still banned again omg?

hm it says you are kicked by the admin again even though it worked yesterday after I deleted my pbguid... might there somewhere be saved something?

pls help
sure you can.
etkey *hint*
he deleted et key
sure u can -.- roflsalat
please stfu, he got kicked for gamehack yesterday like 50% of us, but he got also banned for it ...
u can be happy that it didnt happen to u, i hope it will.
now gtfo yourself
then you are in wrong community...
sorry but buy a new mum who loves you :S
rofl you're such a retard..
Quote by chrzzsorry but buy a new mum which loves you :S

only because your mum is a fucking toy it doesn't mean that everyone's mum is also a toy you fucking twat!
not everybody is so english skilled like you are! 14 year old kid
its not about toys here its about a ban which I didn't deserve so could you pls shut your mouth? thanks
have I replied to you? No. So you can shut your mouth fucktard.
and you're a sad angry nerd getting excited about grammar mistakes
Why do you defend him? He's a fucking retard. Oh and sry, I'm not a nerd. :}}}

image: 900is4
because you're flaming him for a silly mistake, take it easy there buddy
i wouldn't flame if someone else wrote it tbh. But he already acted like a retard before that's the reason why I flamed him..
Don't fuck around with chrzz, he's been accused of cheating in Enemy Territory!
"I would consider myself a very shy person. I am not a "cool" person and i am not a complete nerd. Kind a ur basic average white kid. I have always had a hard time getting the courage talking to girls who i tend to like. Right now i am a junior in high school and have never had a girlfriend. I feel left out because so many kids have girlfriends. I dont know if i "should" get a girlfriend or if it doesnt matter that much"

"I feel left out because so many kids have girlfriends."

You fail at life so hard , so hard.

I mean , look at you , random kid asking to the INTERNET (proof you don't have friends to ask) if you should get a girlfriend (Because of course the internet knows all and rules the world , it's opinion matters so much more than the opinion of real people from the real world).

Also I guess you're gonna flame as an answer , proving your first point - You're shy but still big mouthed on the internet.

Lulz , cya
You really can... im sure its an awesome point though.
I'm not but some ppl here are annoying...
e-drama :|
:D I just got out of bed and read this.. made my day so far :D
nP4me :}
just delete etkey :x
Delete etkey and do pb_cdkeyreg
..:: STFU ::..

<3 chrzz
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