2 busted from same clan

today in a simple 3o3 we got our asses kicked so hard we just had to check them out. Thank god we did..

Just look at this link, more pbss are coming up as we speak..


thnx to |Olly| for posting it @ gamestv.org

keep on busting!!
everyone is cheating nowadays ©snoop
its today if u wanna quote him :)
2 busted?
yeah NO HEADSHOT aswell, but he isnt regestrated on any site, nor on yawn. we are researching now if our demo is enough to bust you too. have a nice day
i send demos to Miell and then he can see im clean, and the NO HEADSHOT guy isnt in our clan
well you do know him so give us some more info about him..
Love them pb screenshots
daNje is kicked of our team because of cheating and carmaX said :

|19:38:25| <carmaX> that this was my bro
|19:38:29| <carmaX> he was cheater
|19:38:33| <carmaX> we have the same comp

and i hope he will get a ban
Seen the demo, zZ1WS is clean as far as i know. Nice demo to use wolfcam for the other two.
gj guys <3
i like that pb_ss what map it is pussy_b4?

b4 was unshaven... toomany complains so they had to fix
its _Olly_ now
Only on xfire.
nice catch keep up the good work :)
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