d3st again :D (as a new/old player)

My old one post about Polandd3st:

New post:
Polandd3st nC customer is faking my old clan mate, Polandmousse is already in UK, he has called me few day ago so i know that for sure... Here u are some proofs:

Polandd3st from enCore @ yawn:
his ip @ yawn:

Polandmousse @ yawn:
Polanddest ip @ yawn again, but @ my mate etpro guid :D

Next haxor who is faking old player ?
ask UCP|mousses`nVm #xxx (dunno where, already kicked from clan)
no avi , no win
I don't care about his aimbot or wh. I just don't want to see that someone is faking my friend...
tbh mousses was u blachta XD u got banned in cb for 6 months so u decided to spoof your guid new nick aka mousses... and after 6 months you got back to old guid nickname.... so bad i have to find new guid :< so we have a n1 selfbust :XD
show me some proof of your words
btw he's mousse... not mousses :]
1st look at day when mouse start playing et and when u got banned/ why he started to play in /<urde, this clan wasnt 4 ppl who plays 3 days in this game and tbh i don't care about this bust and about u, i'll be busted again and again...

so cu in next week or 2...
no avi, dont post
ohhh god... guys are u rly so stupid ? I DON'T CARE ABOUT HIS HAX, JUST ABOUT (not) HIS NEW ETPRO GUID...
Quoted3st.. one of busted by Tosspot players agreed to record his "skills" on replay, which is showing you how good he is :]

(url) [rapidshare.com]

not the same d3st :D
no avi, no ban
should i recored avi of his yawn ? how to do this :d ? from my net browser x] ?
Blachta, juz wiem czemu masz +b na #nonames.et xdd
#czitongi www.czitongi.neargames.pl here is everything about polish cheaterhouse!
Blachta = retard...
kratek = next nC customer :]
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