Crossfire Draft Tournament II

The teams for the second version of the CDT were made yesterday. What is your favorite to win this tournament?

CDT2 Team Formations
Crossfire Draft Tournament II
14.7 %
(79 votes)
23.8 %
(128 votes)
26.0 %
(140 votes)
14.7 %
(79 votes)
4.8 %
(26 votes)
2.8 %
(15 votes)
5.0 %
(27 votes)
8.2 %
(44 votes)
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who is bloodje? :o
polish player
I see names that shouldn't be there and others that aren't but should be.

Matias friendsteam ftw :o
isnt Poland Elviss buzzted?
kReSti(c), BloOdje, miks, palemki, stexx, humM3L for SURE!!!!

also good luck to clown and dAv1d :>
was machtn bloodje da ?!
krest hat gesagt er nimmt nur leute mit denen er noch nie zusammen gespielt hat. und da er nur polaken hat brauchte er wohl noch einen oder so kA ^^
er ist wenigstens noch einer der wenigen die spaß haben wollen und nicht serious 100% gewinnen <3 him
guter junge! :D
daniel war nur ne ausnahme ;)
So much win that I understood everything. Need to pay a visit to the person who gave me Pro7 :)
Lets play some shrub ET AteQ :)
Dont play ET at all anymore. Dont think I have it installed even :P
gl kevji, kiwi
I voted team griim cause of tomoyo
Quotegriim(C), Winghaven, Baggiez, aphesia, kiwi, TOMOYO
matias all fin team
You should have disallowed a team represented by one country only (team Matias)
Well everyone had the opportunity to pick the players matias did.
Well you right but I think Matias himself should ve tried to widen the origin of the players he wanted to pick
Isn't the idea of drafting to pick the best possible players for your team? I understand the country restrictions for example in an European All-stars tournament where it is important to have representatives from many different countries as it's meant for a showcase to all the spectators etc. As far as I know the idea of these draft tournaments was to bring activity back into the scene and interesting games to watch. Having the best possible teams will result in even and exciting games with high skill level, which is why I don't understand how people can be whining at Matias' lineup and have no problem with kResti's lineup (some even think that it's a great thing). Atleast you should clearly specify it before the tournament if the idea is to present new players to the scene or have the maximium variety of nationalities or what ever it is that you want to achieve with it.
You have a point there. I just feel like I'm going to see playing a team with people that I'm already used to see playing together
team dialer, anim gonna roll:)
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