azznr haz bukkit!

Looking for a:

- active 6on6 team.
- skilled team.
- serious team.
- stable.
- active in 6o6.

Me is:

- Netherlands
- 22 years old
- can speak: Netherlands / United Kingdom
- can play: Fops, Engi (no wallhack for rifle)
- med (+) skilled
- clean YAWN
- can play from 19 - 23 GMT+1 (monday - friday) and 19 - whenever (saturday and sunday)
- No clanhopzor

More info pmme

clean yawn since 2007/06/20

gL aNywAy!!
my old 1s are clean too :)
no friggin idea why they changed :x
gL :D.d:D:d:D::D::DdDD
:o azznr you kicked me eh :(
wel NOT GL :>
Nice Friends List
ze wrong 1
nah just kidding gl m8 :D
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