Farewell Letter

After 4 years of Enemy Territory i decided to call it a day. I had a great time but 4 years was more than enough.

I would like to thank some people who made Enemy Territory so special for me:

Denmark Blazer & Denmark Spektr
United Kingdom Fazz & Netherlands buggs
United Kingdom Wakizashi
United Kingdom Hype & Poland Hptm
Denmark Arachon

And ofcourse everyone else who i was in a team with. (especially We Are Obvious)
I will keep reading crossfire when i'm bored & u might spot me on a quakewars public.

With my last words i want to say sorry to everyone i flamed in enemy territory. (I'm thinking of ecklav, duke, etc.)
edit: no stupid ecklav shit anymore
cya mate
wtf crossfire death ? :o

especially for u

pls tell me u got emo seeing this
i'm fucking crying atm
oh cmon i deserved an apology much more than them !

hf btw
good decision!!

gL with your reaLLiFe!!
ET > Real life. Btw they're all hackers :<
In real life or in ET?
flam0r also flamed me, w00t

Anyways, even if you acted so retarded sometimes, still is a bad thing that you quit.
take care mate!
Think about me too !
HF irl generalz
you sad panda now?
i'll send you moneh via paypall so that you can get a beer and be happy again?
bb gl hf mate
Ngr please, kom niet hier met je bullshit. I was much more special than hype, and you don't name me?! Nice one Wannes!

Cya, take care :*
dont quit!!! :'<<<

have fun in quakewars mate .. maybe i'll cu there when my pc is able to run it..
gl in future, and thanks for all the good times we've had!
gl in rl my hater :(
Cya gen :<
bb mate =)
gl m8 :* <3
gL @ rl!
RIP Generalz
I will miss you and all your retarded links.
Much <3 to you.
And gl hf in futur :'(
Thx for some of the greatest times in ET I had with you.
Hope to see you in quakewars even tho the rifle isnt as powerfull as in ET.

<3 to wannes in antwerpen!
gl IRL generalz ;)
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