Mouse settings?

Hi all!

I bought an a4tech x7 can anybody say good settings for it?
-sensitivity in windows and et
ws: 7
is: 1.5
without mouseaccel
-1600 dpi
-sens win 3, et 4.47001

using high dpi makes your mouse inaccurate in ET.
Changing your windows sens give you rounding errors.

gl with that!
400/800 dpi
windows sens default aka 6/11 in control panel or 10 in windows registry
ET sens = this you can change as much as you like
mouserate = 125/250/500 whatever you prefer, higher mouserates help a lot when you have lower fps.
So ur saying that 10/11 in razer driver windows sens is a bad thing?
cuz dpi 400 and windows sens default makes my mouse really slow in windows :o

Any other way to raise it? :/
you have two sens buttons in razer. One that is by default at 5 (razer driver app sucks, it sais 5,25 or something.) and another one which is by default at 10.

Best thing to do is just change it in your windows control panel and put it to 6/11 and go back to your razer and see what changed.

I use 400dpi on rmode8 in windows, and i have to agree it feels kinda slow. Just use it for one hour and you wont even notice the difference :)
haha nice to specify your windows resolution in r_mode !

nerd :D
it affects my windows sens when i paly flashgames!!
aha, tx, found out that i have both on standard. I was looking at the wrong bar for windows sens :)
400 Dpi
Win sens 7
Igame Sens: 0.9
0.8 InGame
Windows Sens: normal
no mouseaccel
1000 hz
I have ALL default i dont understand this shit and random microsoft mouse. Only sens in et is 3 and fov 105 :>
now people will understand why you suck :P
no matter
5000 dpi
2000 Hz
windows sens 6
ingame sens 0.5
400 DPI
500 hz
sens: find for yourself
in x7 possible only 125hz

"Hi all!

I bought an a4tech x7 can anybody say good settings for it?
-sensitivity in windows and et
well i dont know this a4tech x7 mouse? is it any good?
u can't copy other peoples aim? :o)
(but if u have to, try maus's one xD)
try this: 900-100dpi
et sens: 2.7

but u never can copy 1:1 the sens and settings of some1, cause u are DIFFERENT! so strange it hears, it's the hard reality^^

find your own setting and sens!

another tip:

et sens: 0.3
1000hz ;)
if i remember correctly u cant setup 1000hz @ windows
you can but its unstable
What about 1000hz in cpma, lowsens + fast hand u still say 500hz?Imo 1000hz 'cuz rail flicks.
ET = track
Q3 = point and click

in q3 1000hz is prolly better, it doesnt matter what the xhair does in between traveling to the point you want to hit. In ET you want to be able to have a consistent movement of the mouse at all time
Ye thats what i thought too
i play at 1600dpi, sens 1.29 and 500hz usbrate... windows sensitivity 6/11 ...
2000 dpi
500 Hz
windows sens 11
ingame sens 97.1337
ET = 1000 dpi & 1000hz & sens 2
WIN = 3200 dpi notch 2 1000hz
400 dpi & 500 hz, windows' aceleration, disabled ... (:
omfg i see u guys r still noobs evrybody knows that 400dpi 1000htz pwn............but ofc u need to have a big screen too...................dont forget to refresh force ur refres rate on monitor that will give u a boost too.........
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