new skill in town

my good buddy phan^Sup3r told me about this site so here i am!!!

im pretty skilled at ET, and i would be glad to help you all get better, so plz, lets start the questions.

Shoutout to S-Crew-PieFace<3333333
who gave super his hax?
yay best journal 2007 :DD this made my day thx man :DDDDDDD
2bad its a forum post xD
i dont want to be unfriendly...but

maybe u r super just with a new pc which u got to christmas ?

if here lol
haha no hes just my american lover<3
hi super
nah, im not super

xfire: gatsby121

add me<3 (will give good et advice and strats)

p.s. fun fact, i am the the one that took Sup3r off ETPUB and taught him etpro
Oh yes it was him <3
that was NOT cool
hi new skill
hi super
no one have any questions? im telling you, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to get advice from one of ET's legends....
who gave super his hax?
you are very funny rly,

ps. who is phan^sup3r?
cheat skilled as sup3r?
even better
hahah <3 gats, shame he BLOWS <3<3
you are not the one that got me, fost, mize, jackie, razz and mztik to the highskilled scene, unless hein is belgian now SO GTFO
the queens gang!
<16:02> <\on3md> if anyone one know hot to chgange time betwen rows (xxx was killed by xxx) pm me! I would like that show me in the same time when someone was killed not 3 sec lag
b_popupTime ETPro Client Delay between the event and it's popup being displayed (1000 = 1 second)
danke sehr <3

i set seta b_popuptime "1"

again someone who think who's the best player in ET :/
I hearded Sup3r wanted to sell his etbot
i hearded that you are bad at english.
phan super is a hacker
hi super
hi phan^sup3rh4cker
just ignore, super just getting sad cuz he hasn't got any journals for a few weeks now, and this is his way of getting some attention that he so doesnt get from his family.
I get more than enough from my family & yea I obviously asked him to make this journal including my name ! GOOD THINKING
U mad?

Lazio, here is a tip for you... uninstall ET, you are terrible.

(also, if an admin wants to step in and look up my IP, it will clearly show you that im American)

what exactly can you help us with? bringing Bush to ET so he can blow up everything?

although there's no oil in ET so I doubt he'd come
he might see ET as a way to train terrorists :E
Yes, the US military uses dignitas strats when they attack small iraqi villages!!!!

4 man panzers, nP
lmao thats funny
lol man :)
GTFO you fat yankie !
gatsby: no one have any questions? im telling you, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to get advice from one of ET's legends....

AAHHAAHAH 10 min of extreme laugh
im glad this thread is providing the lulz <3

OMG LETHAL <33333333333333 8TH CLAN HI HI HI

@ Nerdz: my family bought a dog from Ukraine, paid $600 to have her shipped to america xD xd xD
i dont live in Ukraine
French Canadian Oli? :P
first question: how to shoot hs in ze air with rifle?!

now go fuck super and his hax
Hey Gatsby, i didn't know you were euro.

@ smokey: use a semi low sensitivity, should help...that and practice

@ smurf: im not euro xDxD, i just want to be cool so i put belgium as my country.


#team_facial :p
what an arsehole.
sup3r is a nerd. gl to you tho.
i heard he was also fat
manboobs,sportsbra,8 chins
the great gatsby !

but ya, super has had one too many waffles :p JAYKAY
good luck and have phan
bump, anyone else have questions? xD
welcome :D
Haha gatsby <3 : D
wow strong bump!

Sup LOWskill3rZ?
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