competitive overview

I just published the first part of my overview on the competitive aspect of CoD4. Now I know that my English is far from being perfect, and my facts may not be entirely straight, thus I stand to be corrected. This section summarizes the origin of the CoD community, its' progress, and the 'revolution' brought about by CoD4.

You can find the review here:

Thanks for reading, hope for constructive feedback.
wall of text, cant see quotes, wall of text
I have never read anything that long in my whole life. That's prolly why one of the reasons im so stupid though.
xD poor you
5. Its the ultimate answer. Its not questionable, nor does it have to be reasoned in any way.
nicely written, but the different parts are hard to distinguish from each other with the eye.
could you make a summary please?
As a non-cod player i enjoyed reading this text, well written in my opinion.
Why dont you post that in the columns here instead of a link to it?
will do so. thx :)
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