,karotten unlimited, needs you!


what we are:

-german multigaming clan(but the most of us play et)
-we play @ ESL,CB,ET-Scene Cup
-Train [email protected] an [email protected]

what we search:

- 1rifle and 1 medic
- med-
- sry but we ve got some " i got english for 2 years.... i speak like a native" members in our clan so we prefer german speaking players

If you are interested pls contact me @xfire : noobschneeman icq:228923600
The boyfriend of schnee? :P
Wie schlecht der war. :DDD
Du musst aber zugeben, schlechte Witze auf einem konstant hohen Niveau!
Gutes Mittelfeld, aber ich musste zumindest schmunzeln. :D
Gl , nice guys.
gL lölöl
gl,hope Ronner wont delete my comment again
nice reply, maybe he was full of druggs... i met him 2 times at nature one, i also played one time after him on the usb floor at nature one. he did very well, but he used mainly traktor and final scratch timecode vinyls. its quite easy to do awesome crossfades and looping and so on . . . the software performes the beatmatching, and u can focus on ur mix without havin the troubles to repitch and stuff.

maybe he used usual turntables and suxx with it, dunno, i only saw him performin with traktor and ableton live.
his setup was nearly the same as mine, but i also use normal turntables and hardware effects.

maybe this stuff is interesting for u. top transitions :/


@ admins, no need to ban again, this is no hijackin . . . atleast for me. thx

yeah he used usual 12/10er and he sucked with it!!
dunno about software stuFF!!

gl schneeman & sn4ke
give me money and i play for u :D
du bist es definitiv nicht wert!
this topic made me lo, seriously
gl, whats up with IsraelAlpi ?
he's still playing^^
doesn't he play rifle?
not there -.- dunno why
thx 4 gl s und so :) und Nein ich bin nicht der stecher von SCHNEE und ja ich weis das man SCHNEEMAN eigentlich mit 2 n schreibt xD
english!!!!!!! nab
<3 schneeeeeeeeeman
<3 snaaaaaaaaaaaake
<3 kkkkkkkkkuuuuuuuu
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