S-crew needs 2 players

We (S-crew) are currently looking for 2 players (1 medic & 1 fops) for our main line-up.

Current active lineup

-Karrde (the dutch one!)

Active Backups: M4tters, Mr. Bean, Dark

We are looking for players who are/will be:

- active (Sunday, Monday, Wednesday & Thursday 20.00-23.00 GMT+1)
- skill: med(+) / OC second+ league
- able to speak (understandable) English
- motivated & experienced
- able to fit in with the team skill- & social wise (18+ will help)

What you can expect from us:
- game server
- (ventrillo)voice server
- experienced players (3+ years)
- stable line-up
- active in 6on6 ladder & cups

You can contact me or Karrde (opped karrde) at #S-crew or pm me at Crossfire
If you could provide me with some personal info (age, nationality, clan history, size of ur weenie) I’d be very happy :>
karrde 1manarmy :<
gl, nice guys, afaik?
gl top lads :)

hopefully they wont wait 1 month for an answer though ;)
thought it was u :<
I already thought you though it was him....so i added the "dutchy" part ....capice? :p
its alive!!! where have you been? :p
gooo hotfordomen and lawley
and big love to my fisherman beansi and i guess tammie is allright aswell
just dont recruit etnies
lawley without malus? there is something wrong here :p
so your not going to play cod4 with me? :((((

gl boys.
horrible the verry large dutch 1 ?xD
Do u mean the fat one? No, that's Satz... :p
and before i met u, i though there was only 1 Karrde (the dutch one ofc :>)
gl collegue vent users
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