Bye beloved ET

Almost 5 years of ET had to come to an end. I've never had such a good time in any other games I've played - But this had to stop sometime..

I want to mention some people that made ET so special for me

Denmark bLAZ3R, Belgium Generalz, Denmark Divad & Denmark Huhannes
Denmark Adii, Denmark bamZe, Denmark Hein, United Kingdom Wakizashi
Belgium Jada, Belgium UndeaD, United States of America Diso, Estonia Priitus
France kAULI

I could mention many more, but these guys are the ones that have been my true Online mates, from 2003- to 2008.

You might catch me in a 1daycup once in a while, and I'll keep myself informed about things at Crossfire. Thanks for all the great games I've played and the great people I've played with!

And Denmark suA, hope we can get along now I've quitted the game ;]

Gl in future ET, and all its people.
No shoutout to me ? :<

Oh wait , I dont know you :DD

hf irl
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :( ;'( bye :'(
bb mate!

btw i go @ drivin' now, bb in 1,5 hourz we paly paly paly!!!
oke <3 i just had physics exam :< it would have been smart to study 4 that :\
cu in 2 weeks
cu in #carebear
bibi my lover bibi my friend
2 weeks without et, no can do, bibuy
id imagine you've just made a brilliant decision :O)
Cya spektr
bye spektr, gl with all
Jada = ecklav

But gl hf.
"But this had to stop sometime.. " - LOL. Why...?
et exist since summer 2003, nice your 5years of ET
beta tester
bye mate hf f0n @ IRL
byebye<3 but where are you going? theres nothing outside
N.S.Y.A =<
c you and my nick has nothing to do with yours
bibuy :(
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