myFriend is cless

nickname Germany Sxxxxxx

from Anonymous Republic of BananaS

wrld Europe Warlord Crew; ovs Europe #ovs-gaming; .iL United Kingdom Illusion

Regards retards
gl to him then
leet post. gl.
i dont know any german from noll8 and iL , but gl
Maybe because you are too highskilled to know some unknown players, like my friend is. Because it seems to be that you are of the most talented players out there. Eventhough you dont got any experience in any high competition, but at least you killed some EC players on BiO lately. And your Fragmovie, was like the worst best movie i saw since any other Topmovie, and the title - perfect. Rqmbo - STILL HIGH, like the community would ever expect somthing else. Thanks to god that some experienced player like you is back to the scene.
np mate , but i still dont know any german from the know and famous clan NOLL8 .
So? What are you trying to tell you with such a comment? You know every player and his clanhistory, plus clans and all their former members, trials, 2 weekers?
i'm trying to tell you 'Maybe because you are too highskilled to know some unknown players, like my friend is' if you play on noll8 , you should be know , brb eating.
First of all, you should go back to school and learn to read again, I never said it's me who is looking for a clan, I never said he isnt known, I never mentioned his nickname here ...
"YOU" is general , you should learn engrish.
kERAN and _shy played for n8 :]
keran and shy dont need a guy to post forum recruit thread for them... and they dont even know that guy so
did you ask them? well i know they wont search a clan neither here nor somewhere else but well there were germans in n8!
Schon die email von fliNt ( zeigt, dass es sich um jmd von junkys crew handelt (fake epikur-squad mit junky, psiquh, puma etc.). Dass die Ex-Clans alle paar Minuten editiert werden (ec4 und o8 sind jetzt weg) und dass einige von junkys m8s wie ph6xy bereits mit o8 tag (+ in ovs und illusion) gespielt ham, macht das ganze nicht glaubwürdiger :p
i never sayed that this guy isnt fake did i?
shy & keran played @ noll8
shy & keran dont even know the existenZ of that guy
Cant he post this himself?
10 min ago i saw eC4 standing there, looks like you EDiTed the post....

cant he post himself -.-
i sait that 10 min ago, wnb =(
*Edit: do you know hazen? xD
idc and yes i know hazen :D
Met him irl 4 days ago =D
zOmG Secret and stuff

Soprano ?
soprano played in ovs? new 2 me
How should i know just guessing
just saying ...
Just like me en nu kan je weer opdonderen
junky played in wrld? new 2 me
weird stuff
gl junky
gl soprano/junky/bustedGermanyhacker
plz ban this retard
gl random cheater
junky fo sho
gl juNKy ::D
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