kona seeking clan

hi people,
im looking for an active clan, skill doesnt really matter(unless its not really noobish, wouldnt mind a good team either), just active and have fun. no running costs pls.

about me:

Age: 22
Skill: mid (fluctuating, will improve when i can play really active again)
Nationality: german
can speak german and good english
active: very active, can be available almost every day for several hours
playing et since its release
clan history: wooSai, helix, team JOTE, splashdamage.eu and just recently smashed

greetings to elc, plu, xemi and dizz (and anybody who feels like it)

edit: contact via msn ([email protected]), icq (139456871) or irc if im online in #team-jote or #smashed
no its kona, not konna
good luck :)
shuuk kona ?
i hardly played for shuuk, just 2 or 3 matches, was more like mercing with tag :o
gL kona!
gl kona :)
i love kona
gl kona :o
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