Looking for 6v6 ET Team again :(


Well after boumbo & leito from duality clan left the team I decided to leave2..
so I m looking for 6v6 nice and good team =)

Infos about me :)
-From: Finland
-Age: 19
-skill:I dont want to say med+ cuz all gonna whine wannabe but med+ easyfor me :) so lets say I m medskill:) (happy ppls?) xDD
-active 5days/week 20:00-24:00 CET
-no whine
-nice guy =)
-playing medic&fobs
-playing 2div @ OC

what I want from the clan :)
-nice&stable team..
-no 2weeks clan
-and have server/voiceserver I dont care bncs or something shit.. just server where can do pracc etc..

ex teams
-dont remeber all players cuz it was only 2 week clan :P

#weareobvious by #Duality.et
Finland Good
Denmark Squash
United Kingdom Boumbo
Belgium leito
Belgium Generalz
Belgium timoun

Belgium aieuh
France nSKvnK

#zZz.et ( #phantasmgoria )
Denmark xcN
Denmark SgZe
Belgium Sup3r
Belgium nunca
Bulgaria italiano
Finland toNii
Finland Good

#timeteam ( #T4Ce.eu )
Finland Good
Poland Aksil
Poland dudqu
Poland Adler
Poland Killer
Poland jhxp
Poland chelmianin

England Kipster
Finland Good
Estonia Gagarin
Poland Suby
Estonia Crash
England tw!st

Netherlands elFje
England Zulu
England Azimiz
Germany Kiste
Poland Adler

ty for reading <3 more infos pme here or @ quakenet #Good:/ or #crossfire
Gl Goody xDDD <3
gluck :)
good luck, nice and skilled.
gl budy :)
gl mate ;)
sqze .. not sgze xD & gl der dude
hhh :P oki xD
n1 selfbust
Quoteskill:I dont want to say med+ cuz all gonna whine wannabe but med+ easyfor me :) so lets say I m medskill:)

glll med+ izi

<3 skilled and funny as fuck on comms =D
Gl Good, I hope u are really good now :D
edit:n1 forgeting me
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