Which previous Crossfire X Challenge was the best?

CDC 4 is now announced and if you think back to the previous instalments, which one do you think was the best and why?
Would also be interested to know what people that attended the lans valued the most: the competition, the social gathering, the venue, the teams or the coverage?

Wouldnt hurt if people shared some memories aswell!
21.0 %
(237 votes)
41.5 %
(469 votes)
37.5 %
(423 votes)
CDC3! coz tapsa didnt take a shit for 4 days or smth ;D
why is that wierd? I do that all the time o.O
I haven't taken a shit since Last Thursday, why is this so funny :E
Your fucked up then.. its normal to do it atleast once a day many do it twice.
jag basjar runt 4 gånger om dagen :D
shit expert ;O
You should add more fiber to your diet.
mmm, well I have to get a bloodtest next week anyway, ill bring up my dietry problems with my doctor
Lemme know what he says!
you should move more!
cpc2, because i was there, met a lot of nice ppl. saw a great final at cinema.., fantastic weather.
CDC4 will be the best ^^ I will go !!
I found CPC 2 more interesting competition wise, but CDC 3 seemed to be better on a social level, venue and coverage imo.
tomtom says your speeding!
taken has to step back from making polls
2nd that ^^
this was a desperate act to get my last poll of the front page as I still havnt found out what pumu is calling himself on irc :D
its ''pumu'' he doesnt have bnc, hes mostly on in the afternoon #cod4.et !
"pumu" never occured to you?

clantags on irc are for losers, and pumu is no loser
CPC I :)
this poll was already taken.
Pro linguist!
I voted III because i 'ez' bashed you ;)
btw, my profilefriendsexporter is 90% finished :D
ezbashed me? wtf happened, cant remember :d
cant remember so it must be lies, I must admit I didnt drink that much at cdc3 though, maybe I'll try harder at cdc4.
you cheated at lan!
ye, but right after cdc3, so most ppl voted that
II ofc :)
2 in the front, 6 in the back & 1 outside ? No Problemo :D
for '5' mintues only!
cpc2 had rtcw
cpc2 had less mixed teams
yet a mixteam took 4th place, zomg.
cuz u pwned, biatch!
liked cpc2 best with ettvspectatorpov!
if cpc2 + air conditioning = cdc4, it would be c00l
cpc2 was best competition wise. i cant comment on social side of things because i wasnt there
CPC1 because joop was there.
CDC3 becouse bounce was there
cpc2 !!!
cdc3 bcoz i was there ofc ;b
CPC2 - most skillful battles imo
cpc1, oh man I wish I could get those ol' good times back :)
I have to say CPC2, it just had an athmosphere of win.
I concur, dear Friend.
All 3 had their moments:

I really enjoyed running the ET tourney for CPC1, since it was new and exciting and we had to do a lot more thinking on our feet. Plus going out afterwards into Rotterdam with sFx.LAN was awesome.

CPC2 had the best games and the most exciting tournament, and had more of a buzz, since it was bigger. My main memories of it, though, are that I was the first one there and went into Enschede with Herbal, then the hilarity of Monday morning, with Munchies driving the hired car and the trip to Amsterdam!

At CDC3 I actually played, which you'd think would make it my favourite, but strangely it's probably the one I enjoyed least. I think the problem was we (SRP) did exactly what we were expected to, no better, no worse, so there wasn't really much excitement in it. I never felt we were in any danger of losing against any of our opponents until dignitas, then we got owned. The coverage was amazing, though - <3 xRio. Plus the social stuff was better and more structured.
You made me lol in the car.
"watch out for that truck!" all the way, while TosspoT was telling me that Crossfire was authorising me to do illegal manovers.
You kept drifting across lanes!
strafing, not drifting!
1 suxed
2 was ownage
3 wasn't there :B
cpc2 ezbash
CPC2 just owned =)
voted CDC3 because that was the weekend of the 3 where I wanted to be the most =)
I cannot decide between cpc2 - Being assaulted by a 60 year old lady about the logcabins.
Or cdc3 - Seeing Mesqi cry like a lil baby
that old lady ownd you, and your bag of cookies
The old lady would have owned you too...
there was a same kind of poll before CDC3 also and like then, I still gotta answer that CPC1 was the best, because I haven't been to any other of these LANs yet :p
CPC1, because the computers were set up properly and had CRTs.

If I don't take this into my evaluation, I'd vote for CDC3.
Liked them all!
#1, guildwars guying nazi clown fighting piss in my bedding guy wanking over train tracking caffiene until your eyes hurt and your veins bulging

#2 drinking until a polish guy says YOU DRINK ALOT, sunbathing, hotel crashing

#3 no levz:<
hahah Zwitterka <3
Need more options....
CPC I, coz there played idle..
CDC3 was great, and thats the only were i have been so
CPC 2, easily. :)
Where is the option: I didnt go, but I want to see the results..
i want that option too
yeh.. only croatians ;)))
cdc 3!!!!!1111<3
The most recent QCON with a good damn reason, but I wont tell if noone asks.
cpc1 because of ronners party!
loved them all in different ways, but cpc2 wins
cpc2 vod somewhere?
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