#rem-clan needs 2

Hi crossfire community!

As u can see in the topic, rEM (Rapid Eye Moves) needs 2 new players cause seNti and myth6s left us. Maybe some of u know us maybe not ;) not that important^^

wtf is rEM? well rEM is:

-a nice,friendly clan, founded in 01/2005
-we played RTCW and since 2006 we are part of the ET community
-our skill is around med =) < this is my opinion^^
-4 players are in that team for more than 1 year, so no 2 weeks team
-we are all german, but we also would like to play with euro players. no need to be german speaking
-we got some smaller achievements, seen in my profile, and wanna defend our Warleagues Winnerscup Titel ;)
-we are sponsored with server, vent and ts, bncs, and the new hp is on its way

c0bra (german one, not busted)^^
what we are looking for?
-players with a clean yawn/pbban
-history is not that important
-should be at least 18 years old - mature (in some case we CAN talk about it if ur 16+)
-classes: medic / experienced rifle (we have one who can play it, but we prefer someone with more warexperience with it)

hmm i think this is enough at this time..

pm me in #rem-clan or leave me a msg here on xfire for more information/tryout

best regards darw1n

PS: u found some mistakes? PM Q at quakenet
pril is inactive..dunno when he is back :X
den muss man nur zwingen
highly recommend!

nice feeling to play with those guys.
was a nice time and still i will be your backupplayer meightzz!

GL finding 2 decent replacements!

for everyone whos interested in an active ET clan with nice guys which are playing active on a competition level on warleagues feel free to contact darwin on irc


best regards ervin szappan aka seNti
still <3 u seNti..miss u ;(
dAv1d would fit in if u think about the nicks :D
well... tbh im dAv1d fanboi since rtcw ;D
unexpected :D GL btw :)

P.S. im not mAus fanboi !
gl guys,

was nice to play with u :-)
schade das ich vergeben bin =)
gl, really nice team, friendly and motivated!
go for the trials cless guys!
-players with a clean yawn/pbban

if this means clean overall, nice playing with myth6s
they only take rich cheat0rs! (monys for privatehackZ -> no triangl0s)
chosen, nur weil du nicht verstehen kannst das du nie im high lvl spielen durftest verwehrst du andren spielen die chance ?

bitte sei realistisch, gib mir ein proof das myth6s an hatte :)

und nun kümmer dich wieder um deine steinzeit esl seite.

beste grüße ervin s.
darum hat er mich auch gebannt :D
ich darf dich mit sicherheit an tfw erinnern, wo ich offensichtlich klar stellen kann, dass kein Kind so dumm is wie du und mit nem ehemaligen mate nix besseres hinkriegt als sein lowes maul aufzureisen und hier die sinnlosigkeit wieder mal herr werden zu lassen.
sorry, mr.tfX|senti, aber failed, und nun geh weg und spiel weiter mit deinen bot kollegen bevor du noch mehr scheiße verzapfst und dumme public kiddies wie den oben drüber auf comments lockst, die völliger schwachsinn sind.
btw stell dich beim leanen nich mehr so dumm an, dass man den ganzen body sieht, sonst kommt ein "lol" dann irgendwie dumm.

e: http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=forum&mode=item&id=2063 erkundige dich vll mal über deine tollen mates
That`s all u got?

Good job. Ur sure it`s me?
i dont want to spend my time searching ur teams with heinzi and i dont want to search the wave/heinzi stuff where someone obviously spoofed someone else
Im not heinZi so np.
hi random cheater

i dont care, u played like 1 year with him and u both defended each other all the time, noone of the et community will care as long as you dont find the junky in urself and start to write the funny collumn about your nC tools.
hohoho ur rly a moron.

I never got busted, no avi`s, no pb_ss, no yawn warning, nothing. Before talking crap, u should start thinking.
as i didnt do that, random cheater :)

wo ist dein problem? was hat dir myth6s getan ? kann mich nicht erinnern das myth6s nen cb, wl ban bekommen hat. er durfte alle leagues und cb cups spielen auch den euro cup.

ich denke es wird wohl dran liegen das der deutsche neid wieder in euch muh kindern durchkommt und es den besseren spielern über euch nicht gönnt auf nem höhren level zu spielen während ihr immer noch im low bereich abkackt.

beste grüße ervin szappan aka seNti
dann les dir vielleicht nochmal durch, dass ich nicht von et-scene rede, sondern von xfire und kapiere, dass es nicht nur deutsche user hier gibt
Pass aufmerksam auf, vielleicht kannst dann auch du etwas von Jedi Senti lernen!
plz gimme a prove he is busted! any links? pbss?
thought the same =)

gl endstille though
gl :-)

Edit: How you can lose with wave @ OC :/ ?
plz dont ask :( it was a bad day for us, but anyway..gl to wave ;) next time we gonna win 4 sure
rifle - o - matic
take me i'm active again :D
gL netter skilled clan wtf ist mit genShi?
gl, skilled
Anyone who thinks playing with cheaters is cool, this is just the team for you. Walling or botting it's ok as long as they win! After all ET is serious business and losing to Americans who don't even play the game anymore is unacceptable so turn on the cheats and win. GL TO U
made 5 mins of me :)

nice comment.
That made no sense.
sup with genshi?

gl anyway
the armee wanna test if he really has that damn good aim ;)
ohnoes...armees fault
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