WoW > ET?


I think WoW owns ET by miles. ET sucks.
never WOW sucks
if u suck on et, and own in WoW.. MAYBE, but still ET > WoW
its that retard again :o
yeah, wow owns ET badly for sad peoples without life
The only game where how more you play it, defines how good you are. No other skills needed.
u don't need any skill in et aswell so wow isn't the one and only game
Parent Arena in WoW and u will see that u need much skill :>
wow biggest shit eva!
ET in Heart and Soul <3
WoW that topic is so retarded
lol nice one :P
hehe kul.more shit like dis plz
I suppose chin0 will agree with you
wow = low brain ppl
You make me LoL.
never ! Anyway, it's quite different kind of gaming :)
"never WOW sucks"

comments like that are sad lol, look at shitty ET which is like taken over 24/7 with haxers and stuff and watch WoW, a game where you dont have to prac to be good, a game where you just could relax and play anytime and still be at the same skill. The game that is always getting new uppdates, its simply the world's most famous game!
PvP requires skill, but your right tho WoW>ET for sure.
Besides WoW is alot more mature then those kiddies on et.
Totally agree.
how can someone RPG > FPS , or RPG < FPS , FPS > Soccer pls. different styles :x
Raids are the only good thing in WoW but if you play WoW with domi everything sucks, np
hrhrh april
I played WoW 4 more than 1year... i can say ET>WoW... If you wanna play WoW you mast be hardcore motherfucking nolifer.... but with ET you can combinate RL.... :P
WoW is fuckin addicted game! 2 irl friends are playing it, but both of them are 24/7 behind fuckin monitor 8(
Well if you want to achieve something in that game, 24/7 is the only way:/
Werent you on the fusenlist as nC customer ?

You prolly got banned and are now whining ;(
so wtf are u doing here?
the guy who wrote that ridiculous journal months ago?
if so, gtfo nerd
yeah he is :P
Over a year ago now. And your still going on about it?
some pathetic attempts are just too amusing to forget:)

Quote "Textbox:
I hate nerds"

I think you are a nerd too <- 2nd that
Why am I a nerd you dont even know me. So fuck off back to your ET life and cry about hackers more. QQ
you were the 1 crying, something like: "throwing myself of the balcony".

LoL no that wasn't me. Think im that pathetic? dont think so sunshine.
m00f on 01/04/08, 15:25:39 PM | Reply

Over a year ago now. And your still going on about it?
Yeah going on something i aint done. Wow you people love quoting.
youre an idiot.
i had my laughs now.
fo now ur getting annoyingly dumb;s
Wtf lol. You're the dumb retarded little kid with no life. I have been laughing at you from day one kid. Go fuck yourself and die. thanks. QQ more

Member For: 1 month and 25 days
Member For: 1 month and 25 days <- meaning?
Means your a nub and you dont know me. bai
actually, i know that pathetic journal of you, so if you have some decent brainfunctions you will understand that i have been around on this site for longer than +-2 months.
Care. QQ more bitch.
wow is good if you fail in everything else.
lmao WoW...
izi 4 ET
i play WoW actively but on cracked server cuz i dont like to pay for it :<
Cracked fails terribly.
blizzlike servers are really nice :p
wow costs money
et is free

et is better than wow
whole dif game. impossible to compare imo..
Ok all you people who think ET is better. Have you even tryed WoW?

Back in the ET days I used to think WoW was really shit. Until I got the game and tryed it out. Its an amazing game and its worth the money. Constant updates. really fun stuff to do.

Take a look at ET. How many years is that game been going on? And these days its getting pathetic! How many hackers play ET? Loads! The busts keep rolling in, as in WoW. You dont play vs hackers. You have a lot more fun than whining in ET about hackers.

For all the people who aint even tryed playing WoW. Give it a go. If you still think its shit then fair enough. Dont bad mouth something you aint even tryed. I made the same mistake.

Wow costs money because of the amount of entertainment it gives us. More people play WoW than ET you know.
I tried it and It got boring after 8 hours...

More people play WoW because its a game for losers and we all know that there are more losers than winners
Wow aint for losers. You can say the same thing about any online game. You probably dont get the game in hand. Or maybe you aint into RPG's. Please dont insult the people who play WoW. they're people like just the rest.
What I know is that they suck in other online games , because they arent skilled enough so they go play WoW where their skill is dependent on their character not their capabilities
Actually you're wrong. WoW takes a lot of skill you just dont know that because you dont play. ET takes no skill. all you do is shoot. So dont give me that shit about WoW not taking skill. You dunno anything.
Plz , I played WoW and its easy like hell

You only need to sit behind monitor 24/7 and kill enemies to be among the top

In ET you need to perfectionize your cfg to start with

Then you need a lot of training , you need experience , you need some tricks , etc
hahaha! You actually think WoW is that easy? You have no clue then. ET doesnt take much skill at all. Most ET players HACK. You cant say the same about WoW.
Read my comment below

You obviously havent played ET for a while now

Last time I saw a cheater was a couple of weeks ago ...
Theres someone cheating on ET EVERYDAY but dumbarses like you dont realise it.
Theres someone cheating on WoW every day , but dumbarses like you dont realize it ...

Face it , there are cheaters everywhere
How do people cheat on WoW you fucking idiot? theres no aimbots on WoW? Retarded little kid. stay in school. Say no to drugs.
You seem to be a bit retarded , so I'll explain it again

There are hacks in every popular game

I never said anything about an aimbot ...

Its a fact ...

I have played various games , MMORPG's , FPS , ...

And everywhere there was someone hacking ...

Different genre , different type of hack
werent u busted?
No I wasn't. QQ cry more. QQ
where can i download this world of wolfenstein didnt found it on search engine
ahahhah :d

ET > WoW imo
WoW is total suckage, I just can't get the point playing WoW...
Why not? Because you dont get the game? Because you ain't skilled in it?

I have a level 70. The game owns the hell out of ET. With ET its the same shit over n over again. With WoW theres always something else to do. Always a new task. You guys dont get that at all because you aint bloody played it. ET is full of hacking wankers so how the fuck can you prefer that to WoW? WoW is clean. ET is pure dirty
You can hack in Wow too..:D
Tbh when I first saw WoW, then I realized that WoW sucks.
ET rulez dont care bout the hackers.. new CB is unlaggy so dont whine
game is nice again.. but everyone want the oldskool back :))
WOW sucks like a girl my dick..
You have a dick?
ofc.. not the biggest but ok 4 nice swedish bitches.
if you like acts 29 or hiphop 2 chill
have fun dude
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