
Look demo and u see malczik high skill

<13:37:00>(+malczik) high et merc avi (witch wh)

<15:19:48>(+malczik) HIGH merc avi for cup pm fast

Look demo and u see HIGH skill malczik ;)

yawn ------->

creat by M3RC

#czitongi @ Qnet jojn ;)

chanel creat for new mystic! (meaby mAus )

PLZ klick Reklamy Google.. ^^
Nirv say : hi2 caej

hi2u2 nirv<3<3<3
yet another malcik thread
Plz download demo Man and u see malczik skill HIGH MERC AVI ;>

so malczik kk thx bb ;) its u the best text
this movie proves pretty much nothing.
his movement and aim is so crap that he is low+ even with hax. so i dont really care.
1-2 pretty suspicious scenes. But if u take them all single then you can`t prove a shit. But knowing they are all from the same war...if u ask me, I am sure he cheats...but who knows.
More malcziks :C mp4 sux
malcizks return
"chanel creat for new mystic! (meaby mAus )"

Same in english?
some kinda strange scenes, but most aren't proof of anything...

there's just one thing I don't understand about malczik: why all those "pro skillahs" keep playing with him?
i guess he is nice on vent
LOL i cant laught anymore OMGGOOGMOGMGOGMOGM
why did u play with him anyway?

Quote by malczik's profileEx Teams:
Finland Lineup

Poland malczik
Finland Sanda
Finland Spirea
lol u really think Spirea & Sanda played with him? oO maybe he merced one time and wnb puts it to his ex-clans list -.-
high lean skills and like u say a true hero protecting hes spawn lOLLl
the funny thing about the avi is that EVEN THOUGH he can see through walls he gets owned like 9/10 times :DDDD
don't laugh with retardation, will you?!
coz I am nice guy ?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA malczik sucks so extremly much, he is low, why does all these "good" players play with him, played agaisnt him in a 3o3 a few days ago and he sucked but there were some obvious wallhacking..
Lmao, pretty few actions where it was clear that he uses hack, funny shit. :XD
It's boooorrrrrrriiiinggggggggg after 32578280437260574287682374057023 topics about malczik... so find someone else!
if he's cheating rly I am going 2 laugh so hard xDDDD
Everytime he see's mee he's disconnecting :D:D
malzcik disconnected

put the sounds in it I can even track like that it's not so hard just when u hear something
great bust cunt...great

btw your english is still one of the bestest :|
hes low+ mAx
who is malczik?
ye thought the same :D
un des boulets d'ET je pense !!
Please :X

That prooved absolutely nothing
someone need to just kill him.
song name ? :p
if this guy is high ET is dead.... so laik plZ gtfo r3t4rd!
<malczik> singups?
<Mystery1> yep
<Mystery> team and players?
<malczik> me and wingheaven
<Mystery1> true??
<malczik> yess

My cup started at 19:35

<malczik> sorry
<malczik> can't play
<malczik> bye


jao rogach ke mash angleshchino :D ?
THAT TOLD ALL**************************

ma zdele je bl švoh oz. je zmer bla :(((
to vse pove, ne to je vse povedalo :D GLAVE
ja sej je prov
k se je to on napisov 2 dni nazaj
we dropped malczik + wing in some cup, so he actually played a cup with him :P
can't see the hax in there
Plz use ingame sounds!

don't find it RLY obvious until he shoots at the left rock @ supply, but with a critical nonjudging mind, not even that is perfectly obvious . Also remember how much coms do, coms + good sound-conf is more or less working as a wh.

but ye.. I'm getting the vibes :)
well i met him on public one time and he did almost same stuff as in the mp4
and it was malczik yes (anyway who would want to fake a polish hacker?)

then, inside the axis bunker someone was up at the window or somewhere, idk but he had 3-4 mousespins (extremely fast) ... i said malczik wtf? he just laughed and disconnected o_O
a german hacker! xD
huh? malczik is polish isnt he? oO
LOL the way he gets owned all the time in that avi :DD
Anyone who has takes a nick like POBIERACZPLEBSU should die...
I decided to write this comment , beacuse I do not want to hear it anymore. Look guys , I am not a cheater and I've never been. This demos/avi show nothing - like I said in my apologised journal, I have crappy movement and my aim sometimes is crappy , coz of my mouse , which is not so new (logi rx 300). I hate cheaters and it is hurt when I hear it from you : oh malczik teh cheater etc.

Really can you just leave me alone and bust REAL cheaters?

Read it 2 times and then write a comments . Thank You , bye .
what about this

<malczik> singups?
<Mystery1> yep
<Mystery> team and players?
<malczik> me and wingheaven
<Mystery1> true??
<malczik> yess

My cup started at 19:35

<malczik> sorry
<malczik> can't play
<malczik> bye

Rly wingheaven want to play 2on2 with u???

edit: i am not calling u hacker...
and thx for answer + have a nice evening!

why did you remove me at your buddy !
cuz i beaten you :O
now you are famous add me again plz :D
i donno malczik, never saw him, but the .mp4 video is rly funny... u had too much time? or wtf? man not even suspicious... only 1 moment where it can be wallhack, but the others just bullshit... malczik hax or not, but this video proves only ur iq number
it depends about a viewer. You cant see hax there because you are just a retard manager (who keeps recruiting cheaters so your clan maybe could win something)) who doesnt have a clue about this game.

its obvious how he tries to hide his wallhack, noone can do that stupid moves as he does without beeing acting. If you spec him today, his playing style is very similar, only difference is that he has learnt to hide his haxes better.
one day, when i go to some lan to spec and having fun, i will punch to ur face and wont stop till u cry.
dont worry, you wont see me in any lan
yo malczik
when i said you are naab, whiner, without aim/brain, ...
that wasn't totally untrue
how can you all say not even suspicious guys open your eyes
I've play with him a 6on6, he has no tp, no brain, he doesn't play for objective (he plays war like he plays on public server) but he has a great aptitude to do easy kills (I mean bs and fragsteal).

He is an useless polish rambo wnb.
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