a day in the life of....

Australia kAD/bRENDAN

Hello everyone, a little about myself.

My name is Brendan and i reside in the region that would be, Melbourne Australia Australia. I'm 22 years old, studying commerce (2nd year) i have 2 sisters (no pics) 1 girlfriend (no pics). In ET, I'm currently playing for clan MR (smurfing as modus-operandi)

Am i good at games you ask??? well yes, yes i am. :D I'm no Belgium mAus, but I hold my weight.

What i wish to talk about tonight IS..... what do you get up to outside of the 'internet' ??

a(n) (extra special) day in the life of Australia kAD/bRENDAN.

image: img1345pr6

image: my.php?image=img1349ff2


Today i woke up at 8:00 (to check crossfire) get ready shower/shave/cloth/do hair AKA look sexy. Today was a special day because it was 'Future Music Festival' with 'The Chemical Brothers' headlining.

A few of my friends got to my house in time to buy drink (for after the night) and food for a barbecue.

I arrived at said event (Future Music Festival) at 12:00 after having an 'England english meaty breakfast' which comprised of 2 eggs, bacon, baked beans, tomato, hash brown and sausage. It was forcasted to be a 36 degree celcius day and by all accounts it was.

image: img1356pq0

Short story first, I bought (the equvilant) of 96.6633 EUR in drink cards, started drinking. We where lucky and stayed under shelter from the HOT Australian sun. A friend and I had 1 gram of powder, used only as a pick up every hour or so.

image: img1394ce0

The day was running smooth BUT THEN, OUT OF NOWHERE IT IS ANNOUNCED........


The crowd erupt, the main attraction had finally come. Off my face i hit the video record button on my camera, here is the result, (be warned, it goes for 7minutes, filmed by someone (me) that should not be allowed to film anything :D:D) http://sharespeedy.com/?id=93676507

What was dropped? Galvanize. It had the crowd in fits of orgasms. It was WOW factor times 20. Everyone was feeling it, everyone was hitting it, everyone was off chops. Amazing.

After galvanize was dropped slowly proceeded into arguable The Chemical Brothers' biggest 'new age hit..........' DO IT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It went down a treat for the crowd that only wanted more and got what it wanted. Here is a preview from the eyes of a bent as hell Australia Aussie. http://sharespeedy.com/?id=13371742

After a few old school hits, roughly around 45 minutes into the set, they started playing music that was unheard of to me before. Is this where the fun stopped? By no way it did, it only begun.

As it is a long weekend in Melbourne, my parents have gone away and left the house to the control of my sisters (no pics) and myself. Therefore it was an open house for my friends and myself to come back, drink, eat, smoke, swim in pool and sleep ect ect.

People coming, people going, drink drunk, weed smoked, body wet in pool. It was good. But if you sitting there and reading this and thinking, Why is he up at 7am witting about it on crossfire? Well, the answer to your question would be, I have energy for five thousand starving Ethiopians (no flag for Ethiopia because)

07:03.27 ( +KiL|3rBoY ) dunno
07:03.35 ( +KiL|3rBoY ) theyre to poor to have a falg
07:03.37 ( +KiL|3rBoY ) flag

The answer would be, I'm messed out of my mind a mix of everything and anything. However the case i am now, the good old saying of "What happens at sidney myer music bowl, stays at sidney myer music bowl".

image: img1424iq8

After a few abusive sms' from the missus, everything is sorted on that department and will be heading to her house tomorrow (today) afternoon.

Overall it was a memorable day from getting some 30 year old married girl grabbing my penis to running from cop sniffer dogs, it was a great day and night.

As for now i will dig my head into the e-sports world as my friend sleep in the next room.

For everyone reading I thank you heaps for getting this far. :D <3

image: img1395rx7


edit: thanks Netherlands Frop
you're gay stfu. thought you were going overseas? poof
sitting here in dublin waiting for lost to come on.

you're the filth of australian et (and australia in general).
No wonder Australia is feeling so good now, you are overseas..... OH SNAP!

You go overseas, sit in a plane for 24 hours, to sit on a computer on the other side of the world to post on crossfire???? ok sad one.....
lol im living here you joke of a person. don't need to go out every night. you come home drunk and the first thing you do is post some bullshit on crossfire to try and impress european et players ahaha
kad is my hero :(
don't go out every night. I've only been out on the piss 2 times this year :D
angelus is my hero
What you doin in dublin?
lol interesting read and nice pics :D
Kad is cool!

Please use hide tags for the pics.
image: kiinnostaa

I'll take a shit tomorrow and write a story about that, admins be prepared to sticky!
*-> OWNED <-*
pics are way to big imho, resize them before uploading max size should be 200 kb or smth.
why is this bullshit stickied?
Nice read! Guess what, next weekend I have to get up at night to watch formula 1 in Melbourne :D:D:D
nah it's fucking gay because every hotel is booked out, i was going to spend a night with the girlfriend but noooooooo......

have your retarded grandprix :P;p:P better to watch on tv than actually there :P
hehe, I guess the people in Melbourne aren't that happy about the Grand Prix. And you're right, Formula 1 is worth one visit to experience it, but after that I rather save the money and watch it on TV.
definatly, i've been i think one whole weekend and i think 2 saturdays. Now i'm just over it couldn't really care but i think it's good for the economy. :D
wtf at sticky
news imo
News , Main Page and ESL Main page please

wtf is this shit doing sticky'd ? :/

image: link-building
wtf is that ?
kad owns u all!
sopranos shirt <3
I feel sorry for you kad, posting this here. You are just too good for Crossfire, people don't want to read here I'm afraid. :(

Next time you post something, post a link or something thats more suitable for Crossfire-users! :)
Cheaton mår bra, dudå negerunge?
Bara fint med mig, känner mig dock lite besviken på att jag aldrig fick det där snuskiga PM:et du lovade mig =(
NP4ME, skickar det dirr!
Du är sa sexig!
long time since me saw you here
nice post and all, and by saying the following i mean no disrepsect to you Kad nor your article, but...why exactly is this sticky ?

It actually was nice to read btw !
I guess someone felt sorry for him
they seem to have the same light\video show on their world tourney, but they are still on of the best things ever happened to electronic music
after this piece of their perfomance i could not feel my legs at all :D
http://youtube.com/watch?v=n917QNJykKI (quality is so-so,author filmed pretty far from stage)
Looks like an awesome fuckn night :DD
fucking learn to resize a picture.
<3 chemical brothers! i saw them @ Le zenith in paris, it was awesome :)
wtf is this :/
nice to hear a story about life out there as well :)

but I'd rather make this something else than sticky forum.... like article or interview :o ?
is there something outside the internet?
dont do drugs!
wannabe -.-
dont sticky this bullshit asshole
news imo
why the fuck is this a sticky
That was very interesting to read.
I liked it, and my opinion outweighs a thousand adolescent retards on crossfire. Not a big fan of the chemical brothers myself, but I enjoyed a different perspective on 'everyday life' from another native English speaking country. More please!
Ye true, was nice to read, but to sticky it??? ö
Means it's easier to find between the countless EC and youtube journals! I only read it, because it was stickied, so...:P
Native English? D:
wtf iz dat shit >_<
wtf delete this shit
Why is this shit stickied ?
als niemand antwoord krijgt op die vraag, jij ook niet hé
I rather see something like that stickied than read "funny" youtube journals and reply chains by pricks with an iq of a seamonkey. Thanks for posting and don't mind the negative comments.
The most comments are a shame. I liked to read it, nice work.
it is a nice read, but why the sticky :o
Otherwise it had stayed unread between all the journals....I guess. :/
well forum post remain longer.
and would it be a drama to see this dissappear into oblivion?
Too long :O :)
I don't really understand the meaning of this ..
i can imagine what happens when galvanize comes on :P had a similar sort of evening just last week at trance NRG although ofcource the music is quite different and seeing as urs was in australia it was probably 20 times bigger because everything there is :D

nice read

edit: hehe the video rly looks like good fun =) although its not as big as i thought itd be
it's MUCH bigger than what you can see in the video because of the lights and focus of camera ect. i think they get around 25,000 people or something
voi jeesus....
why is this a sticky omg

edit: nice read
pls... leave us alone..
nice to read, would be cool if more people posted something like this.. always nice to read about other guys at the other side of this planet
wow, good to know what its like to reach the ultimate low of the gaming world
This being stickied is the first nail in the coffin of Crossfire IMO.
<3 pro evo
wow kad this is a really great journal and I enjoyed it alot
fucking aussies.
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