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BFB Wednesday Action

image: headrzr

It's time to say goodbye...

CGo AUS.ET Draft Cup Grand Final

image: ausetdraftcupbannersmall

Australia's first CyberGamer.com.au ET Draft cup has been an amazing success. It has pulled the aus.et scene from an inch of death and brought back players we thought were long gone from holding an mp40 ever again.
This week features the last game of the cup, the Grand Final. It has actually been a very long time coming as we were expecting this tournament to be finished within a few weeks. Some of it was a little dodgy with the organisation of times and the availability of some players, but that was sort of expected with our scene coming out of such an apathetic state. It was also my first time as an admin for anything, ever. Couldn't have managed any of it without the help of our main man Australiabiggz!

But with all that aside, the match you guys have been waiting for is finally upon us - The CGo Aus.ET Draft Cup Grand Final!

This match will be broadcasted on GamesTV with live streaming audio video casts from Gamestah.com with Chrisis and EJ joining us once again to bring you guys all the aus enemy territory goodness.

ClanBase ET Wednesday!

image: coverage

Wednesday, the second day of May, 2012

Another evening with top Enemy Territory games!

Adroits ET Masters goes ahead

image: adretm

The payment deadline has now passed and we wanted to obtain 10 to make sure the LAN would go ahead. We're happy to confirm we've been paid by 10 teams now! With the target reached, we're opening ONE MORE WEEK for other teams to pay up (06/05/2012).

BFB Tuesday Action

image: headrzr

Can they keep up?

Cracow Gamespot Update

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It's been over a week since lan annoucment. Today, we're here to let you know what is going on with event and post some updates. To make you pleased we involved some changes and added some new stuff. In this news post you can read about some of them, so go ahead! During last week we had a lot of discussions about lan and we did our best to try to promote it, both ET and League of Legends. You can read about us on biggest polish LoL site here!. There are more to come, will try to post them in upcoming news.

CGo AUS.ET Draft Cup LB Final + Showmatch

image: ausetdraftcupbannersmall

As the CyberGamer AUS.ET Community Draft Cup nears its end we are only left with one game to go and is no doubt going to have you on the edge of your seats or whatever it is you nerds sit on when you watch ettv in the morning. The lower bracket final needs to be decided...

The match will be broadcasted on GamesTV with live streaming audio video casts from our very own mc Australia biggz to bring you guys the action.

Adroits ET Masters - Payment Countdown

image: adretm

After the Adroits ET Masters venue and deadline post was made, there has been a lot of interest from a number of teams. Currently there is just 1 more day until the initial payment deadline of 30th April. Currently we have 7 fully paid teams with a host more hoping to get payments done soon. There is a chance at a 16 team tournament too which would be fantastic.

Country Championship Group Stage

image: 3ccqqz22
After a longer (than expected! Thanks to all teams which signed up!) qualification stage with some delays in one of the national qualifiers we are happy to announce the groups for the first Country Championship for Enemy Territory within the ESL! Check out the original ESL newspost for team and line-up-links!


image: headrzr

Thursday with ETTV

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