omg lol today is bust day :o

40% h4x imho
hahaha i loove that ET is finaly busting people i just wish there was better PB or sumin so they can't guid spoof
hmmmm , well you might think the part at tunnel is suspicious , but that guy threw a nade aka he made noise

The part at truck is kinda suspicious tho
the scene with the nades, where he walks along the wall isnt suspious to you?
well, the whole clip is suspicious.
but smth with your healthbar must be wrong... in the scene where he is at the hill he has 3 hp. when he gets hit, he suddenly has 96 hp :/
public frag lol :P
0:15 hax =)
Funny how he still gets owned and does ragequit even with cheats. Must be awesome feeling.
honestly i was thinking the exact same
Some of the scenes you used were absolutely shit, most of them can be explained with sounds (and some brains).

Still, vortex doesn't own any so he was prolly cheating. And.. my god.. does he aim SHIT!
oh look who's talkin ;the lil busted bitch.
Recent Comments:

oh look who's talkin ;the lil busted bitch.
vortex xDD so old and retarded,so get bust skillz thx
u may shut up,there is a lot more polish pros. and p...
mize said me that he loves anal sex.
aristo who gives a shit hes already busted like 10 times
really get fkin aids all dutchies speaking nationalists . didn...
yes it is. hes weird guy,lan proved ? means anything .
nirv is living in belgium,so i guess its a wnb bust.
c'est que la busted biatch a du repondant ! mais c'est...
2 long post for a 2 weeks clan.

Let me guess, you are aged 11, have no life,no friends, live in a fucked up family.... which obviously gets you here, flaming everyone and everybody. Then i'm not even talking about the fact that I never got busted or any of that. Get your facts straight. So why dont you just hit the road Jack :).
confession journal for nothing ? XDDD
n1 but old, he is already busted afaik.
he was also obvious when i once played a 3o3 against him, kinda funny that he still sux though.
ya months ago
What a crappy aim with hax omg lol :D:D
et just needs the same ban system as Counterstrike. When you get caught, you will get banned untill 2050 or so, no exceptions.

It's so sad see 12 journals a day for every cheater
For all games or just for Counterstrike. If you mean for all games, I must agree. But only for Counterstrike is not hard enough for them.
wtf do you mean..? :o

I meant cs1.6/css (STEAM) got a decent ban system

getting caught with any kind of cheat = ban for life. No exceptions or what so ever.
Well, thats true. But the new anti - cheat system from SGClac, is going to be nice to atleast as it seems
Never heard of it, but it's already too late for some new system anyway.
Indeed, anyways CB needed to take actions when it was starting yo become a dirty game. Maybe some people can still find there fun back since the Anti cheat is almost ready.
n1 et more cheaters. fucking dead game
not downloading...i belive you
OMG im famous btw its old stuff
yeah so true
only blue screen + sounds :<
google: VLC player
download and use that app to watch videos.
i use vlc for yrs x)
In that case i cant help you. But I never liked you in the first place so np!
np4me, greetz to your sis btw, last night was wonderful=)
I dont have any sisters. Only two brothers and on of them is ghey. Guess you got owned.
hmm...i thought your mum told you that she has another child, sry you get to know it this way;D np4me
pillu11 stfu idiot fucking cunt
who's the cunt? you are, because you are busted cheater and you have the courage to fight back. PS nice replyskills
stfu kiddie noobie i know you like to fuck your mama so stfu (btw fix your nick it sucks)
atleast i'm not like you, who likes to have sex with his papa
when this clip was made i cant remember but i dont see nothing obvious wtf
True, I couln`t find any scene, which hasn`t looked obviously not like a cheat.
honestly, this is like the most obvious avi i have ever seen. thanks, you made me lol in rl

i remember you accusing one of us in a 3o3 for wallhack. funnily enough, you were so obvious yourself, when we accused you and mentioned your redyawn you were like "it wasn't me ive been spoofed n stuff" =)
congrats, you even suck with hax.
rly roYal wow made my day
haha lowskilled hacker :p
et wont die yay ^^ ...cuz every day there are 10-20 new cheatbusters xD

RazZaH true but there are every day 100 new cheaters xD
learn 2 reply mr. nice shooting on the wall @0:15=)
another random hacker :))
Obvious wallhack. His whole gameplay revolves around already knowing what is going to happen and his movement (more like the lack of it) is ... shit?

Still wondering how one could get owned like that even when you perfectly know where the enemy is.
lol, you think its easy to own everybody if you know where they are?

how many times have you got owned after lean?(you know where your enemy is, he doesnt know about you)
Still makes a lot easier to find possible things to do so you can still win, not to mention the preshooting skills these newschoolers have.

ps: I think i use lean once every 5 wars ;) Prefer to use timed nades or run to an unexpected position rather then sitting, waiting and leaning.
Ofc it's an advantage.. You can pre-fire everytime, so you can kill everyone.
hahaha .. vortex busted ..
u can now join yuKa's cheaters club ;)
put bigger sunglasses on next time, so we can't see u anymore.
yeah, i changed those anyway, they were too big ur right :)
ET is dead, CoD4 ftw!
You are not allowed to play cod4, it's 16+
ET is 16+ too.
Or is it 18+? =/
iNvid xD
fucking cheater
you are stupid :)
20th time ?
yep matrix
how it feels to suck ass even with hacksxx?
no hax he has an awesome headset
xD RiXzzZ haha
this guy belongs to top5 worst cheaters no doubt
look who is talking fucking prick
you are the prick here!
haha look yourself motherfucker
you are the motherfucker here!
haha look at you, you own all!
Jesus vortex ur a retard
He is already banned
die irl pls
vortex xDD

so old and retarded,so get bust skillz thx
haha even with hax u suck AHAHHAHAHA
vortex : old 2 weeks team mate

fu irl
lol what a noob
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