Ascendecy eSports

[center] Ascendecey eSports is recruiting [/u][/center]

[center] What you must be. [/center]

Skill: Decent med or med+
YAWn: Clean Ofcourse
Avi: Must be avi 3-5 times a week + weekends
Maturity: No whiner, egoquitter nor flamer..
Language: Decent english , (Dutch, Not a requirement but it has his advantages

[center] Our lineup [/center]

Anonymous × Lineup

Norway eXecute ¬ Medic _ Healer × Med/-
Belgium AiZen ¬ Allrounder × med-
Belgium miQi ¬ Medic - Healer × med
Belgium Lumi ¬ Medic - Engi Smg × med/-

[center] What we still need × [/u][/center]

Europe You? ¬ Medic - Rambo × Med+
Europe You? ¬ Engi - RIfle × Med+
Europe You? ¬ Field Ops × med-
Europe You? ¬ Soldier × med+ (With lugger / colt ) ofc

[center] What we can offer × [/u][/center]

Skill : About med/- atm, Won from med+ several times
Mature mature players, no egoquitters or whiners
Funny: we are funny guys
Server: 1 game server, 2 teamspeaks and 1 ventrilo

× If you think this is the clan that you need, Pmme me or miQi on CF or skelleke (miqi) @ xfire - xaizen (AiZen) @ xfire - sciene ( eXecute ) @ xfire - appeltrot (Lumi) @ xfire

× Regards, AiZen
pm me plz
no offence or anything but how often do you change your teams? oO
I just played a mix with these guys and we pwnd med+ 'ers ( IRC med+) and we agreed on starting up togheter , one of us had ts, one vent and one a gameserver, so its a rare opportunity :x
I have 9 servers, 5 vents and 2 ts, np4me.
you can make 5 clans np
But you need all 3 things so only 2 clans. :-/
do 3 NEEDSPONZORWEAREPRO journals -> np
Why would you need ts if you have vent ?
The journal stated that it is very important to have those 3 things!
OK sorry , didnt read it :<
yea k, i was just wondering coz ive seen alot of clanless / new clan topics from you. gl anyways
+ i always lmao when i read Aizen: med-
Oh please, sigur, Go anoy some one else, ffs, Ur the lowtard here
y that's why u kicked me off ur server allready 3 times after first round...
I didn't kick, didn't even have ref, and i played with two random low- tards who don't know how to prone so -.- dont whine pls anoy some one else you fcking tard, ur really anoying me,
soz kiddie, gl
Quotetards who don't know how to prone so

rofl u prone in ET? :D
sounds good :P gl
Serious buisness, imo.
_______ESPORTS_______ are always serious
Truer words have not been spoken..

what is the actual name, cos you seem not to be able to get it right?

Looks like nice team!
neverheard med+ again :|
first time for me that someone is searching for a rambo medic!

and what means med+ with lugar and colt?

anyway gL!
It means that you have to be a good shooter with those weapons. Not just a "highskill" panzer :D:DD:

edit: atleast I think it that way.
why a med- fops :XD
Skill: Decent med or med+

unknown retards
niet haten bradda
dat klonk cool Willem ;)
med+ & unknown

edit: Soldier × med+ (With lugger / colt ) ofc lol!
wanted to post the same :D
your irc chan is empty oO
you cant whine
but they will =]
sorry, you are not med+

didnt read
i r avi - pm 4 m0re info'z
the clan wil prolly die in 3 weeks ;-)
Recruiting med/+ when clan is med/- ?


Oh and lolled about this:

"Skill : About med/- atm, Won from med+ several times
Mature mature players, no egoquitters or whiners
Funny: we are funny guys"
Ok I wanna join your highskilled team with uber decent med/+ players and I am a med- fops :dddd
eXecute has over 100 different red triangles on yawn..
Nice cheaterclan!
alweer nieuwe clan jesse? :o
nouja anyway gl
Skill : About med/- atm, Won from med+ several times
Skill : About med/- atm, Won from med+ several times
Avi: Must be avi 3-5 teams a week + weekends noliefer GL
3-5 teams

xDDD LOollooozlooLOlLOoOoooooL
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