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Adroits FIFA '13 update

With only a few days left until our next event, we want to give some final information regarding the FIFA '13 tournament.
Our FIFA tournament is a very first for us, we never had a console tournament in previous events.
Non the less, we are able to provide you with a 500€ prize pool sponsored by WinFakt.be and some awesome PlayStation 3 gear brought to you by Mad Catz.
Please note that the signups for the other tournaments have been closed but you can still sign up for FIFA by either sending an e-mail to nico AT adroits DOT net or simply by showing up at the admin desk Friday night or Saturday morning.
The registration fee is at 25€ per person and has to be paid in cash.

ESL One Day Autumn Cups this week!

The first Autumn Cups are over! The first teams collected points to get into the finals competing for the servers and premium accounts! Who won? Who is already in? When do the next one day cups take place? Find out!

TZ-AC Discontinuation

Unfortunately the time has come where TZ-AC will no longer be developed or supported. Following issues with a new partnership with TZ-AC, the project will be discontinued and unusable from the beginning of December.

TZ-AC was a much needed replacement for Punkbuster, which was also discontinued for Enemy Territory last year in October 2011. This means that Enemy Territory will now be left without an actively used anti-cheat client. TZ-AC has been used in ESL and CB matches.

Return to Castle Wolfenstein Fall Cup 2012 reminder!

Are you ready to get overdosed by Return to Castle Wolfenstein?
So here we are once again, facing the RtCW Fall Cup 2012 featuring the one and only United States of America WarWitch ! So many have already read the interviews and the news post about the cup and aswell taken apart of our small community what left there. Without any further introduction, the plan is simple the cup will start 4th of november! So don't forget to signup, you still have plenty of time, everybody is welcome to play and signup!!!

Team Rockit with a new Enemy Territory team!

Today I am proud to present to you the new Team Rockit image: et Enemy Territory team which will attend the upcoming Adroits LAN. The team is made of highly experienced and well known names within the ET community and they will try to achieve at least the same position our last squad gained two years ago @ the Antwerp eSport Festival.

ESL ET Autumn Series

This year's Autumn Series will be indeed a Cup Series. We will host several one-day cups and the best teams will join the final cup where the prizes will be raffled! We are hosting a Cup Series in 1on1, 3on3 and 6on6.
Read on for all details!

CB EC XXVI & 6on6 OC Fall 2012 - Groups Online

The CB EuroCup XXVI & CB 6on6 OpenCup Fall 2012 groups are now online! Both cups will officially begin on Monday, 8th October.

Adroits LAN payment deadline reminder

Just a quick reminder that the payment deadline for LAN is this Sunday (7th October). If you think your payment will not be instant, please take a screenshot (or scan receipt from bank if not online payment).

Currently at 7 teams paid with an 8th confirmed to be sending their payment this week.

Look forward to seeing you all in a couple of weeks!

League of Legends Season 2 Finals Today!

RIot Games League of Legends Season 2 finals start in Los Angeles, California today. With $2m up for grabs in prize money the much talked about tournament will conclude in style with the worlds best ready to fight it out.

ESL Storm Assault - 2nd round ends

Still some delay in the tournament caused by tough scheduling in the 1st round. Finally the 1st round is completed - upper and lower bracket related. Therefore we come to the 2nd round where the missing matches of the upper bracket will be played during the next 48h.
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