September is here, what are you about to do?
2 Sep 2009, 17:18
September is here meaning the summer is all but over, whats next on the average Crossfire users Horizon?
28.2 %
(460 votes)
34.0 %
(555 votes)
22.0 %
(360 votes)
15.8 %
(258 votes)
(I had to log out to see if it wasn't the stupid [username] function :c)
27€ => 1 year
15€ => 6 months
8€ => 3 months
going to university for the first time:x
What job? 0o
We all know Etnies comes from a 3rd world country, but he's just a victim of circumstance!
At college you study for GCSE's, A Levels and other higher ended qualifications.
It's cool, years still left so it's a routine :)
You might remember the talk we had long time ago, when I thought I won't pass even the first semester at my studies since it's imposible blah blah blah ;)
Well, I did pass it, though my friends & few more guys I get to know and liked didn't. Apart from one subject my marks weren't even bad ( I thought I'll fail at analysis - got 4+ )
Now add to it strange atmosphere, typical IT guys who behave strangely ( I guess it was about those guys being sure they were the best - there were mainly the OI leaders obviously ), a little bit of being shy and a constant depression and you got a quite good image of how I decided to leave it. The subjects itself weren't that bad, apart from too much math from time to time.
Though I found a reasonable work for now (nothing too great of course), so things didn't turn out that bad after all.
As for depression... it's all about childhood and stuff :p Rather boring story.
Good luck! :) If you like the subject - don't give up!
Going to army in January and staying there most likely 362 days :thumb up:
Actualyl not, im going to army in the end of september
what's a bum :s ?
nen zwerver
[x] going on university
I don't make the rules, I just live by them! :D
around january etc?
Anyway, University classes have already started for me. T_T
Looking for a part time job... [x]
finshed college and start working as a Java Developer / ECM Consultant @
edit: aye man if you're still in wales you can call up say ello :P lolz
anyway, im a bum for now and then army.
mostly work though... :E