Bought both. Dunno which is better... CoD 4 is different... I'm much more skilled in etqw, but... this game is kinda boring with 2xfullhold maps :/. Some of them are like supply now or oasis 2 years ago - if there are 2 clans with not so big skill-difference, we'll have 2 fullholds. There is a chance in the SDK and rebuilding/creating new maps, but we've to wait a few months more...
Not months more like days it's sounding like, a beta SDK is going to be rolled out soon according to SD staff, why a beta I haven't a clue but I guess it better than nothing...
Well there are so many things you can do and discover in ET:QW, next to that the maps are all very different and require you to do different things and if you are a stats player you will get rewarded for specific styles of play. The game also has various movement tricks which you can learn to improve your playing style...
CoD4 if you like campy gameplay, hax and you were a fan of CoD2.
ETQW if you like movemant and aim style like in et. it sucks copared to et but its still playable if you have a good pc + if you had any form of skill in et you will be uber skilled in ETQW.
def CoD4, ETQW is just a piece of shit and will be dead soon enough, since it sucks so much.
CoD4 is very nice, and even the cracked servers are pretty full :P
Download it somewhere and test it on the cracked servers and see if you like it.
My first whole night playing CoD4, IT OWNZ !!! XDD Nice levelling system, feels a bit like WoW in TrueCombat jacket or smth (hate WoW though, but this is very nice).
+Very nice single player! Worth your money imo. Got a nice PC?
I see your hardware now, go save some money and get a proper one. Or stick at Q3:cpma and ET, but et:qw and CoD4 are a little too much for your system imo. crappy fps is not fun to play...
You also get airstrikes, chopper support, on maps which are 10 times as small as the ones in ET:QW, meaning the effect of the spam is most likely be just as irritating as in ET:QW. In both games you have to play smart not to get affected by the spam.
ETQW is dieing allready... (some1 told me)
ETQW is awesome
its fun if u dont play it competitive ;/
ofc ET:QW resembles ET:QW or? :/
ETQW if you like movemant and aim style like in et. it sucks copared to et but its still playable if you have a good pc + if you had any form of skill in et you will be uber skilled in ETQW.
CoD4 is very nice, and even the cracked servers are pretty full :P
Download it somewhere and test it on the cracked servers and see if you like it.
I will answer with other question - do you prefer teamplay and arcade style or do you prefer camping and instant kills?
+Very nice single player! Worth your money imo. Got a nice PC?
I see your hardware now, go save some money and get a proper one. Or stick at Q3:cpma and ET, but et:qw and CoD4 are a little too much for your system imo. crappy fps is not fun to play...
Cod4 btw
And dont answer ET or other games retards... they suck
i would go for crysis fo sho but probably cod4 is the next big multiplayer action game with growing communities etc...
qw is a spamfest
in qw u get vehicles with infinate bombs to spam with.
pretty much is spam. not saying its a bad thing if u like canned spam for dinner. but no sir, not me.
only vehicles I want are in racing games.