Help with Virgin BB

Recently signed up for 20mb virgin broadband and i get download rates usually of 15kb/s.
My cool little 'system monitor' says my network speed is between 0 and 10 kb/s and occasionaly it flicks up in the the hundreds.

Yes i know virgin is wank and out there purely to fuck me over but all the same, before i phone their premium rate line am i missing any tricks?
lol virgin
I have virgin and my speeds vary also :x never that shit though :P
virgin is trying to fuck you over

it's al so arousing
haha best comment of the day ^^
lol your translation's autistic.

I'd guess that 75% of the time my network speed is under 20kb/s so im not sure whether that counts a varying but either way its not quite 20mb
no your not missing anything

and never try a doom 3 engine based game ie. ETQW, Q4, DOOM 3 etcetc

it will then be impossible to game on :)

i have this problem, also between 8pm-12am i beleive they limit your line further
4pm - 12pm i thinks , if you go over 3gb then you fucked for the rest of the day :(
According to our salesman we're meant to have unlimited bandwidth or is there a catch with this?

What difference does playing a doom3 engine make to any other engine?
it is "unlimited bandwidth" but bewteen peek times 4pm till 12pm if you go over 3gb your put onto the "heavy usage users line" its like having a 56modem again
i have virgin and 0 problems apart from the fact they bill me twice as much as they should :@
Lucky you dont have BT
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