. Every day, we get more and more frustrated with the game's rather 'unusual' aspects, eventually turning the game itself into our worst enemy.

But those days are over now ! We have decided to go back to RTCW, where it al began and from where Kreaturen have built up their name. After putting it to the test with the team we now have, we expect it to be the most amusing and enjoyable way of closing the RTCW/ET chapter. Besides playing RTCW we will keep on playing ET ofcourse, like we did for the past 2 years together.

We signed up for the Clanbase 6on6 OpenCup Fall 2005 and, if possible, when there is a dropout in the Warleagues Season XII we will join there.

It would be fun to see all of you joining the RTCW Clanbase OpenCup and enjoy this game now we still can. Ofcourse the game itself is as great as you can get, but it would be even more better if all of you people out there signed up your clans to participate in the RTCW Opencup. Let's get a RTCW revival started!

This does, however, not mean we're quitting ET!

Kreaturen vs wArning! toFOUR Cup Semi

image: tofour

Tonight sees the first of the toFOUR Cup semi finals taking place as wArning! take on Kreaturen. A replay of last months ET-Cup semi final.

Both teams finished second in their respective groups, with Kreaturen dropping rounds to only Ratatosk (old line-up) and wArning! to one4one.

Date: Monday 24th October
Time: 20:00 CET
Maps: Radar & Braundorf_b2
Admin: Chosen
Irc Channel: #tf.Cup
ETTv: Confirmed - Ips will be posted here

Two strong teams, who’s gonna win iTG`Tosspot?

If you'd asked me a month ago, I would have said Krea no doubt, they were interested and organised, however they then got hit by the Krea.ET bug! Whether they still have that interest to play at a high level is again in question, wArning have been making steady progress and infact this is a grudge match from last season. At the end of the group stages, Krea faced wArning right after wArning had played a brilliant game against Junk52 and might have been able to go through to the knockouts, Krea won that and for that reason I'll go with Krea to win this again, but it will be close!

Due to the technical problems at Gamestv.org ETTv ips will be posted here:-

toFOUR Password @ #tf.gaming
Home Of Hosts
Clanbase ETTv

As always there‘s wArning! Coverage

toFOUR Cup & #tf.Cup

Night Enemy Territory

Imperial-team France present "The night of enemy-territory" Cup 6o6.

Cup will be made up of 20 teams divided into 2 hens, 10 Teams
per hen, that is to say 9 successive matches for each team.
+1/2 final and final for best teams.

The event will begin Saturdays October 29, 2005 at 20h00 hour [GMT+1] and will be completed for the hen matches, probably, Sunday October 30 2005 before 8h00 [GMT+1].

>> ½ final : 18h00 Sunday October 30, 2005 with ETTV:
The first ½ final will oppose 1er Hens A versus 2eme Hens B.
The second ½ final will oppose 1er Hens B versus 2eme Hens A.

>> Final : 21h00 Sunday October 30, 2005 ETTV:
the winner's of ½ final fighting to determine the winner of this season.

1/2 finale and Finale will be filmed by ETTV so that each one can see it.

Cup is organized by the voluntary ones in partnership with : Serveur-Games.com


Go >> http://et24hours.jexiste.fr/?page=accueil〈=francais〈=english

You can dice now contact these people on two channels IRC on quakenet:

#24hours.et : for the whole of the present
#24hours.et.admin : who is a private chan for the administrators, leaders and war arrangers
of each Team in order toorganize the meetings (a pass will be given at leader).

You are welcome too on our channel team: #imperial-team

As well as an address e-mail: [email protected]

All the provisions concerning unfolding is in rules. Please go to see and to read
it with attention, as well as the FAQ, before asking your questions with the @dmins.

We present to you this event in a festive spirit around enemy territory.

*This cup is a festival, 12 hours it is long, do not forget to take a little rest by bearing,
to bring to your body all which it needs (water, sugar, correct food, vitamins...)
the goal being to have fun, not to hurt itself.

Team could not be held responssable of physical incidents and material.

Enjoy and good Cup!!!

<l'équipe @ de ET24Hours>

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