oGr_ aka shakur search!!

Hey guys, my name is David "oGr_ aKa shakur" and I am in need of a stable and nice med+ skilled team. I´m available from SU-Th each week. I would prefer a team, that also participates on upcomming cups, like CB OpenCup. My Clan history consists of dynasty Gaming, Delite6 and at the moment I am the personal backup of #bSTURZ ;) and a member of the current Team Sachsen. I`m a nice guy on comms and reliable. Feel free contact me in #bSTURZ. Have a nice day, greetz oGr_ aka shakur

I would like to thank myth6s and seNti for helping me in creating this forum thread.
gl David aka

image: tupac
gl mate
gl goes to my dear famous lovely shoky chico boi ogrlinio.

for everyone whos flaming or insulting oGr, guys grow up, show some ballz and remember that et is just a game where we all did spend a looooot of time. so be friendly and mature please

cheers. :o)

oGr_ is the try worth! best wishes erviN szappaN aka seNti
fuck ogr, he is a faggot, you are a faggot, whole bSTURZ is gay
at the moment you are playing with Efax (Captain) (Team-NL, bSTURZ, Morrigu) whos also in your team.

didnt you say whole bsturz is gay ?

you are deffintl correct! if i may add, hes also black, watch your back when you take a shower and grab for the soap.

guess your sarcasm meter stood on low :\
<3 seNti <3 myth6s
the three of you at least have one thing in common, lolz
tell us more please, all of us didnt get it :)
shakur isnt an animal :p..
2nd that :XD
friendliy and skilled guy
eiferbibsch! da wünsch ich ma gl, na no?
go to school!
gl dicker :x
pretty cool i found this on google when i typed oGr:

Gl anyways! (Is that pic you? :OOo)
thats his sis :X

GL oGr_
Could i date his sis? =D
no guy but very hot girl ;D
gl, good guy!
This guy is THE ownage take him
gl Ogór

btw shakur is polish cheater =D
oGr_ aKa shakur ^^
gl oGr du alter sachsen paule :D
nice not mentioning the med/+ teams you played lately :f

gl anyway, nice guy
thank for comms guy , but i need a team :D
gl oGr;)
gl ² u ogr
omfg med+ ogr? ;DDDD low+ würd zu dir passen =D
oGr_: cheater bleibt cheater!
[20:24 _scOw`] 2v2?
[20:25 GmbH`oGr_] no cheaters ty!

Are you lio fanboy ?
nup lio is goood m8 =]
Just wondering ^^
O_o why should i be lio fanboy? =D
ye i often play with him becuz we r good m8s
sc0w please xD
what? last time as ur m8 searched 2v2 ur m8 told me that u dont wanna play against me nd kwain :DD ..

uniq please
oh my won team plasa (your team nub) on first attack yesterday at cup hmmm ahhh

ask vegt4 knightjee or scorch they played...

low+ sEr!
ye vegt4 knightje scorch great :D scorch sucked yesterday vegt4 told me and i dont care about matches they played against u, fact is u didnt wanted to play against me nd kwain becuz we owned u so often in 2v2's ...
dude you suck donkey ballz stop think you're high or even med+

scorch > you btw

edit : often? we've played 1 time 2vs2 against u
not rly, btw i owned u so easy in those matches i played against u, u should stop thinking that u r high or even med+, and scorch > me? ... im not sure ...
owned me easy yeee sure allmighty cock sucker. Go back to to public, grow some balls and then come back and talk to me ok? shitler

Better english as usual
edit mal dass du low+ clan suchst =D
edit mal, dass du scheiße laberst =D
edit mal dass du dumm bisd xD deine archievements, 6x banned from et-scene & sol has written in one of my journals, wtf? fanboy? bitte man
Schön, dass du fähig bist mein Profil zur Kenntnis zu nehmen...
mh du bisd echtn idiot xD fanboytard ...
Bitte? Von wem?
dunno about med+ but if you're searching for an unhittable guy take him :p
Ogr Amaru Shakur
gl :>
gL oGerlein

skilled, funny guy
gl ogr
gl ossi !!!!!!!
"baut die mauer wieder auf :D"

good luck ossi boy
need ogr+cat pic
Good Luck! funny guy nice skill!!!!
Viel glück Digga <3
gl oGr :}
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