image: 20051122155244goldrushcv2

30 min grush, chilean server public :$
do you,,ehmm,,cheat??!1
cheater ! :D
you're so good!
want a cookie? :)
aimbot for sure ;)

1266 shots in 30 min , so little for a pub?
Pls or you played on a botserver where the bots are on the lowest settings
Member For: 23 days

must be member for 5 years @ netcoders ":D"
so true wiggah
in 5 years more i will post this same pic (:
wait ill try to laugh at ur joke.....

sorry wont happen..
Well... if you REALLY are so c00l - would you like to explain what is this? :-D http://yawn.be/findPlayer.yawn?d-1588-p=2&etproGuid=D6528C2C3842EBBE41E9FC43F518CF373C5A5D7A&gamecode=ET
i have fun playing with bots to
etpub with large hitboxes at head... izy bash
papulli on fire
u cant tell us u onyl needed 30mins for that!
the enemies cant spawm so fast -.- liar!!!
maybe they revive on a chilean pub!
i have skills to play in publics servers, thats all ...
im not cheater (:
play in public.. flamethrower hmm jaymod? low--- pub? ppl who stand still when they shoot.? that kind of public? :D
ghehe nice one xd
"skills to play in publics" NOW WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?? :D
making some headshots on a noob publik server ! skilled
in scrims o leagues i just can hit 70 hs in 1 sw ):
scrim against ppl who u met at ur public server who dont move and then shoot.. ? pr000
hshshshshshsshshshsh (:
me and olba <---- my m8 laugh alot of this. :::::::::::::::::::D
i wanna see your HSSSSS when you play 3on3 in supply
i know its pub but gibs 3 lmao
if he would gib he wouldnt get so many opponents to frag!!
U must have been a member of the Gib clan!!
lol funneh
Are you the best aimer in South America or something? :o
doleful stats :*
and btw.


image: pic16
on a public server easy bash imo
get almost same stats on some random public servers
but my acc is bit lower more to 50-52 and litlle less kills
so you really were recording at public? more public heroes plz
hax. thats why he's looking in the wall ^^ if he turns around it will for sure show coloured models :D
33% hs accurancy :)
If you can do that in a war, you should ask yourself why you're still playing ET :p
Eiss..... surely! :-D As Rafiki already said 33% HS acc = You should be playing on megahighlevel or so :-D
self bust for sure ;)
selfbust imo!

57 acc and 234hs for sure....
Fucking hacker.
rizzla != z1ed thats it
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