What is Christmas about?

Many people all over the world will be celebrating Christmas in a few days time, what's it all about?
5.8 %
(100 votes)
22.6 %
(391 votes)
27.0 %
(467 votes)
8.2 %
(141 votes)
21.9 %
(379 votes)
14.5 %
(250 votes)
Receiving lots of presents
Receiving lots of presents.
Receiving, clearly!
Now have to admit that I laughed out loud when saw that (lol) behind Jesus -option :DD Najs work admin!
he should put 'rofl' imo
your weird
Z O M F G, why
Another bloodthirsty atheist! Fantastic!
Bloodthirsty? I beg your pardon?
I'm just sick of all those pseudo-atheists that flame on believers (what's more funny they usually flame christianity only and leave every other religion) like they have nothing better to do. If you don't believe - just shut up, be tolerant and don't flame the ones that do think that life has a purpose. I hate all those "atheists" that fight the religion instead of not caring about it. If you don't believe - enjoy the day off but don't abuse.
Well, I have to disagree with you on a few points.
1. Atheists don't only flame at christianity, but at all beliefsystems.
2. Atheists are tolerant against believers. They don't kill believers because they don't agree with them. They simply only disagree with religious people. That's a difference. Everything should and must be discussed. Nothing is sacred.
3."the ones that do think that life has a purpose". So non-religious people don't think life has a purpose? Simply not true. They only have a different view on things.
4. I still don't understand why atheists are bloodthirsty?
1. People that are atheists, that understand what's it all about, that know what is a difference between an atheist and an agnostic don't flame indeed. But I consider comments like "lol you're a weirdo just because you believe in jesus" as and utterly stupid flame.

Also I've seen that numerous times that aggressive "atheists" were concentrating their pitiful efforts around christianity only, absolutely ignoring (just as they should imo) all the rest.

2. Oh I as a christian also think that everything should be discussed, also here again we see the difference between real atheists and random flamers.
3. Purpose of life is all in all the thing that every religion is about. What is a purpose of life for an atheist?
4. I meant "bloodthirsty" ion a metaphorical sense, I didn't mean that some random irish guy wants to kill every believer, I just meant that people like this gain satisfaction of flaming the religion.
1. OK, I agree with you on this point. I don't like it either when people only say things to offend people. I don't see however why it's bad when atheists only focus on christianity. I think it has to do with the fact that most atheists life/grew up in a christian society. Likewise, they know more about christianity than any other religion and are able to give more comment on that. You also have to take in considering that there are hundreds of different religions in this world. You can't focus on all of them. That would take a lot of time.
2. Agreed.
3. The purpose of life for atheists is to enjoy their life. Being amazed by the beautiful things around them and try to understand as much as possible. Life is a one-life opportunity.
4. OK, but next time mention that you were talking in a metaphorical sense. Otherwise it's really confusing :P
Maybe you read into things too much - that is, if you find 'lol' so utterly offensive and meaningful.
Nice excuse.
Excuse for what? You're the one jumping to conclusions based on a tiny insignificant 'lol' in a poll. Look at all the shite you've come up with based on that.
new poll:

Is sol skilled?

1 yes ( LOL )
2 no
3 who?

do you see what he's trying to say? the lol is giving the impression, that if you choose jesus you're basicly a mental retard. me myself i was raised christian and believe in the general story of the bible, and so the story about jesus aswell.

and i don't mean that as an offense on you, but it's just giving the wrong impression..
Quote i was raised christian and believe in the general story of the bible, and so the story about jesus aswell.

Why not the full story of The Bible?

You strike me as the kind of believer that's referred to as an 'a la carte' believer. Meaning, you pick and choose which part of The Bible you want to believe. Presumably, the less insane parts.
i never said i was christian, and i don't call myself a christian because i don't the rituals.. but as a child i was schooled in a christian school and also with my experiences in life i do believe in the general storyline of the bible. So whether to believe in every single detail yes or no is a choice is a you can make.
hey, i was raised christian too, and i don't believe shit about it, religion is for weak people
Have to agree with you :)
religion is just a thing that weak people need to hold on to :/
Not only weak people imo
ok maybe those who are dumb aswell
I dissagree with you tho about Wintersun being good music :/
Your answer should've been:

You shouldn't judge someone elses music taste since it's all personal taste <3
i dont answer like that!
Nobody is perfect ..
I'm atheist... I don't flame any religion or any belief!
Speak for yourself, before insulting people that, you think, belongs to your "group".
meight, "flaming" and being tolerant are kind of contraditory
Yes, I chose the wrong word at point 1. What I actually meant was that atheists discuss other religions as well. 'Flame' was the wrong word. My bad.
"I'm just sick of all those pseudo-atheists that flame on believers (what's more funny they usually flame christianity only and leave every other religion) like they have nothing better to do. If you don't believe - just shut up, be tolerant and don't flame the ones that do think that life has a purpose. I hate all those "atheists" that fight the religion instead of not caring about it. If you don't believe - enjoy the day off but don't abuse."

Pseudo-atheists? Nice!

Flame is a word I wouldn't associate with my attitude to religion. I mainly criticise Christianity because I was brought up Catholic so Catholicism and Christianity in general are what I know most about. Christianity is also generally not difficult to leave. Maybe in The USA with all those evangelical fundies it's not easy but it's got nothing on Islam.

Speaking of Islam, people don't criticise it much because they're afraid of it - simple. Look at the recent teddy bear scandal in Sudan. Remember the Muhammed cartoon?



I suspect a change in the zeitgeist however. With resources such as the internet, people are actually able to find out information about their own and other religion that they weren't able to before. The only readily available resource was the pulpit. And we all know how reliable priests etc are.

You could say the Bible is a resource, but I don't get the impression that a lot of people actually read it. If they did, there wouldn't be as many Christians in the world I guess. :p
I don't consider contructive and non-ignorant criticism as flame. I rather meant people abusing religion giving no/pointless arguments, also using vulgar language etc. Look at hkrep's comments in this thread and see what I meant.
what does that mean?
I guess he means that people "flame" Bible and christianity without knowing what they are talking about. Like taking parts from Bible and mixing them or letting some points off, and then saying "lol this is what Bible says, kill all these people" even though it was a dream in the original text.

kind of hard to explain, hope you got my point
well i already understood it :) was just teasing ze duck <3
Another bandwagon enthusiast with a vivid imagination! Fantastic!

How you guys get so much meaning from a 'lol'...
Misinterpretated connotation, my friend, that's what it all is about.
rly u fcking retard, if he believes in jesus why should that make him a weirdo?? u r just racist or what? now gtfo and die pl0x
When will you fuck-faced believers finally get it into your head that you are NOT a race, and if we are insulting people that are holy to you (lol) you should try and get the fuck over it, since nothing is sacred.
you? i just think its retarded to call ppl names becuz of there religion
I didn't call anyone names because of religion, you're the one hurling abuse.
Quote by solWeirdo!
Please... I do hope that you're joking.
imo its just lame to call him a weirdo becuz he said jesus...
"the term "racial discrimination" shall mean any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, color, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life."

so discriminating a religion = racism?
Ethnic origin and religion are not the same thing, at all.
go tell muslim that allah is faggot, see his reaction
like none of them..
its just another day.. dun care.
Too true, just allot of fuss about nothing and people really think others should get them more stuff than usual because of some impersonal arbitrary date.

wow never though random ranting was so easy.
Now I like you even more!

HardyRah: I Am HardyRah!
It's about ^jESUS!
It's really about family and food, but neither were a option.. so I chose ^jESUS!
all of them :>
Receiving lots of presents.
Christmas is dead
its about christmas holidays tbh.
Christmas is a good chance to reflect about how you can build a horrible religion starting from a very good basis
its about getting drunk and spending a day with the family :D
you speak from my heart or whatever to say in english.. :-P
jesus (lol)
for those that voted "Giving lots of presents", I can help you :)
santa claus :DDD
Its all about Jezus!

holydays + food + presents
retarded poll
Eating the pwnage food, nothing else.
Even though presents are nice.
best in christmas is the holiday, but the food is also nice!
without Finland jesus, xmas would be boring
Felix: Do you believe in Santa Claus?

Max: No.

Felix: Nor do I. Nor do I, but my children do. They are still small. But do you know who they like even better than Santa Claus? His helper, Pedro el Negro. Black Peter. There's an old Mexican tale that tells of how Santa Claus got so very busy looking out for the good children that he had to hire some help to look out for the bad children. So he hired Pedro. And Santa Claus gave him a list with all the names of all the bad children. And Pedro would come every night to check them out. And the people, the little kids that were misbehaving, that were not saying their prayers, Pedro would leave a little toy donkey on their window. A little burro. And he would come back, and if the children were still misbehaving, Pedro would take them away, and nobody would ever see them again. Now, if I am being Santa Claus, and you are Pedro, how do you think jolly Santa Claus would feel if one day Pedro came into his office and said, 'I lost the list.' How fucking furious do you think he will get?
not really lol sol but jesus
Christmas is actually about the solstice, celebrated by the Romans as Sol Invictus which the christians 'borrowed' for their own religion. Jesus was actually born somewhere in the end of October/begin of November (and 6 years earlier than most of us assume! So it's actually 2013 right now :P).
Christmas to me is about family en food. But I voted for 'Receiving lots of presents'.
Een echt boefje, jij !
This was on QI!
Programma op de BBC met Stephen Fry. Met allemaal vragen aangaande algemene kennis die over het algemeen niet juist blijkt te zijn. Zo ook met Kerstmis dat het inderdaad niet de geboorte van Jezus is die gevierd werd oorspronkelijk, maar dat het is overgenomen door het Christendom. (dutch)

Gewaagd hoor, dit soort filmpjes op internet plaatsen. Voor je het weet heb je straks allemaal kwade christenen op je dak: "Ketterij! Op de brandstapel!"
On a side note: jammer dat FC Utrecht heeft verloren. Hoe verassend hoog staan ze momenteel? (Dutch)
Haha :D Ja ik ben echt als de dood voor mensen die de waarheid ontkennen en boos worden op mij dat ik er wel in geloof. En het verlies van utrecht was inderdaad zonde, was 1 van de beste wedstrijden die ik ze heb zien spelen, maar PSV was beter en had een beetje geluk dat ze er zo veel in schoten. Ik geloof dat we 8e staan op dit moment. Maar QI is echt een aanrader als je van Britse humor houdt, elke week komen er wel weer verrassende feitjes voorbij en het is een leuk programma. (geloof dat de laatste aflevering van dit seizoen al geweest is helaas)
Ik zal proberen de naam van het programma te onthouden. Ik ben dol op kennis, en Engelse humor bevalt mij ook wel. Ik kijk nauwelijks nog TV. Sinds dat Big Brother gedoe is het alleen maar bergafwaarts gegaan met de Nederlandse televisie-programmering. Ik beperk me alleen tot het staatsjournaal (waarbij ik mijn hoofd lekker vol laat pompen door linkse, Westerse propaganda), sport (waarbij ik mijn hoofd lekker vol laat pompen met subjectieve commentaargeving), en zo af en toe een speelfilm (waarbij ik mijn hoofd vol laat pompen met onzinnige dingen). De situatie van FC Utrecht is spijtig. Ik vind het een mooie club, en ik gun De Kromme een extra prijs. En mijn excuses voor deze vraag (mijn brein staat schijnbaar momenteel op non-actief), maar ik kan uw standpunt niet ontrafelen uit de zin "voor mensen die de waarheid ontkennen en boos worden op mij dat ik er wel in geloof". Wie ontkennen de waarheid, en wie worden boos? (Dutch)
Ik begrijp die vraag, want ik las uw comment verkeerd. Ik dacht dat u met
QuoteGewaagd hoor, dit soort filmpjes op internet plaatsen. Voor je het weet heb je straks allemaal kwade christenen op je dak: "Ketterij! Op de brandstapel!"
bedoelde dat het voor mij gewaagd was om dit filmpje op deze site te plaatsen, maar na het nog een keer gelezen te hebben zie ik nu dat u dat niet bedoelde. Ik kijk eigenlijk ook alleen nog maar naar het NOS journaal en het sportjournaal dat helaas is uitgeleverd aan de commerciële zender (eindeloze kutreclames). Verder volg ik nog een aantal programma's op de BBC voor vermaak, zoals daar zijn Top Gear, QI, Have I got news for you en Nevermind the buzzcocks.
Och ja, natuurlijk. Top Gear. Dat kijk ik ook nog wel eens.
Ik kan dus hier uit opmaken dat u zich ook zo ergert aan mensen met een heilig boek?
Tussen haakjes: zullen we elkaar voortaan tutoyeren? Van uw zijde apprecieer ik dat wel.
Ja dat lijkt mij een prima idee. En nee ik erger mij niet aan mensen die geloven in een heilig boek, maar wel als ze zich er achter verschuilen en niets anders willen accepteren (dat gebeurt vaak). Discussies worden dan zo nutteloos en vermoeiend.
QuoteThe cult was created by the emperor Aurelian in 274 and continued until the abolition of paganism under Theodosius I.
Christians took it yes, but it was born afterwards so it's just about the sun of righteousness stuff, cause they didn't know the right time of the born.
You just said it like it would be some old fest that Christians took randomly.
okei, HOMO
Well in my opinion, The first known usage of the term can be found in the New Testament of the Bible, in Acts 11:26: "the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch." The term was thus first used to denote those known or perceived to be disciples of Jesus. Similarly, in the two other New Testament uses of the word (Acts 26:28 and 1 Peter 4:16), it refers to the public identity of those who follow Jesus.

Christian" also means a member or adherent of a church or other organized group within Christianity. As an adjective, the term may also describe anything associated with Christianity, or even remotely thought to be consistent with Christianity, as in "the Christian thing to do."

What do you think?
hey, we didn't talk about that !?!?!??!!?
This eternal accusation against Christianity I shall write upon all walls, wherever walls are to be found - I have letters that even the blind will be able to see... I call Christianity the one great curse, the one great intrinsic depravity, the one great instinct of revenge, for which no means are venomous enough, or secret, subterranean and small enough, - I call it the one immortal blemish upon the human race...
Wow, somebody at Crossfire who actually reads Nietzsche. How about that.
he doesn't, just took it randomly tbh
replace christianity with islam and i agree
no school, much food and happiness!!!!
Where's the option to vote for "I just want to see results"?
none of the above
I'm surprised Jesus has so many votes.
It got edited, it used to say "Max"
Hehe, now it makes perfect sense. Btw, is there a new admin chan pw. Haven't been able to get in for months. :)
well since it had (lol) behind it, I had to vote for it cuz it's true :P
santa ftw :D
xmas is about the positive feeling to everyone :)
food and family
Family + foodZ. PresentZ are also nice.

EDIT: Oh yeah, no-school
I vote for happy being together !
how about spending time with the family ?
watching movies
Receiving lots of presents
Santa Claus was invited by Coca Cola!!

gj marketing!
Yep they did a really good job on that one, though I'm not sure how many ppl know that.
Santa Claus was made into that fat ass red and white wearing dude by Coca Cola, the character is way older than that...
he was green before!!1 iirc
he was NOT invented by Coke, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santa_Claus for a short introduction... know what you're writing about pls :)
saint nikolaus =! santa claus!!!

its not always write what you read at wikipedia !!
but is it right? :D
Santa Claus was invented by Coca Cola... they put this system to win more money and to create a "new party-day".
Saint Nikolaus is german, and he gives gift to children the sunday four weeks before christmas' one (by Santa Claus) and he really existed (afaik).
Saint Nicholas is a Spanyard/Turk, numbnut.
jesus loves you
its about praising america and coca cola
Idd... just to buy more.
Why is it Jesus (lol) ?

You fucking retard, you know, someone really celebrates christmas for jesus.

(I dont believe in jesus, but wanted to flame you fucking sunshine)
Eating VERY well, and meeting my whole family, and also recieving a hell of a lot presents, and giving away some too :)
happy hannukah + very christmas everyone :<

crossfire, a catholic community
Jesus, ofc.
no-one ever gives me anything :(
I have to disagree, who has been paying for your inet connection? :DDD
badest poll ever.. :<
bad / bader / ze badest

best / bester / ze bestest
Christmas means to me: the family is together, but maybe its just me.

To be honest, i don't get this Jesus with the "(lol)" option. Can anyone explain please ?
No one cares about Jesus, mmkay?
*knock, knock*
"who's there?"
'it's jesus, lol'
jesus is overhyped, look, 2000 years ago, he just said some 'advanced' things for his time and that's all
Jesus was either the son of God or a raving retard. There's no way he could be just a "great teacher", because in that case most of the things he said would witness of utter mental confusion. Would a good teacher claim to be the son of God without actually being the son of God, or just retarded?
where's the " I dont care "
food & holidays
^JESUS ofc
At first I wanted to make a reply to one comment in here, but then realized that there many other people made similar comments, so here's one reply to all of you.

You're fucking pathetic. I understand that some of you don't celebrate christmas at home because your own or let's say 'family religion' either doesen't exist or is something other than christianity. But it simply is a fact that most of you who laugh online about jesus option are actually gonna celebrate christmas at home with your family. Whether it is by going to a church, receiving presents, having a family lunch, or all of these together doesen't matter at all. What is important is that most of you will celebrate it in some way. If so many of you are anti-christ, do this: refuse every christmas present you might receive and go tell to your parents the same shit you post online.. that is if you have balls to make such a statement in front of them. Idiots.
So you mean that we people who are hardcore atheists (TO THE CORE MAN!) should refuse gifts and lovely dinners because some guy supposodely was born this day?
I'm not going to miss an opportunity to spend some time with my entire family just because the church says it's 'their' holiday.
No, you missed my point. My post is not for everyone here laughing about jesus option, but to those who write shit about christmas in general on the internet and in the next few days are going to accept 'Happy Christmas' and anything that goes with it.

If you don't beleive in god (yeah, not capital here because I'm talking in general now - any religion), don't be annoying with making fun of other religions. If you (not YOU, hellgoat, specifically) beleive in other religion and are still making fun of christmas, then I have a completely different opinion about you, which doesen't differ at all to my opinion about annoying spamming Jehovah's Witnesses who somehow feel invited to come to my door and tell me how rimocatholic-ism is wrong.
I kinda have to agree with your comment, although it is a little harsh...
Conversely, I could call you pathetic for managing to derive so much codswallop for a simple 'lol'.

Also, since you come across as such a devout christian, I'm curious as to whether you celebrate Christmas the traditional religious way, or if you too have perverted the celebration into a commercial frenzy. If it's the latter, then you're as much a hypocrit as anyone else posting here.
My religion beleifs are of no importance. My comment would be the same if it was about any other holiday which belongs to any other religion. I respect them as much as I respect muslims, christians, atheists and everyone else who respects my beleifs.

My comment is about those who DO write shit about jesus and christianity in general online, but WILL celebrate it at home.

If you're not going to celebrate christmas, but still write posts saying " It is bad ", then I could talk about a completely different opinion, which I will keep for myself.
The 'true' meaning of Christmas has been perverted and corrupted - I'd say the vast majority of families in developed western countries don't celebrate it 'correctly' in its intended religious manner, they just use it as an excuse to give and receive lots of gifts. Going to a church service for Christmas doesn't change anything. Out of all the 'christians' out there that celebrate Christmas, how many do you think genuinely think of Jesus and their religion (moreso than they do the gifts, holidays, food, etc.) at Christmas?

Aside from the fact that Christmas has become way too commercial, I don't have a problem with its corruption, because a whole lot of other good comes about, eg. family being brought together, kindness, charity, etc. If you disagree with that, solely for the sake of being pedantic (which seems to be the case), then you should perhaps realise that atheists celebrating Christmas are not the only party guilty of hypocracy, if that's what you want to call it.

Almost every facet of modern society has its roots in religion, what matters is the here and now though.
Quotethey just use it as an excuse to give and receive lots of gifts

I don't know if I'm right but I have thought that giving gifts has something to do with that the Three Wise Men, The Three Kings, Kings from the east (or however you want to call them) gave the gifts for Christ. That's just my point of view.
Why should anyone respect your beliefs, though?

I don't understand automatic respect. I respect those who earn my respect, not those who tell me I should respect bronze age myths.
I don't know if I'm expressing myself bad in english or it's just you. I'm not talking about THE respect which people earn by doing good things. Most of my friends in life are christians, but I also have those who belong to other religion or are just atheists. One of the reasons why we respect each other is the fact that we're not telling each other "lol Jesus", "Haha, your religion is funny", "Beleiving in God is stupid".

I really don't know how to show you what I'm trying to tell you. Can't it be more simpler? You beleive in something and I respect that. Do you even have friends in life which don't beleive in the same thing you do? If you do, would you tell them the very same thing you told me: "Why should I respect your beliefs" ?
My friends know I don't respect their beliefs. I suppose I tolerate their beliefs, and I respect them as people.

The context of the word respect that most religious people use is in terms of "don't question my beliefs, they're based on faith." etc I wouldn't say it's the same as tolerance really. I'm not a sociopath who can't have friends who aren't atheists, though I might find it difficult being friends with someone who is a creationist, or of a similar ridiculous belief.

I find it amazing how rational, reasonable, logical people don't bother applying the same resources to religion. Belief in the abrahamic god is irrational, unreasonable and illogical.

I've learned more about Catholicism and religion in general since I became an atheist, than I did when I was a 'believer' and whenever I'm engaging in religious debates, I find I usually know more about someones religion than they do. Fucked up, isn't it?
I agree with you, said the same thing during my philosophy class...
Presents 4 sure
first and only family vote ;(
christmas is all about making polls like this
Christmas lost it's meaning when I lost my familly...
='( sad to hear.
Dont do drugs and alcohol and raise your kids well!
All about family
2.santa (my part-time affair)
Jesus and to please others...
Cant stand this xmas "shit" everyone is going to @ city, everything is full off people, too much people, just too much. And the way of spending that money.. aww. Bought a shirt for my Gf, cost like 10e. Biggest xmas present i'v ever boght. And prolly the last.

actually the thing I like about xmas is that city is decorated, there are a lot of lights everywhere and other decorations, candles (electric!) in people windows, it looks different from everyday, it looks nice, i dont really care about this religious nonsense, or commercial crap, i just like how city changes for these holidays

when i was kid it was about presents ofc :)
dont make fun out of jesus pls, hes serious business....
i would vote for

"getting a fucking migraine"

but then again it's not on the list.
this is this french miss, right ?
n1 pic, I bet they'll remove her crown
yeah they are planning to or something
family and a generally good attitude towards everyone
i can play et 24\7
Celebrating the birth of our saviour Jesus Christ, of course! What else would you think? No lolling there, it's serious business.
I don't really celebrate Christmas over at home.
same, we just eat a lot @ 25/26 dec :>
no xmas in dutchieland or just u because of special case?
Well, we don't have presents and things like that. :p
It's just some "special dinner", that's it.
xDDDDD i cant get over SOMEONES wrong nipples !!!
(help me, please)
Finally, holidays <o/
holidays, family, people being generally happy :)
christmas is about celebrating.. hmmm... about one guy that lived 2000 years ago with no proofs?!
about a guy that invented the christian shit with no proofs.. (that became murders l8er)
its all about speculations about one (lolol) guy that (maybe) lived 2000 years ago...
i think christmas is an invention of some bored, handicaped guys
Jesus did exist you moron :DDDD
There's no solid proof that Jesus existed as a historical figure.

IMO, the existence of a man called Jesus is probable, however the stories and beliefs attributed to him are very improbable/ridiculous to be honest.

I seriously challenge anyone to show me otherwise.
Ofcourse the stories attributed to him are bullcrap, but he did exist.
His existence is questionable, but probable.
HOLLAND ??????
Was to irritate someone, but then I got banned for 1 week so I couldn't change it :x
with that logic, the exist of every man in early history you haven't seen is questionable, but probable.
Yes, of course it's questionable, but to what degree? It varies of course. Many figures in history are documented a lot better than Jesus though.

For instance, I have much more reason to believe Alexander The Great lived, as opposed to Jesus.
Why delete all the comments? :-\
grew tired of it :<
just woke up and didn't want to reply anything anymore.
Realized there's nothing to say to you that you would believe.
So why delete all the comments?

I wasn't going to believe what you said probably because what you say isn't based on anything. Deleting it just makes it look like you're embarrassed of what you said. :-\
QuoteI wasn't going to believe what you said probably because what you say isn't based on anything.

That's why I deleted. What's the point keeping them if you say so ?
I'm not embarrased about it, you would just come striking again to those and I was not going to reply to them anymore, 'cause it has no point. Although your "facts" are based on anything as much as mine.
"That's why I deleted. What's the point keeping them if you say so ?"

That's a reason to stop replying but to delete? Nah

"I'm not embarrased about it, you would just come striking again to those and I was not going to reply to them anymore, 'cause it has no point. Although your "facts" are based on anything as much as mine."

Ok, I think we're done here. Go back to school or something. Ridiculous! :-\
You see why I'm not interested ?
If that your facts are based on something more than mine is your point, I really think you should go to school. Your point of view is that there can't be Jesus. So you just look for problems in it. That can't be objective, can it ?

Not going to reply anymore though, ridiculous !
"If that your facts are based on something more than mine is your point"

That's not what I said.

"Your point of view is that there can't be Jesus. "

Read my posts (the ones you didn't delete). That's not my point of view.

I don't think you've really read what I've said.
well he did excist but he were a man like u and me
Jesus ofc
It's all about the family getting all together and the uprising x-mas spirit, with all the decorations and stuff u know...and the presents ofc
"Ha ha ha, believers, i find you and your Jesus funny, look at how smart and rebelious I am!"

5$ says OP is wearing a Che Guevara tshirt.
Wow, well done at all the people that trip over this religious bullshit over some poll on a website. Who says the (lol) was added to mock jesus?

Beliefs are flawed anyway. Go read about it.
I'm not a believer, I just think this is a fucking childish behaviour.
Says the guy quoting a fictional person to support his assumption. You're a very creative person if you manage to conjure up so many thoughts from a simple 'lol'.
sol humiliated you anyway
drinks and food and sex
en sjappie ?
neej :o geen et :o nolifer!
Where is the option:

"I dont celebrate christmas at all"
jij telt niet mee :XD
fijne feestdagen dennis:)
ook voor jou jaap !
holidays + positive vibe
vacation at gran canaria for me!
and fuck im in the age, where i not only receive present, i have to give some nice too..
teknival for shore!
jesus (lolipop)
considering half the population of crossfire still believes in santa im surprised that option isn't winning.
it was about getting presents

but now im 20 its about giving :(

sucks tbh ( i hope my bro never gets kids ... its will save me lots off money )
Still getting presents at the age of 21 ! At least, that's what I hope. I'll find out in 2 days.

Always helps when you have little brothers and sisters.
jesus ::)
Is about jesus!!
I had to teach the migrant kids what an advent calendar was, the philistines =[

Pressies !
where's the 'drinking' answer :O?
yes jesus! (lol)
holidays, family, drinking, giving/receiving of presents
idd, jesus!
Christmas is about WHAM -Last Christmas, thx.
plz, so true :D
Jesus (lol)

nah, voted family
Giving lots of presents = girls ( only girls are able to pack so much presents. boys just get bored after max 2. ) votes for that

reciving much presents = kids ( cause they have cool parents which accept some nerds in their kidroom above them) votes for that

Jesus (lol) = <0[]L D|_|D3$ votes for that

Santa Claus = esraeli peeps votes for that LoL

Family = guys with a big Mentality are just voting for this.

Holidays = guys like shoutcasters who doesnt play a game active and are jobbing aroung too are voting for this

"you first ask to proove you wrong and then say that you won't talk to me. I didn't mean "the Bible has found thing" as an objective matter, as you can see further on. if it's about the things I said, then yes I said so, but meant that the Bible has found it to those who believe in it."

I'm sorry, but the Bible either has the answer or it hasn't. You're just kidding yourself if you're persuaded to think otherwise. As for me not wanting to talk to you. Not true. I really don't mind talking with deluded creationists who say the Bible has found the answer (which is what you said, deny it or not) but what I said was there's no point. Most creationists are too far gone on their credulous path.

"But science got nothing to believe in. So I wonder how you, as I believe an atheistic man, think about how the Earth was born."

Science isn't about belief! It's not about faith either. It's about defining what you wish to find out, formulating a hypothesis, making predictions via the hypothesis and conducting experiments on it. The key word that scientists work with as opposed to religious folk is evidence.
Yes, I believe in that. But if we want to look from an objective view which I tried to say, it has nothing to do with my opinion.

It's just stupid you tell people to proof you otherwise and then say "I won't talk to creationists." I was just wondering how you think about it, and as I can see, you don't think about it cause the answer to my original question is still missing. If you could just answer my question, it's clear we can't end up in the same opinion, cause these things just are not proven.
Was just wondering your opinion, because you first mock people down with creationism, and still have no answer yourself.

The evidence you're talking about it's just the same as religious people has, texts.
They couldn't work on DNA and technology back then you know.
"It's just stupid you tell people to proof you otherwise and then say "I won't talk to creationists.""

You misquoted me again, even after I corrected you. What use is this. You're just proving my point of how pointless this exercise may actually be! Read what I'm saying.

"Was just wondering your opinion, because you first mock people down with creationism, and still have no answer yourself."

If I ask you 1232890 x 129002, and you say the answer is 12...do I have to know the answer to stop from saying your answer is bogus?

The thing you need to remember is that you don't have an answer either, all you have is faith/belief based on no evidence.

The answer to your question is really just that science is working on it, whereas religion isn't. The evidence for the Big Bang alone really makes it hard for me to believe that people ignore it and maintain the Biblical account. How deluded! Science still has much work to do though. :-)

"The evidence you're talking about it's just the same as religious people has, texts."

What? I believe these religious texts exist, but whether or not their true is a different matter. Read what you just said and see that it's ridiculous please.
"You believe that Caesar existed ?
I don't know about Alexander but with Caesar, there are 10 copies that proove that he has lived, and the timeline between the original version and copies is like 1000 years. With Jesus, at first point, there are 24,000 copies of the gospel in about 25 years. And after that there are the historians like Tacitus, Josefus, Thallus, Suetonius, Plinius jr. and the Jewish law book Talmud saying that he lived, even though they didn't believe in his "resurrection. And of these books there are another 2000 copies or so."

What do copies of books have to do with ANYTHING? Also, people like Tacitus, Josephus, Thallush, Suetonius and Pliny the Younger didn't live at the time of Jesus. It's all hearsay. I can't believe you're comparing the likelihood of the existence of the most prominent Roman Emperor in history to Jesus.

"And still you think that the exist of Caesar, or Alexander however, is more obvious, and the information is more reliable? Yes, they existed but so did Jesus, with much more proofs."

Keep telling yourself that. Remember to be careful how you use the word proof.

Do yourself a favour and check about all the things attributed to Jesus which were clearly stolen from other mythology (Greek, Egyptian etc.)
yes, I've heard about those mytologies, guess there's a simple explanation, haven't got myself to that so much.

Well, the people who talked about Caesar wrote it 1000 years after ? If Tacitus would have written about Caesar 200 years after (dunno when he lived) you would obviously believe him. I can compare them, dunno if anybody else has changed the world as much as Jesus, did he exist or not. (And as a note Caesar was not an emperor) You just try to find the problems in Bible and God and miss the facts. You should think things from an objective way, not like many other scientists that think the only possible explanation is "no, there's no God" so you just try to find the things why there's no God. Think about it.

But after all these replys I see we can't go either way. You can't drop my hard head from creationism and Jesus, and I can't drop you off the way you believe in science, which after all is a belief, whatever you say.

Good night, God bless.
"I've heard about those mytologies, guess there's a simple explanation..."

There is a simple explanation. It's fiction.

Jesus - the historical figure - changed the world?

I think not.

Religions such as Christianity changed the world? Yes.

How? By force.

Jesus would probably be forgotten if it wasn't for the conversion of Paul (or Saul) of Tarsus on the road to Damascus from the 'revelation of Jesus Christ.''
You just summed me up again didn't you ?
I said Jesus changed, did he live or not. Was talking about Christianity which came from Jesus.

And to the fiction part, the mythology talks about the born from a virgin ?
That's one of the things I doubt most on Bible, because it has nothing to do with the story actually.
Yeah sure Born of a virgin is one.

Check out the movie The God Who Wasn't There for some more interesting comparisons with the story Jesus and other mythology.

Just skimmed through the movie at the list:

- Born of a virgin on december 25
- Stars appeared at the birth
- Visited by Magi from the east
- Turned water into wine
- Healed the sick
- Cast out demons
- Performed miracles
- Transfigured before followers
- Rode on donkey into the city
- Betrayed for 30 pieces of silver
- Celebrated communal meal with bread and wine, representing saviours flesh and blood
- Killed on a cross or tree
- Descended into hell
- Resurrected on third day
- Ascended into heaven to be with God the father
science has actually almost testified the Christmas Star, though it wasn't a star, just want you to know. It's pointless to keep this on, 'cause as I can see from what you said to me in other replies, not in this though, you're just mocking me and denying everything I say to you.

Now I'm getting some sleep to my uneducated head, good night.
God bless, hope you can find him back some day.
No it hasn't.

Firstly, the star of Bethlehem only appears in one of the four gospels. There is no Magi in any gospel other than Matthew's either (which was written over 90 years after the approximate year of birth of Jesus).

It's very possible that when Matthew wrote that, he himself witnessed some sort of astronomical event and simply added it to the story.

From wiki:

Which event is most plausible as an explanation of the Star of Bethlehem depends on which year is accepted as the year Jesus was born. Both Luke and Matthew wrote that Jesus was born when Herod was king. According to Josephus, Herod died shortly after a lunar eclipse. This is usually identified as the eclipse of March 13, 4 BC. Jesus was born sometime between the first appearance of the Star of Bethlehem and the time the magi arrived in Herod's court. As Herod ordered the execution of boys age 2 and under, the star must have made its first appearance within the previous two years. This line of reasoning yields a date of 6-4 BC for the nativity.

One problem with the 6-4 BC date is that the Census of Quirinius, a key element in Luke's nativity narrative, did not take place until 6-7 AD, ten years after the death of Herod. There were also two lunar eclipses in 1 BC; however, coins issued by Herod's successors show that they dated their reigns as beginning in 4 BC.

"God bless, hope you can find him back some day."

I'll stick with reason, rationality and critical thinking thanks. I hope everyone finds it eventually.
I have to disagree with you on this one Qpr. Max isn't mocking you, he's just confronting you with some facts. Only because he says things that you don't like/want to hear, doesn't mean he's mocking you :P
Christmas makes me feel emo.
It's funny being in Kenya and watching the coca cola posters with Santa Claus with the snow and raindeer and the works. People here don't know what the f*ck snow or raindeer is, but since it's from the west it's "cool"..GJ Coca Cola!

And you've already been fighting enough about the (lol) after jesus, and I'm happy there's that many reflected (on both sides) people on crossfire. Score!

Personally I've recieved one gift this year, and who the fuck cares. It's really a luxury problem, it's hard to buy gifts to people that have everything from before. I saw on the norwegian online-newspapers that actually there now is a SYSTEM to sell unwanted christmas-presents. HELLOOO? Ring a bell? What used to be the religious celebration of the birth of Jesus is now simply about the presents, the food, and the holiday. In the name of Jesus we roll around in luxury even more than we do the rest of the year. Makes me feel sick.

Merry christmas!
it's all about ^jESUS

it's all about Israel^jESUS! ;D
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