junky selfbust (ger allow.)

LMFAO!!! xXx was here
<3 junky
go die emo kid
Havent you forgot the santa part?
Quotemet a guy called zGt and played with in LeVo (2004/2005).
mee can rememba
Poorboi, its only the internet dont cry :'(
now you feel good?
<3 junky :)
erzähl die geschichte von deiner mutter die is interessanter
die kenn ich schon alles
unHAXpected :D
another attention-whore thread? thought u died in a car accident 1 year ago???
and you're asking us to trust a cheater?
u played with him plz ...
Just because I've played with him in the past doesn't mean I have to trust him does it.
nolifer and wallhacker and attentionwhore
Hmm dont wanna read
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|.THE WHO GIVES A | | |'""|""\_ ,_
| __ FUCK TRUCK __ l ||__|__|__|)
| (@)(@)* * * *(@)(@) * * * | ( @)
"I dont care anymore."

stopped reading right there
Stopped @ most.
Stopped @ junky.
and you are that guy with whom junky eated kebab ? :D
lol spiidi:D
hi junky bored@worK?
so you cheated and you realized it wasn't fun so you had a "break" and carried on cheating, surely if it wasn't fun you wouldn't of cheated again right?
Cut the crap, I played you a few weeks ago and you were still obvious as hell.
nice ego quiting team last night =(
I didn't quit!
i no you had no option but to stay and yawn us!!! =D
already did before the game as i always do
i no it was a yoke!
you write funny :^))
I'm a journalist what do you expect!
it was so boooring at work until this moment
thx fot that funny shit you wroted :)

This is rather unsettling. Was he cheating at his time playing with us (Innocense)? Or was that shit after Inno?

isnt vaqor junkq these days?
bs, once a cheater - always a cheater, and you proved that on your own words
bs, i wouldnt have busted myself to get rid of that reputation.
u never had any kind of skill except some tarded bot which u were not even able to control at all due to brainlag, but u think u have enough brain to have skill in et?
Thats so fucking LoL. I played for Team-Massacre, Overload, OCTENse, pstarZ even made the trial for bSTURZ and they would have let me join if they didnt knew i was junky without any kinds of cheats. bSTURZ - you think i hacked with ETMod in the testgame for sure, because i dont have any skillZ. But i feel sorry for you it was detected at that time :). Thats bs, tell me what was the best clan you played for? aGu? oXid? or tfX? You are so fucking funny you dont know a shit about me. So stop talking.
heinzi => nC, myth6s => nC, u => nC - there are some private hax for u for sure - btw they all played with u, and ofc noone of these has ever hacked, never - not in a single war - excluding u...
Dude if i am nC why should i bust myself? And people who know me, would know i never would pay so much money for any game i would buy some weed instead. Seriously you got some huge problems. So why is myth6s playing at the current EC if he is a nC
bcuz he's not busted yet and vegi got ignored for this spoofing stuff a year ago? And I don't care what you would pay or not, it's just clear you've cheated, payed for a bot and now u want anyone to belive in your words and accepting u as clean...

the only person i'd belive more in that way would be ibz, and defintly not u regarding your unbeliveble actions within the past months - any forum topic, journal or comment u wrote, and yes - everyone will belive u r clean now and achived something without hacks - SURE, we belive u -.- (.,.)
Haha, i dont know where you fucking problem is. I admitted it. I said YES I CHEATED. But tell me Mr. Hurensohn himself what is so hard to believe i stopped hacking? Well if you dont believe and check for ETMod and you will see it got detected.
yep, u say u admitted it - but i say it got proved while u wrote any bullshit to defend, and now u do it again but hey: you failed again!
But hey, looks like you really care about the story. Otherwhise you wouldn't even reply all the time. Like i said i dont care if some random internet geeks believe me or not. I thought its time to tell the truth, so i made this post. Even if i failed i wasnt even going to pass it.
u proved to care aswell, congrats proving ur brain skills
Ok, you just prooved we wont get the same the opinion because you are just mentally retarded. Have a nice day and enjoy it! Bye.
or bcuz u r just a cheater without any brain, bye2u2
you are so fucking funny and low mr cheater XD
ETmod is not the only cheat?
Well, it was the hack i was using.
you think by naming mgc 'sit will give you a good name or smth?? like chosen said you've got major brain lag your hole attitude you think you better than everyone else your just some random cheater who got in a few mgcs, once you played versus a few good people they sussed you out, when you were playing with your low skilled mates they thought you were just god like and im pretty sure you play(ed) with a lot of cheaters to
Ok sir, looks like you dont know anything about me. Im playing since 3 years always with the same guys nearly everyday. And he was like stop hacking, you are good without also. You dont need it. Sic, alla spiel ma ohne. etc. By naming the mgc's i just want to say i also played on a high level without any help by illegal programs.
a high level ? i don't remember you playing for impact or tlr??!! mgc's mean nothing your ignorance shows your intelligence already, by naming some random mgc's you think you've played on high level,any skill can basically get in a mgc's these days you cant really argue either you keep on reiterating the same points over and over like a typical cheater
You dont get it, seriously or maybe my english sux to hard. If you learn german i could explain it to you exactly what i mean.
Lustiger Weise hast du Recht, aber es ist ein glücklicher Tag für dich ,weil ich eigentlich in der Lage bin Deutsch zu sprechen.
Haha, das ist perfekt. Also ich meinte nicht gugg her in was für "Highclans" ich gezockt habe. Ich wollte eigentlich nur sagen dass ich auch ohne diese sogenannten Hilfsmittel auch gut spielen kann. Ich habs zu immerhin z.B. zu Overload geschafft ohne unerlaubte Progamme. Oder besser ich hätte mit bSTURZ diesen EC gespielt, wenn ich als junky nicht so einen schlechten Ruf hätte. Wie dem auch sei, wollte ich hier nur sagen das ich eine Zeit lang gecheated habe und damit aufgehört habe. Und jetzt hab ich mal nach 6 Monaten Bilanz gezogen und was sagt man dazu. Obwohl ich keinerlei Cheats mehr am Laufen habe, werde ich doch noch so schön als Hacker bezeichnet. Beispielsweise wir spielen Supply ich rush los und gib ihm oben 3 HS ich mein passiert, halt. Soll ich extra rumlowen damit ich nicht als Hacker bezeichnet werde. Ich hab zugegeben das ich gecheatet habe aber auch genauso gut das ich damit auch wieder aufgehört habe. Und die meisten einfach nur wannabe skilled sind und denken wenn ich sie abzieh das es automatisch Cheats sind. Der eine sagt mir hier ich wäre nC Customer. Hat gar nix vor zu weißen. Aber ich hab ja mit heinZi gespielt und dann muss ich automatisch auch cheaten. Dann hab ich mal mit Kenta gezockt dann hackt der jetzt auch. Kenta spielt bei kojak und also hackt ganz kojak. In diesem Schema läuft es bei chosen im Gehirn ab. </ger>
fällt mir persönlich schwer dir zu glauben das du nicht mehr cheaten willst
Digga, ist mir latte ob irgendwer mir überhaupt glaubt. Ich spiele ab und zu noch abends meine 3on3's & 6on6's. Werde ich auch weiterhin tun und wenn jemand denk ich hab an .. soll er doch bitte ne avi machen. Demomaterial wird selbstverständlich von mir gestellt.
endlich hast du es verstanden , wie es heut zutage laeuft im buiss y0
wo gimpt dein bruder rum, y0!
weisst nicht so recht.
er ist hier und dort heisst es , quasi so schnell wie der wind.
wir müssen ma feature machen :D
You don't even know what you're saying right now! It says you wan't to have sex with a mountaingoat!
I learnt German in school jO
Gl in the future. ;)
you really need to die of aids XD
<3 3on3?
I believe you! <3
QuoteSo i would be happy if you could accept the fact that im not cheating anymore.

EDIT: ahahahaahahahha funny

You were one of the guys which whined about it after march :)
but im not a cheater :D

EDIT: and i think i never played against you, because i dont even know who the fuck are you :<
Me neither, well not anymore. I admit i used it, but not anymore. thats all i wanted to tell ya. :o
thats what noone will believe for you :D
well believe it or let it be

Why are you laughing? You also made emotopic.
2many yerman flags , gtfo
fkin hacker busted bitch i wont even read ur shit bb
du wirst ja immer peinlicher
GL in future!!!!!!!
ridiculous story.. u r just an attentionwhore..
attentionwhore.. nice attention i got rly!!
u r a hero now!! :>
Du bist so ein Opfer. :D
jOw mag sein :]
you used a hax now GTFO
und sowas kommt aus hessen was ne schande =(
Hessens Bester ET Spieler, jo ist schon ne schande ehrlich :!
woher willst du das wissen? es gibt villeicht leute die nur public zocken und besser sind als du ist zwar sehr unwarscheinlich aber kann sein =)
ich habe ein paar monate in frankfurt main gewohnt, zählt das auch?
ich komm auch aus hessen damit wär das thema geklärt
du? lul :D rtcw ok - et no way
ich kann mich an die 3on3´s erinnern die wir als letztes zusammen gespielt haben und ich war besser :P höhere kill hs rate und mehr dmg :P
das beweißt alles! oder denkst du ich cheate noch :D
ne war halt bei deinem letzten bust sehr disapointed!!! dachte das war noch von nem aktuellen bot!!!
what i dont understand is all the ppl saying "<3" and shit like that

the guy fucking hacked TWICE

just shows how retarded the majority of this community really is
and played 3 years and 9 months without any cheats. He is a beloved guy with lots of mates which "<3" him. Are you jealous because he is such a skilled beast. Or because he is such a sexy boy which had a better time in ET than any newschooler will ever have?
nice speaking about yourself in the 3rd person!!
kommt leeet :) feierabend <3
dann mal viel spass im eierfarbend ich geh auch gleich mal nen bierchen trinkorn :P cu<3
why would i be jelous of a guy that cheated ???

ive played this game for 4 years without even thinking about hacking

and im sexier than you np4me

fair enough you admitting to it tho, but ur still lame for cheating against other honest people
I think he's just nice at comms :)
also irl!! 8)
ja das war schon hart :p
besonders der heimweg und das aufstehen :D
2 stunden schlaf und besoffen in die beruffschule :D
bist du nicht noch in der bahn eingepennt? :D
musst ja nur endstation wo dann die frau kam: mmh, hier is endstation! ^^
ich weiß nur mir gings so beschissen... schlafen war der fehler! :D
so what if hes nice on comms ?

doesnt make him any less of a cheat
your sarcasm detector is really broken :(
can i get 1 on ebay ?
no its like brain, you can't to buy it on ebay :(
pfff cheatersss...they're just pathetic
pfff low+ anyway
not so surprising for me :p
but nice to see you are honest...(hopefully) :)

btw to all who say he has no skill, thats simply not true. i played with him when he was not cheating for sure and also i know he didn'T in most of his officials... and he is still a very good player
I love to entertain you :D

bd|aimbrot DELUXE das war auch n1. Auf Radar :DD!

naja wie gesagt seit März nich mehr x) Hab ich dir den nicht damals sogar gezeigt?
schau edit
ne aber ich habs mir schon gedacht :p

du bist jetzt auch entertainer nr.1 :D
cool sexy hi!
hi mr siq!
i remember 2 years ago i wanted to join iStar as eXamZ :D:D:D::D =)
i remember toooo! :)
i dont have a cat! :<
respect. :D
junky <3
Now you know why my cfg ownz =DDD
but why didnt you say the truth that this is based or just the same jans or this is what youre using in real
because i was to lazy to upload my cfg and just clicked on bashi's profile and give you his :o)
wie hier 10000 leute posten du bist ja richtig bekannt mehr als bill y00 xDD
Remember u are not only hacker.. u are retard too.
maybe they whine still because u got busted once not because u were so good?
theres a lot of cheaters that arent good
could be :o) but im good without cheats, but ppl cant believe it :[
u were never in a clan over 2 weeks what are you talking about with hero :\ mr dreamworld
another fanboy which check me out all day, hi2u
junky <3
zZz...tell us something interesting and something we didn`t know.
Well, cool that you know i stopped it, not everyone knows it or want to believe it.
lol wie geil :D
The farmers are using yawn ? :)(right bottom corner)
It's an exciting story about how he used to hack, but he doesn't anymore. He's good without hax and he doesn't like the community for calling him a cheater cause he only did that for 3 months.

Or in a short summary: BS
ok so you admit having used a pubcheat as siq (ets afaik) and etmod later... you didn't mention nexus though.

"But i am not a cheater."
I honestly lold.
siq (etbot public edition- just one night)
santa (etmod- 2/3 months)

and if i remember right its was my fakeguid and the thingie was called nexus_default or something? I just busted the fakeguid.

edit: http://www.yawn.be/findPlayer.yawn?gamecode=ET&etproGuid=8AC7C12E4837CE192B8FECD3A34A5CE8F3CA08DC

exactly :)
And still i <3 you! !!
like anybody would really care
Reminds me of retarded version of kammz/hype

I think you should go to lan and prove your skill.
Give me the money, i will come.
Why the hell would I do that? You are the one that is so desperate for everyone to accept that you are no longer cheater.
ok hf in the future :D
sounds like kamz, ban plx
Exactly what I thought 8D Only this guy is wnb
don't laugh, serious buisness!
junky lil bitch why do u make post to admit that u cheated/cheat/willkeepcheating ?
noone gives a shit about you.

it only shows that u nolifer nerdy and a big attention whore.
no lifer vor allem! :D du kennst mich zu gut
prefetic hacker
wtf richtest du immer an ey? du hast sie doch net mehr alle.
you dont really think we're going to believe this do you?
why don't you start playing ETQW like all the other tards? :D
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|.THE WHO GIVES A | | |'""|""\_ ,_
| __ FUCK TRUCK __ l ||__|__|__|)
| (@)(@)* * * *(@)(@) * * * | ( @)

:D mal ehrlich... wen juckts... erzähl mir von deinem hamster... xD
lustig nur was man mit wallhack so alles sieht ...
was denn herr random aka junky aka sicje aka santa aka geht mir am arsch vorbei xDDD
Ich seh auch ohne WH das krucio nen dämlicher Hurensohn ist.
i really do care if he used cheats if he plays without hax in a clanwar then let him play :o
if not care too cuz he cant play anymore leagues then but hey who wants to play leagues and so on most of the admins these days suck!
this is what xfire is all about ;_) more plz
Haha he tells us this because he thinks that we think he doesnt cheat anymore XD, haha nice try

gl as a clean player now :)
Respeckt das du es zugibts, es gibt genug andere Leute die es niemals zugeben würden.

Mein Respeckt hast du und lass in Zukunft die Finger weg von solchen Sachen bist auch ohne Gut.
<3 :]]

Ich könnte dir jetzt 20 Leute nennen die oben mitspielen und noch nicht entarnt wurden. Aber ich bin keiner der andere Leute busted. Weil ich ja ein NoLifer bin ;))))))
hmmm, i can live with it i dont rly care if u cheat or not tbh :p
kann ich mir gut vorstellen :X
care about you, you are too low to play a serious league anyway
so true, kiss luckily got EC spot and will end on rank 16 but he can flame me.. go on i start liking it!
ok haxer, way to go, paying for a free game XD
wow i bought a m8 of mine a kebab, thats much money for 3 months full of fun (well, thats what i thought)
I buy my mate a kebab, just because he is my friend, not for a random tool/thing which I will have to use to accomplish smth.
well if you call some guy you met over internet your friend is fine for you, but i got real friends ;)
Inetguys arnt my friends
FU! Let the cheaters life
you should be banned for life
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|.THE WHO GIVES A | | |'""|""\_ ,_
| __ FUCK TRUCK __ l ||__|__|__|)
| (@)(@)* * * *(@)(@) * * * | ( @)
interesting.... NOT
Well well, if i am not mistaken this is the second time u post this stuff, and everytime ur story is changing. U never should started hacking. GG
"U never should started hacking. GG"

Maybe if you put this fucking HUGE paragraph into sentences I would fucking read it. And seriously dude. To write this much about a cheater/selfbust whatever. You must not do any other activities? Seriously mate. >_>
was bored @ work 8)

nearly everybody knew it so np :DD
Well I havn't read it yet. Because I cba reading a huge paragraph like that. Maybe turn it into sentences so I can read? >:)
Nothing special, i just admitted that i used wallhack 6 months ago and blabla .. if you care and have some time you can have a read its kinda funny imo 8)
Ahh I just read it. I forgive you. Least you admitted it. better than beign busted by people I suppose. But you are gonna get so much flame for this and probably banned from crossfire :< If you've stopped cheating and said your sorry you're forgiven by me. :>
=) i go play for a 3on3, nah i dont think they ban me. Maybe they are happy that i finally admitted it :P byebye! support #illu
:D Will do.
ich glaubs!
I am proud of you my son!
hahaha funny post :)

<3 junky

hahaha funny post :)
hahaha funny post :)
hahaha funny post :)
hahaha funny post :)
hahaha funny post :)
hahaha funny post :)

<3 junky
Haha you're gay!!
Haha you're gay!!
Haha you're gay!!
Haha you're gay!!
Haha you're gay!!
Haha you're gay!!
Haha you're gay!!
Haha you're gay!!
Haha you're gay!!

</3 you
Und was ist mit sharky ?

Bist schon ne lustige botte :)
Thats one of the most unclear posts so far. Enter = next row. Not any story should look like that :F
Goin the kamz way.
Well done mate! Nice comeback!!!

So, what's that on your head?
my hair!!! its my joke lanhero!!
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|.THE WHO GIVES A | | |'""|""\_ ,_
| __ FUCK TRUCK __ l ||__|__|__|)
| (@)(@)* * * *(@)(@) * * * | ( @)
fucking cheater !!! tzz tzz tzz ;)
waste 1 minute of your time into writing a journal and you will get the attention from over 200 people
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