hi cagarn cheater

he had this tales of him playin in the dutch team etc.

when I made a pb screen of him i had this.

image: pb000005

his yawn

his yawn is clean while he has a pb ban here

just wanted to let you know he cheats. becuz you can't see red triangles on his yawn

does it really fucking matter? still a cheater ffs.....
he'd fit in well with the dutch team

:o another person paying for hacks on a free game imo -,-
You has pr00f that's from a paid cheat?
How does it look like?
Most publicbots whit visual stuff like esp are allready detected.
But you're saying 2 things here. Private cheats (ones you pay for duh) aren't detected and has clear pbss, but you also said about public cheats, which isn't the same thing :{
You have to turn clean pbss on, most likely he was to retarded for it, since no brainful hacker is playing with wh. Wh => Instantbust. :D
eth for example is free
nC is not the only company selling cheats

and i guess the expencive cheats are undetected...
But also eth has clear SS :)
ah nice :D
didnt know
just saw some promotion vids and i guess its not competitive usable
What do you mean by not competitive usable?
usable in wars...

only in publics
Why wouldn't it be usable in wars? It's the same thing.
*C don't like people using eth competitively, but that's not to say people /do/ use it because there's nothing stopping them :)
it basically is something that destroys the game...
u cant find an argument that makes it useful using a hack in an online game...

all the cheater shit just brought things as far as they are atm...
there wouldnt have been the need for a punkbuster if there wasnt people trying to cheat the game and all the other players...
they are such egoistic... they lol cuz they own everybody with external tools and everybody else on the server is just angry about that retardness, stealing the fun of the game...

thats how it is
Its like with with criminal kids, the police wouldnt needed without them. :D
sure u re right...
But thats the human race, everyone want to be the richest, best and the one with the most power.
Everyone?1? O_O
Deep inside, yes. But some human are able to get rid of this thinking, rare but possible.
I guess I must be one of the few people who don't want/need any of that even if I was offered :{
I dont know well enough to judge this. :>
if he would have paid for this he would probably have clean pbss !
aFo surprise.
only skill
i can't see any red yawn. bug.
I know who it is >:/
let me guess: some guy called deko (np 4 pbbans, he got like 50 pbguids, half of them with pbban)
aint he some dude who goes/went on n3 al the time?
yes ..but now we get warned :=)
ye and now I can't use my name xediii....so which ever tard banned that name, pls unbann (cant use my name with iii....is that a joke???

Was soll der shit?
hm lol i think is the new admin mod stuff cant change more as 3 names in 1 map and maybe your names is in badwordlist i will ask admins what happends.:=)
Why are there always those red >> << marks behind/infront of the nicks? :D

I always thought it was just a coincidence... :--D
I've only seen it on this pbss :{ thought it was their tags :D
must be perfo
or reActic :)
and who is that?
old he got kicked from cyber once with nexus log or smth
superold! damn you deko :<. we trusted you
nice tags
graphics bug
we recruited him in aFo turns out being cheater so kick bb stupid cagarn

Instant kick

We are anti - cheaters clan

Btw hi perfo :)
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