How did you find out about W:ET?

So how did you find out about the game we all love to play? Maybe some of your friends played it and recommended that you play it too? Or maybe you just saw some news post on another site and became interested.

However you found it, let us know!

Credits to w0nd3r for the poll idea, thanks!
59.7 %
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m8 showed me back in 2k5 , played rtcw without knowning et was out too tho :-/

what is W:ET?
I was looking around on QuadV and at the time CC5 was goin on,
so I watched a game and fell in love :>
played in a lan just after it got released, then didnt touched it in like 1,5 years until i finally realized that she is the love of my life.
talkin about ur girl right ?
no. Just joking man :) Thank god i actually love my gf way more than some pc game lol
"then didnt touched it in like 1,5 years until i finally realized that she is the love of my life. " I was talking about that part of the sentence actually :D
You can actually use the word "she" instead of "it" when you talk about something that is emotionally connected to you. :D That's why he typed she and not it :D
Well.. Yeah, i know how english goes :p
But in french, when i translated it.. It sounds weird. Nevermind, i'm in my own world sometimes :D
Well I was studying at my brother's place and he was playing Enemy Territory. I was like woooh i need to play it!
Friend showed me the demo at the youth centre 'back in the day' and I got hooked. Installed it on all the machines and got a few LAN going from there on, including my first 3v3 team :PPP
swat3 -> rtcw -> et !
A friend told me and then im addicted for like 4 years, gg :D
anyone else find out about it through a tv show called 'Gamezville'? :D
:DDD what a program!
mate told me about rtcw, then went onto ET
uncle google :-)
kinda got into gaming whenever i was at a friends place.
He had a CS team and some teammember of him recommended him to try ET.
We started pubbing, he on his pc and i on his laptop :P
was my first game and still i love it
q3 -> rtcw beta 1 & 2 -> rtcw -> ET
Came free with a magazine :D
ET free? wat :D
oh i got trolled by the poll :D
friend of my older brother showed me rtcw, i had no pc at that time but was planning to buy one, took me a month to buy it and then the demo got released so i played the demo straight away :) no rtcw tho :< only from his place ^.^
Used to have a P2 300mhz with 2MB video, bought a Duron 1600 for like 10e and a classmate gave me a free GF2, so I asked for a free shooter in some irc channel, spNk came up with ET. Few weeks later I found out that the classmate was playing ET for a few months already :>
friend told me. then i told Taz (and Kuha). then we founded KRP. then history was very much made. ::)
I saw my friend playing it and then decided to try it out aswell. Grew out to addiction
A friend told me, he stopped after 5 months, I play since 3 years :D
friend showed me during a summer holiday at some point, i ended up sitting inside playing ET on his trackerball mouse 80% of the time:D
Something doesnt add up there...gaming+inside+summer? :x
"Came free with a magazine"

still got the cd and the magazine copy from 2003. fuck yeah. gotta frame it
may 2005 in Slovakia with 2.6 patch and omnibot
5 years ago clasmates showed me the game ... austrian bunsh who were owining L4F... but not playing this game since ages :(
saw a "1 Year of ET" article in CD-Action magazine, after it I downloaded it and played it all the time after school :P

e: fims was looking for you, i think - if not, he will be by 2nite
ah right, forgot about giga :o
giga damals = beste <3
nice poll!
i was looking for free shooters available, since i didnt had money to buy Halflife (CS)
funny coincidence is that was like a month after its original release :)
no money to buy cs..but you got money for hacks?
2004 man ;)
and besides...yeah...definetely i need to buy hax for pub. retarded idiot.
etbot cracked 4.37, public bots, ever heard of them? fuck you
no not rly
just want to swear a little
A friend told me, his nickname was Hungary read.
this pole is clearly wrong theres noway 62% of people on crossfire have friends
not everybody is a loner like you
Other (state in comments)
first heard about it in a magazine when they announced some beta or something, played the fueldump demo but installed the final ET from a CD that came with a collectors edition of PCPlay magazine #50 in july 2003
mate gave me the demo when it was released and tolled me to give it a try
downloaded it from Germany (free multiplayer games section) right after i got DSL first (end of 2004)... playin it since then

it was and will always be my only online multiplayer game, not going to start anything else.
amen, brotha :') need baserace server public back online!
played RTCW SP at old friend's house, didn't really care about it then.
few years later froxem8 introduced ET to me <3
Played RtCW before
really didn't know :S u mast be old skool ;s
hhaha get a life ;d
my classmates (Bulgarianax and BulgariaPhoebe) told me
back in 2k7 two of my friends showed it to me and I didn't like it, at all :D after around 6 months I realized that it's fucking awesome game and I got addicted to it
Downloaded it from back in 2004 or so.
Was playing Gunz back in the days, when someone of the boarding charge (google translate ftw) told me about ET. Started to play it and loved it. ^.^
It's not the game we ALL love. It came on a cd with a collectors edition of RtCW.
Love to play, not plain & simple love ; )

I rarely play it, but when I do, I enjoy it.
Played rtcw before
Weee had a Macbook in past. As you know there aren't/weren't much good games for a Mac.
So i wanted to find some shooter for it, found one..

It was ET, free shooter.. on a Mac.. which my Macbook could run with that shitty 64Mb onboard graphix.. :)
Played it -> Liked it.

But ye nowadays i play on Windows.
Since my friend told me about this game i have been so addicted for et :) I will not never quit ET because once you play it and you will be forever addicted for it :PP LONG LIVE ENEMY TERRITORY!
ah, finally the 5o5 vs 6o6 poll everyone has been waiting for!
no, not everyone.
get over it :*(
My brother used to play
played @ school
rofl, i lolled hard
nice life u got
nice reply u got
what? Isn't it same If I say Iplayed doom at school when I was on first grae
my bro downloaded it for me

I was 12 years old :p
first time was about 6/7 years ago, when a friend played cvops with a fg42. Then started playing 5 years ago or smth.
ah, finally the 5o5 vs 6o6 poll everyone has been waiting for!
Wait, polls like this get added but a poll about if 5on5 or 6on6 was/is better doesn't? :/
Brother Gave me xD
rly? i dun believe it :/
yes sunny did :)

you remember him? :PPPPPP
thought u r only 2 :s
pff pls -_-

cousin :P
A friend of mine and his dad was playing it alot :PP i hated the game pretty much at that time, but he always made me play it at his house :) my computer sucked so i could play it on it, then i went to grandparrents and theire computer could have it! i downloaded it and started to eat dinner fucking fast so i could play the awesome game!
and grandpas so happy to have u?!
u just went 24/7 at your grandpas just to play and grandpas are alwasy happy when they get visited jeeeeeeeeez u slow
ah :D no no i was there for like winter vacation? next time we went there for a week they gave me the computer :d cause grandpa had a new laptop! i was like 12/13 at that time
:D dude grandpas giving good computers XD thats weird
Nice NOT installing vent and NEVER being on xfire.
i installed ts3 works fine:p
the horror - the horror
xfire keeps crashing man, we'll just be on ts3 ok
pm me ip pass :)
:D it wasnt to good :D but it could run et atleast .PP
Never had a clan or smth and didn't play since the release of WoW.
poor guy :<
friend told me, palyed for a while.
got new PC but still rly bad internet (at that time) so couldnt DL.
came back into the game around christmas 2004 cauz i bought RTCW collectors edition or something and ET was in it.
Friend told me about it, and while he quit shortly after, I kept playing.
I was downloading random games too see what games could work on my really shitty computer and I finally found one that worked :D
after a friend introduced me to it in 2003, we both played the ET demo which was FUELDUMP ONLY :D
Brother :)
my dad was playing it when it got out and i was watching him (i was young u no) and i said lol u so noob xD he said can u do better huh?! i said obviously

took soldier with mp40 fuck ye, my dad said u cud be medic or smth i said no lol soldiers are for killing and medics are faggish, thye dont kill, i took mp40 and not panza cuz i dont like that bs either i just liked smg. but then i went medic 24/7 cuz i noticed that if u didnt revive anybody it was no problem, ofc when my dad came in i switched back to soldier smg, i didnt want him to think i was a gay. so now im medic and i never revive:PP

btw seanza nice try making polls semi-admin:) if u keep up u might get god again but when u get it (if u do) dont brag about it ok?:PP
its true dude:D
i know thats why i said ":D"

my brother United Kingdom Potty introduced me to the game
started playing cuz some friends played it. ev0ken'Xi / Xai and ev0ken'Niley

same 2 guys that later got me playing wow!
I had just installed windows vista, so the first thing I did was open the webbrowser and search for a downgrade for the .NET Framework 3.0 version. The built-in antivirus ofc screamed some random characters. So I googled them with my google chrome, and then within the first 200 hits it gave me a link to the CC6 picture page. Sounded cool so I clicked and saw some cool dudes playing a game that looked really cool like a combination of counter strike:source, Brink and fallout: new vegas. 34 minutes after that I had it installed with a tool called Ultimate Master Installer Eminem Terrory or something and then I played for a couple of hours but died by explosions and crap and then I decided it was not as cool as I first thought. The end.
friend told me about game -> played -> busted.

now ql and looking forward for black ops
Saw my brother playing & making a big fuss about his oficials with phan :PP
Saw it on another forum.
friend in 2k5 -> pwnage with sniper on jaymod -> competitive early 2k6 -> 2k10 win OC premier :)
QuoteA friend told me:

QuoteGoogle (or other search engine):

My friend Google told me.[/u]
dad played it on buplic!
Probably my brother showed me.
Seen it on GIGA Games when it got released.
played RtCW before, and i think it should be revived although ET is still great... but nothing comparable with RtCW :(
other my brother told me about it
mate told me after 3months i owned him :) now playing until the end, 2005
my uncle bought rtcw when it got released, played it with my cousin there and bought my own copy shortly after that to play with him. First few times I played rtcw were family lans rofl :D
my dad came home with RTCW, played that for a few years with me having a go every now and then, and eventually starting a clan. The forums were talking about a new "mod" called ET, so we tried it and ive palyed since
Had heard and played RtCW (demo only) before this and was like "'nice game".
Was lurking in a forum when someone mentioned this game. I asked him "whats the name of the free game?". He told me that name and then i asked for download link. At that time, i was impressed by bf2's ranking/XP system which i found in this game. I downloaded, played....and m in love with it since then.

The true story is from Feb '08. It in-fact is my very first First Person Shooter game that i actually liked. Before this, i was only playing sports, racing, and some tycoon genre games.

ET <3 forever!
I used to play RTCW (demo) with around 20 mates @ my school. Beach 24/7! Then we switched to MoH:AA and then I changed schools, but one of those 20 mates told me there is a new free version of RTCW and that he's making a clan and it would be cool if I joined. So I downloaded ET but got a blue screen after installing, so I dropped it for a month before I tried to install it again. And I was like, totally different then RTCW but hey, still super cool and I became addicted :D The first clan was .:TnT:. = The naughty Teenagers which then sounded cool and stuff, but now we're like wth, how could we ever make a name like that :P
played Jedi Knight 3 in aGu , saw they had a ET squad (the one with Puma2k etc)... friend asked me if i dont wanna play it for the lulz ... played it for the lulz ... never really quit yet never really played.
heard about it on
I played UT99 on a private lanparty with about 25 people. After I raged the others, they started to play Enemy Territory and since I didn't want to spectate I installed it and never deinstalled it again.
Must have shit PC from UT99 days;)
7 years ago my friends told me that there is some AWESOME WWII FPS which I simply can't miss...
power of "from one mouth to other ear"
my brother played it when i was younger :DDDD
a friend told me bout rtcw and ive googled for cheats, found w:et
another friend played w:et and we both started to play
I always told that you're a cheater!!!
lol i played q2 back in days but is this any related? it came free with a magazine but still, i've already read about beta @ another site XD
Came with PC Gamer Magazine. I tried to get another copy for nostalgia but the company was sold or shut down that fucking week. (after running for what, 12 years, just my fucking luck).

Anyways... I still have the demo disc, and the official original 2003 .exe install file. Demo came with some Star Trek or Star Wars game and Moto GP. Also some Ghost Master stuff?

played rtcw sp once at a friends place, thought about it like 3 years later or so and only remembered castle and wolfenstein and first thing google gave me was ET, downloaded and started playing eventhough it was not wat I was looking for in the first place ":D"
Technically it was through Google, and then Wikipedia, but at the time I wasn't searching for ET specifically. I bought a MacBook Pro and the only game installed was Chess so I went to search for a nice FPS game. I found ET and decided to give it a try since it was free...the rest is history.
GIGA TV (oasis - double fullhold, but i cant remember the teams anymore)

My brother told me about this game, we both played the game.
i was asking help from my mate about photoshop and he told me "not now, playing ET" and when that happened on the next day and the day after that, i decided to give it a try. you all know what happened next...
was in 2003 there was a gaming program on sky1 and they showed ET on it and I went and downloaded it :)
gamezville! :D thats where i found it too with ex-ET-legend United Kingdom Fazz
haha thats the one! with the two black lads :)
downloaded it by accident, meant to download RTCW after a friend told me about it on msn, downloaded Et played it liked it, then downloaded RTCW didn't like it as much as ET.

the very evil SurinameN30 and his cousin NetherlandsD10 were always playing this game, and after some school lan he gave me free access to all his cheats and the rest is history :)
"A friend told me:"

those retard game selling companies wanna make a good game then they should listen to us because if they wanna sell good they will want us to do good advertisement for them

(and not the stupid sold biased review sites, everyone knows they cant provide a flippin fair opinion)

lesser minds controlling the world -> it pisses me off

My father played it 7 years ago, when I was 10.
I've also pubbed since then, but got into competitive ET around 1,5 years ago.
It's been 6 years, how the hell do I remember. Although it was luda or 2 other dudes who prolly told me.
Austria OrCh1d & Austria Ta1oN did show it to me
ive played rtcw before but my pc wasnt good enough to play on normal servers online
i just wonder if there are any players who first played ET:QW and then switched to ET?!
Who would switch from a good game to a worse one
Class mate gave it to me when it came free with a magazine (June 2003?)
I had played the RtCW demo before this though and a friend of mine had the full game which I used to play at his house. However back then I was still mostly playing UT99.
I was playing 'hearts' on @ internet cafe while I saw some people playing ET. I asked the owner of internet cafe for the name of the game. I brought some mates and we were playing fueldump :D Everyone was jumping like in Quake, everyone was playing engineer. At first we couldn't get what on earth respawn is :D All in all, we were playing fueldump and goldrush between each other, was like 4v4 (no more PC's @ inet cafe). Then I started pubbing and here I am now lol.
I brought some mates

Read "I bought some mates" ":D"
its an option in poland:)
If only they had money :(
friend told me about 5 yrs ago..
played RtCW before ... omg allready 7 years ago ... then my cousin told me about and I started to play ET with my old RtCW Clanmates :)

good old times :>
Irska installed RtCW and told there's ET and my dad installed it =)
my m8ty m8 miluu showed it to me! ty for it :D
Like we have any friends.
my brother told me to play it for 5 min while he was gone to the bathroom .rest is history lol
It came out about the time when I got broadband, so I was looking for "large" files to download. I then read about a free shooter coming out on GameSpot.
dad & his friend played it :D
I heard about it from my brother who played it in his highschool years
my dad played RTCW and quake and he started to play ET so i just joined in and played a bit (was kinda young back then)....

.... back in 2003 -2004 ET felt so freaking awesome now its like just a game (guess it has to do with the age :))
My brother was on Kazza if you guys remember it, and he seen it there, then we started playing it.
went to a friends house after ET got released for 2months and I saw my friend sniping on fueldump, went home, installed it, never looked back :D
wtf u mean by never looked back
is like... and here I am : p
Wierd, you spanish faggot
Saw my cousin playing it and I got so fucking addicted after seeing landmines blowing up and airstrikes being placed and destroying everything. :D
read a review in a gamer's magazine, downloaded and played for few weeks. Then got into a team after a 1v1 goldrush test match (against a girl :p) and just kept on going for shitload of years
I bought Return to Castle Wolfenstein: The Extended Edition in Game for £10, and it came with a copy of ET on a separate disc. Once I had finished the single player of the former I tried the multi-player but could not get it to work so I installed ET and never looked back!
During school.
We made a school clan , Kings Of Assault


should make a new poll asking if the friend who told you about ET is still your friend after 9 years of living in a cave after he told you
friend shown me this game, became addicteed
Saw pds rolling nerds.
Then i started rolling nerds.
Now we are rolling nerds together.
Ganon told me in 2003
Blaze and LAGmer were arguing on a LAN over what map to play. One of them wanted Fueldump, the other didn't because that map had frequently been played in the W:ET demo.

And then we played and played.
Played some rtcw then moved to et buhhhh
played quake3 -> rtcw -> ET -> quakelive
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