psiquh = fatih = puma(fake)
Yawn puma:
His new pbguid has the IP: 84.58.**.*** Germany (Kelsterbach)
It is psiquh aka fatih who spoofed the real "rApeit puma". Puma's old pbguid got the IP: 84.62.**.***.
If you look at psiquh's or fatih's yawn, you will see that they got the same ip: 84.58.**.*** Germany (Kelsterbach) ( or ).
Proofs that fatih = psiquh:
psiquh's yawn entries end when fatih appeared. the entries of "puma" with the new pbguid appeared when fatih's entries ended (after he got busted).
Conclusion: Fatih aka psiquh, who is a busted nC Customer (look fusenlist 08) spoofed puma's guid and wanted to "overtake" his nick. :<
(© tIMEN !!11)
His new pbguid has the IP: 84.58.**.*** Germany (Kelsterbach)
It is psiquh aka fatih who spoofed the real "rApeit puma". Puma's old pbguid got the IP: 84.62.**.***.
If you look at psiquh's or fatih's yawn, you will see that they got the same ip: 84.58.**.*** Germany (Kelsterbach) ( or ).
Proofs that fatih = psiquh:
psiquh's yawn entries end when fatih appeared. the entries of "puma" with the new pbguid appeared when fatih's entries ended (after he got busted).
Conclusion: Fatih aka psiquh, who is a busted nC Customer (look fusenlist 08) spoofed puma's guid and wanted to "overtake" his nick. :<
(© tIMEN !!11)
Seriously, all of junkys "gang" are cheating and ALWAYS will be, how can you trust anyone of them and play 3on3s n stuff with him?
die nix zutun haben un 24/7 an ihrem pc sitzen un warten bis einre busted wird??? junge komm ma mit deinem leben klar!!!!!!!!
p.s.<3 JUNKY
Wenn man bedenkt, dass ich allein in den letzten 4 Tagen 3x abends mit Freunden weg war und du es nötig hast in nem kostenlosen Game dir einen Bot zu kaufen und Leute spoofesd und selbst nachdem du gebusted bist noch nicht quiten kannst, dann frage ich mich, wer der nolifer is.
Ich hätt eh sagen können was ich wollte und es wär der selbe Kommentar gekommen. Das ändert nichts daran, dass du zu der Zeit als ich mit Freunden saufen war, wahrscheinlich vorm PC gesessen bist und wieder in nem Onlinespiel gecheatet hast. get a life.
u are right....sHay,fear,me :D
This is so pathetic :D
well done, i should have known it, it was actually too obvious.
its not puma its just fake!
i don't say "hey he is clean now" nor i think its good to forget he cheated but still doesn't change anything of the fact above
du soeht so scheiße aus HAHAHAHA
was gehtn :D
und danach war ruhe ^^
un bei dir?
puma2k never cheated.....i know it