All about DeepFreez

Estonia All about DeepFreez

Hello motto :)

First of all like NorwayLakaii said (on some other CF post) this guy get a Guid 2007 guid exactly from 1st of May, 2007.
He were also (faking sometimes) many "good" clan : "A+R, MyLegend, one4one, saevus,VgS , aD*,, pstarZ, Team-ND, o2, iGods, Logitech UVM, KiH and ultim8"

Let's Sherlock =)

image: ecran1pu8
Current DeepFreez CB link :
Current DeepFreez yawn :
Current DeepFreez CF acc :

CF Bust about him (Thx EnglandBulld0g and NorwayLakaii)

IP's of DeepFreez:
image: dfcurrentipcj9

he's also know under fr4n and "dETECT"
Now this dETECT (Thx EnglandGoliath for this Post but it's were not about T4Ce :(( )


His email:
His Bust :
CF accound:
CF accound2 :
His CB accound (banned) :

image: dedectisdeepfreezdl3

int6rr / INterFuse:

His yawn :
His CB acc :
"an estonian guy with a red warning, which according to PBBans is caused by a multihack."
" he obviously lives in Tallinn." like DeepFreez



CB :


fABIO aka Fjeliape:

His email
His cF acc:
OLD BANNED PLAYER, he played on a many clan like for example
His old CB acc :
His 2 CB acc:
(thx the old team log :
We can found this: "Fabio" changed name to "Fabio aka Fjeliape"

-> lets see this "Fjeliape" yawn ->
Click on the last TADAA hi2u DeepFreez :(

But can't found the real old fabio yawn =( ?!, i only founded this

Seems like he tryed to hide his old yawn by guidspoofing


He also made a confession about his naughty past :D
BB dear "fABIO ceas INterFuse Fjeliape dETECT int6rr fran fr4N DeepFreez" <3

Thx 4 reading , soz for the english :(
Finland julieN 'Nirv'

randoms pics:
image: loldci8

randoms logs:
Split on 26/11/07, 22:39:50 PM | Reply
Maybe someone already said that, but DeepFreez is an old busted hacker, Fabio from Estonia.
Thanks for the attention

Btw If cF admins can unban my "Nirv" accound plzplz =( [thx Finlanddecem to ban me for any decent reason]
you really did some research on that, Sir!
why is my name mentioned there:D, didnt know i helped you:<

nvm :D
u tryed to bust one t4ce ppl but he has nothing to do with us , ofc u helped me :D ty <3
i thought it was you, but didnt you got kicked from crossfire server for nexus, if my brain isnt malfunctioning :D?
Nope i didn't :O
i got kicked recently from cF coz decem rly like me <3
nice bust! :)
is he fran or smth :o ?
and he wanted to go with us @ cdc3 :DDDDD
I know , but he sucked too much for come with u :D:d:D
:D we all love DeepFreez, so pls ban him fast :>
A real sherlock!

gj guy
nice bust nirv<3:)
nice bust mate, best one i've ever seen ;)
n1 bust :>
10 year ban :XXX
anyway, he'll be back...
DeepFreeZ removed you as a buddy!
Yay, my name in random logs :)
n1 search man
haha i know that!
very nice bust imo :)))

nice job =D
where was watson?
hyvä nirv!
nirv, you are a hacker yourself afaik
agree or wasn´t there a busted thread of him ? if not i didn´t said agree
yes he is afaik
I seriously hope for him that he wasn't cheating when he was playing under the nicknames of deepfreez & fr4n. Otherwise, he should buy/use another bot.

Bye Fr4n.
suprise suprise he has never been under nick deepfreez in msn
nice try atleast : D everithing else is ok
go defend your cheaters mates away
look again the last pics . "oskar"

im not defending, not playing ET even, just if u try to fake then please
and wtf? all 12 chats in 1 minute? That means u started exactly 20:24? + i know he never says like bye ill go and fuck my girl : D

gj anyways
But still oskar est and deepfrees are wtf : D
he has never used these names in msn as far as i know him = 2 years
The best bust so far!!! :D
as i said
nais bust! :>
IP's check out he is deepfreeze and ceas and this guy and ???
<3 nirv
Mario the detectiv > all :D <3
who cares about random lowmed guy who isn't haxing and just pretends to be an oldschooler?

I would rather see this lankeira aka nirv who is using aimbot in wars getting busted asap

decem, u should ban his all accounts !
you just cant accept that nirv is a better aimer than you :(
first I thought u mean it, then I realized u are joking :D
You annoying at the end , Let's be retarded like you

I'm not cheating , anyway i'm not playing ET so much, only for offis ( i still ownd , pron3d u nP ,) ,i rly care about things of some jealous boy
Hope cs3r`voodoo get the 3rd place at OC, they deserve it .

Banning or judging with any good arguments -> hypocryte tard. (you never read some books :D ?)
Instead of saying bullshit try to do something like i did agaisnt DeepFreez.ah sorry i forget seems like u love to play with hacker like malzcik and crew =)

I feel happy anyway, SPIREA thinks that i cheat :D

e-drama ?

GN8 don't flood my inbox for nothing ty
at the end? that means u are going to quit ET or something? would be best day ever for ET actually.
Yes, I know u never prac, u just play offis.. that's actually kinda suspicious in my opinion. I'm not alone saying that u cheat, ask squall, ask decem. They don't even play much vs u and still they are sure u hax.
About OC 3on3, well we couldn't play vs JL with our first lineup, so I don't care that much about it anymore. Prolly we won't even play the bronze game.
Actually, I have read a lot. Let's say I'm disappointed if I read less than 20 novels a year. And mostly I concentrate on classics and if possible I read them in the language they were written in (eg. I have read l'Étranger in french).
And yeah, I'm doing useful things like trying to get u banned from here.
About malczik, nope I haven't played with him. With crew I played a long time before he got busted. I didn't play any game in the time he was banned. And now that he has served his ban, I play with him sometimes again.

Btw, I have to come up with the fact how eagerly u wanted to join defix just few days ago. Seems like u are kinda disappointed and bitter that I laughed u off and said we aren't interested in haxers :D
die biatch get skill
failed dude
impact fields the strongest 3on3 teams! just felt like saying that!
try play vs them, they are stupid as donkeys but 3hs every duel :)
i do beach alone (4 times agaisnt you) (the last time it was 54 sec) ,so plz "stupid as donkey" ...

donkeys = losers , hi2u

try to be coherent
yeah u shoot 3hs on us every time, I guess anyone can make the objective when opponents are dead?

and jumping over the wall and running to the doc doesn't need that much intelligence, does it?
get owned 4 times by the same tax is a proofs that ur not inteligent ,not at all man.

Your acting like a kid and u sux at mathematics :D:d:d:D
haha, now we are getting somewhere. I'm 23 yrs old, and have passed all my math courses at university (studying advanced engineering). I got the long courses, so basically I have the hardest maths there is possible to study, so don't make yourself ridiculous in here :D

The reason, why we don't care about the jump, is because that is so lame way to win a map. Jumping over walls used to be cool in year 2004 in oasis and fueldump, but we are 3 years from that now...

Pls, think about something rational before you reply on me next time. Otherwise this might look bad for you...
looks like your studies is useless ,at least ur still a cunt even if your "engineering"
I just believe in fair play unlike u do
Pelaat crewin kans incompletes nyt :<
joo paitsi ei se oo pelannu yhtää matsii incis
kovasti näytät välittävän kun toit asian esille
siis asian kanssa että onko hän pelannut incis yhtään matsia
väitit että mä pelaan incissä sen kanssa, mutta se ei oo pelannu yhtään peliä, eli en ilmeisesti pelaa sen kanssa sit incis :D ?
no jos se on linaris, niin ajattelisin että pelaat sen kans incis, mutta sanot 'ei ole pelannu _VIELÄ_ yhtäkään matsia incin kans' niin care, ku tulee kummiski pelaan ja tuut pelaan sen kans siellä ellet oikeen välttele :( hän on ETQCUP linariski et :D itelles
tuskin tuun sen kanssa pelaamaan kun nää ajaa läpi sen säännön ettei joskus bännityt jannut pääse pelaamaan enää. Lisäks se pelaa codii atm, eikä oo pelannu ET:tä aikoihin
Eli sä olisit pelannu hänen kanssaan jos ei olis tullu tuota säädöstä?
sillon ois pitänyt valita, jep... mutta edelleenkin, crew on sentään kärsiny bänninsä toisin kuin nirv, joten on hieman eroa jos pelaakin sen kanssa.
toisaalta, nirvistä ei ole ollut tarpeeksi todisteita bännitäkseen häntä, vaikka sen peliki näyttää tota.. eh.. vähäsen hardcore aimilta. mutta ei ton pitäis vaikuttaa, varsinkin kun on varmasti xiitannu cartekin kanssa joissaki matseissaki ennen tota bustausta joka siitä otettii publalla.
kyllä mä aina sanoinki että sillä on wh jo kauan ennen kun se sai bännit. Yleensä hyvin varovaisesti seuraan niitä kenen kanssa pelaan

kuitenki puol skenee sanoo että nirv koodaa, on siihen varmaan joku syy :d
ai säki oot huomannu saman.. koodaa muutes vieläki, ainaski parin 3v3 matsin jälkee kattelin et sehän ny hyvin vetelee. nirviki otti naamaan, ja hitaat replyt voittoon :(
yritän tehä läksyi samal :P
mjaa no sit voisin ymmärtää tällä kertaa ^^
btw, just pelattii 2v2 offi nirvin kans ja kyl sen huomas kun otti näpsäkästi päähän tilanteesta jota en olis odottanut keneltäkään, ja että miten se siihen meni. sen jälkee vaa tuli ventis et 'so owned' mutta care, ainaski jos itellä ei meinaa onnaa niin nirvil onnaa eikä tarvi välittää mistää kun se ainaski tekee vaikka koko mapin yksin jos on tarvis =) mutta ymmärrän miltä tuntuu pelata häntä vastaan. aina 3hs, turhauttavaa
on se juu, mut katotaan miten se uskaltaa vetää huomen ETTV:s
eihän sen viimeksikään tarvinu vetää mitenkää.. pelas kahes jannun kanssa joista en oo ikinä kuullu ennen ja neti veti suunnilleen puolet kovempaa ku ite nirv :D
koodareit kaikki t4cen ranskalaiset :P
mut saa ne ampuu jonkun verran hedaa pärjätäkseen jonakselle ja wizzelille, et saas nähä jos niit sais bustattuu !
jees, saa laittaa aim fovii isommalle. nättii lan performancee wizzeliltä muutes :)
wizzelil on sentään vaa wh, nirvil vähä muutaki
mjoo, kyllä se uskaltaa
toi on oikeesti niin surkeeta kun tiedostat itekin että se koodaa, mutta pelaat sen kaa silti saavuttaaksees jotain.
saavuttaakseni jotain? öööö....... joskus pelataa 2v2 ladduu jos jaksaa, muuten pelaan 6v6:sia laihialaisten kanssa. Epic failure
miks sitten pelaat sen kanssa edes?

aika karuu sanoo että mikäs tässä pelates kun kaveri hoitaa kaiken ja tiiät itekin miten se sen tekee :l
pelaan nirvin kanssa yöllä viikonloppuisisin jos ei satu olemaan muuta tekemistä, koska nirvi sattuu olemaan yleensä silloin vielä hereillä. sinänsä siihen ei ole syytä miksi pelaan sen kans. ehkä vaa siks ettei jaksa välittää? emt, samase. ET skene on kummiski jo rapettu :>
I see that you are confused by all of your mixed feelings, watch out or you might catch gay.
must be just a coincidence that people like genjii and other randoms that were clearly hacking are / were in your clan
mirage, genji, okko, soul, blu, nirv, legend (and maybe some more) share the same priv hax afaik

Btw i don't need to join ur clan ( i wanted :D for look how sanda play ) ,i'm not dissapoint u losed much offis agaisnt me.
And no i won't quit ET, i didn't have enough times these days ,but i guess i'll be back on :), nowey to leave =(

cu whin3rs
if someone is pathetic, it must be you
even your own teammates are saying you are quite obvious. just give up already.
whatever, read it again
caej already said in finnish that it's kinda funny to play with u, because it doesn't matter what he does when u can make the whole map alone with your hax
like if it was hard to play beach agaisnt some guys who never played rtcw before
there are many guys who played rtcw all the way until now and they don't have any better chances vs u
really good work
nice bust :D
what did i say fucking freak InterFuse
funny that in the time he posted this, he himself was busted.
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