who cares ?
play quakewars :-)
QW is dead, look PBBan!
thats 1 out 6!
Should I bust the whole team or what do u mean? Oo
5 more to come i hope =P
Well...Can't say anything about it, but I wouldn't care rly. ;)

They just owned the shit out of us but that doesn't have to mean anything. :) Just checked the GUIDs and found this lil treasure...
hahaha gamehack lolled
Wasn't banned yet. :)
thats not the point!
I don't care about ur point - it's my point! The only right one!
rofl dio fucking noob :x...

image: jreb2
really hard losing karsiah in 4 minuts and braundorf in 3 ye?
That's not the point actually. The point is that ur guy is busted and with a hacker it's quiet easy.. :)
Already asked for it, as u should know..But still u don't get the point that u r playing with a hacker, who was busted 3 months ago. :)
red triangle is only a nice figure, you know?
please show pbban or something that demonstrate "busted".

if not, yours is only boring "blabla"
dont worry, demo will be sent without problems :)
So u admit playing with a cheater? I mean, I've given u the evidence u wanted, so...?
July 30, 2007

which part of "past" it's not clear for you?
The part that u didn't even mention that u give such silly arguments. :)

U can talk about "past" if he has been banned already for 6 months (or how long the ban will be) - but surely not after not even 3 months without any sanctions. ;)
Jesus fucking christ you are lost, if you got any fucking skill of sherlocking then you would search the numbers and see that ALOT have been kicked for that and aw so many have complained here at crossfire about it, many guys playing competatively filed a ticket to PB and PB stated that it was a bug and probably caused by drivers and that they wouldn't ban for it and that they was investigating to see what the problem was(not everyone, as you can see dio hasn't).

And you speak about koto and kMt, do you think we knew they cheated? even if some guys started to whine after a certain amount of time we still didn't have any proof. Seriously, most of those that played in eC4 under that time is certainly disappointed about them.

image: DSC_0956
Link to the statement that this Kick-ID is a bug.

Quote by me that I whined about koto, kMt or anyone else.

And yes, my laugh owns - what about urs?
Koto and kMt was tapsafaria that wrote.

I thought it was a cum animation, still cute though.
multihack kick is no known bug in et, it has been in CoD2 for a small amount of players, also most Win32 ET hacks caught by pb recently - thats why there was the multihack thingy
Then why did so many got kicked for it after a PB update and why did so many of them get their entry appealed?
heard from noone (:
cheater? lol pls more whine after the match
nP. Wouldn't have whined if he wasn't busted. So not my problem tbh if u play with busted hackers. :(
You don't know how CB works, even if he was awaiting a ban he can play offi without any problem, those are the rules.
Did I say anything else?

PLZ - start READING before posting. Thx.
if not after 3 months it's because has not to be, dude, facts will not be enough :)

i can undestand your whine, losing a cw in 20 minuts can be hard, i know, but now i've not time to waste here

"Facts will not be enough" - kk. O_o Some weird argumentation but alright. :)

As I mentioned above: U quiet owned us, I admit. But this has absolutely nothing to do with that u are playing with- and defending - a cheater.

P.S: Still waiting for demos. :)
pss look down :)
Stop your bullshit whine, that's useless.And all your explaination is just...pathetic.
He is pbban that's all even if he didnt cheat or w/e, life is life.
so fucking old!
ah Cokeser,

just to explain because yours is only boring "blabla"
Ban Appealed On July 31, 2007 (Appeal Denied)

Server Log Data
->PBSV: VIOLATION (GAMEHACK) #80292: ^9un^zstop^7pa^ub^fl^de (slot #11) Violation (GAMEHACK) #80292 [636f1bd637ead245744e4d3f91825b08(VALID:748)]

But nice try anyway.. ;)
Who? Sorry I dunno who this person is and tbh I don't care. bb . see you soon. Adios. Auf weidersehen. asta lavista baby!

Stick to playing mario.

image: matiojewnk6

Quote Rafiki on 31/07/07, 10:33:36 PM | Reply

Quote "A gamehack would appear to be hust that, one of the games files has been hacked either directly or indirectly causing a change to its operation. This could be a mini-map hack, no fog whatever.

If ithe hack changes more than one aspect it gets classified as a multihack.

The reason, I assume, that no-one outside evenbalance knows which violation relates to which cheat is simply so that the cheat gets no additional publicity, thereby making it easier to find with the likes of Google. No-one wants to publicize the name of any specific cheat or hack.

Seeing as Evenbalance update the PB side of things to look for new detected cheats, it is evenbalance who assign the violation code to a cheat, as such evenbalance must know what the codes relate to, and the violation ode introduced by them will relate to a valid gamehack/multihack.pbhack, or whatever as a result "

and if you can explain me what it is i ll be gratefully cause evenbalance couldn t.
I'm thinking of sth called "Gamehack". Tbh I don't care if EB wanted to inform u properly or not. It's not like everyone gets this and therefore there's surely a reason. And this means u deserve the ban - btw: Didnt u want to quit ET for ET:QW if ur appeal gets denied? Well..It got denied...
ban submitted to CB, covers all CB games including ETQW bb
as already said

boring "blabla"
It's kinda hard to believe dio cheats...
dio = clean.
Man, this is so old. He allready posted a topic about him getting kicked for Gamehack and he still doesn't know where it came from.

He is playing for cVs since 2/3 weeks now because they got an stable team and because they are Italien.

And he is not banned, so thanks.
That's why I'm posting it. ;) Should be banned or why should he get a exception while every other player who got banned by PBBans and whose appeal got denied gets one?

Such kicks don't fall from the sky and don't happen to every player - don't bother me just because I want the same ban-behaviour for everyone. Oo
again lolol.

Yeah sure.. "Dont argue with retards..." and so on..
stfu plz

You know that there's already a journal about this... why do you open a new thread? Case closed that's all.

Didn't know it - sorry that I don't know every post about random hackers. I'm sure u can be my teacher!

..and I don't think that this case was closed. He isn't banned yet and there's no explanation from Cheatbusters/PBbans/CB that this is a bug which won't be punished.
diO is not random in this case, plus haven't you seen the date of the bust o_0?

Read the other thread, you'll understand why he isn't banned. Instead of making a new one. If you only wanted an explanation from cheatbusters, join and pm them, gogo! Don't annoy us with this...

And CB has nothing to see with busts afaik... they only ban, you can't get an explanation from them.
Bulld0g on 12/10/07, 13:20:41 PM | Reply

ban submitted to CB, covers all CB games including ETQW bb

All I wanted..
1- i got banned on cybergames and i ve joined telenet after 30 sec and you think i am so stupid if i am cheating?

2- i play ET for a while and i m playing med/high levels from 3 years now ( look@clanbase premier OC 2004/2005/2006/2007 everytime @ playoff yo!)

3- i never try to get any advantage with any external programs and i felt so shame when 2 guys were busted in my old clan even if they were nice persons.

4- people who know me always have seen i am not the kind of player who makes inhuman headshots or has awesome aim but i am more an obj player playin for the team, taxmaker and using rifle ( i like 6v6 only)

5- admin didn't banned me yet probably cause they know who i am and what that error is and isn't so clear

6- i have nothin to hide, if you want all my demos i have since 2005 and you can find better skill than now for sure.

7- i play 2nd league only cause cvs are there and we are a bit underrated since we practice hard and really active against high opponents and have a stable lineup/group
5- admin didn't banned me yet probably cause they know who i am and what that error is and isn't so clear

That would be a misuse of power. U have a Pbbans-Entry and ur appeal was denied. If there isn't any information by EvenBalance that this PB-Update caused a bug with ur Kick-ID, it certainly means that there isn't any.
So u should be treated like anyone with PBBans-Entries! That's what I'm asking for.

I don't know u and rly can't say that u r such a nice guy who would nvr cheat, blabla..This argumentation means just nothing. Sorry.

P.S: Still waiting for the demos last night. They aren't THAT long, so it should be no problem to send it. ;)
i am @ work, the appel was denied 20 seconds after the appeal so i think they dont care at all about what i wrote, is just an autoentry, like the pepole who got busted for another pb bug after the update and pb lately rolled back the bans
Well..I won't judge the work of PBBans.

I'm waiting for a official statement by those who are responsible for CB-Bans. If they won't ban u because of reasons which enlighten me, I'm satisfied. If they ban u, I'm satisfied, too..'s just crap that Bulld0g has a RL. -.-'

An official bug statement by PB would solve the problem as well.. ;)
But u have to understand that I won't believe u just because u say ur not hacking (and ur friends)..
my nets back on and EvenBalance say its a valid ban. They know what every code is at EB and they never disclose which hack is which. If they later say otherwsie it will be lifted but until then its a bannable offence!
Thx :) Thats all I wanted - even if u would have said anything else. :)
You don't understand the way bans work, even if you are banned at it is not enought, CB have to ban you, and that can take months/years if you look at almost every other example of a case such as this.
Nvr said anything else...
QuoteI'm thinking of sth called "Gamehack". Tbh I don't care if EB wanted to inform u properly or not. It's not like everyone gets this and therefore there's surely a reason. And this means u deserve the ban - btw: Didnt u want to quit ET for ET:QW if ur appeal gets denied? Well..It got denied...

Why would he start etqw if his appeal got denied? if you are banned in one game in f.e. CB then you are banned in all games there.
What's ur point posting here? U don't bring any new arguments or facts or any evidence.

All I'm asking for is a) the treatment that everyone gets when banned on PBBans or b) any links/evidence that this kick is bug-related.

So - wtf do u want?
a) Wont happen, the world is unfair so just accept it.
b) Im not gonna search topics, news journals, blabla from 3 months ago just because you want it when in the end it doesn't realy matter what you think.
if dio is a cheater make some aviS or watch his demo no?

cvs = clean clan
dio = clean player

these topics are so fucking retard and boring
cvs = cheater clan now

bb hackers
nirv u and tace are cheaters so just die pls
u get more cheaters than us so gtfo hackers
we played them in the 2.div np for us they are not cheating only whining about better players haha
this stupid whine-thread is the demonstration we had to be in premier league
Plz - I don't whine about the match itself. U clearly owned us and we knew before that the 2nd division will be a kinda hard trip. So stop bringing this thread to such a silly level.

It's just that we saw this after the game and were kinda "Wtf? hackers everywhere..?" and I started this thread. Surely u wouldn't bust anyone if u see such a bad PBBans-Entry...
before opening the 3d u should have read the stuff about this story already written.

This VIOLATION (GAMEHACK) #80292 was never clarified by evenbalance cause they didnt know what it's.

If you know, dio will be grateful to know his problem
np i know that you guys or dio dont cheat
blablablablablabla more whine
Doesn't mean anything. He dont cheat. That red warning could mean anything. No wait. I'm acting like some retards I know.

Ofcourse he cheats gg busted.
dio & impe = living proof that retard != cheater
poor coki :/ ... et is no fun anymore because if you play against "skilled teams" everytime there is this thing that you think this enemy cheats or something... there is no fairplay anymore and no trust into a "clean scene"

U mean that we should just play don't matter if ur opponent cheats or has cheated? Would really be a poor et-scene if we accept cheaters.
lango: 100% agree

hacker clan
plz mr. unknown, shut up and remember wash your tongue before speaking about cvs
Says the unknow
Never heard of you ,& look your clan history before talking :>

thx 4 the ban .. hf to play with real cheaters now

gg 2 all nubs
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