Polish cheaters ?

Hey crossfire,

if you have some time to lose, I want to have some opinions about a clan we played sunday on CB playoffs :
Poland The clan idem

I made a few demos on ETTV about one of there players, alko :
- Braundorf 1
- Braundorf 2
- Radar 1

I made a fast ugly avi on 1 action : http://sesky.free.fr/idem/alko.avi

If you want some other players (watch david or ths), you can find some ETTV replays on :
multiplegaming.de ETTV -

>> In eye demos for alko & david <<

What do you think about them ?

For me : clear wh with switch toggle + humanized
ban all poland
ban you too
now mate that's one hell of an idea - i wonder how long you been thinking about it?
thats not nice ! ;<
talk with Zell and Nawor, maybe they will force one more thing against their own C&A policy - if these rules are for noobs and don't allow the admins to keep OC cheaters-free, maybe the OC rules about cheating are for noobs too? why should people play without cheats if admins don't remember about their own law?
nice download link 20kb/sec
it wouldnt be any suprise for me if he has something
watched the avi, as you can notice (or not?) he could see him for a moment, for someone who is not blind it could be enough to WAIT for his coming back
Strangely, he never preshot when there is noone behind the wall.

This avi may not be the best one, I made it in 5mn. Watch the demos, there are much more obvious ;)

btw : david was @stable 43% acc on radar, np4him

>> In eye demos for alko & david <<
43acc is easy
even 50acc is easy if you're trying to play for high acc
why would you play for high accuracy though : DDDD
well there are lots of people that do it, to boost their ego or whatever reason. I dunno really, it's retarded.
post more ROFLs, add him to your "must-ban!" list, btw where is Aksil's ban?
You said he will be CB-banned ASAP by Bartichello. Maybe he sticks to the C&A rules? If yes, why Zell and Nawor don't?
oh, so they can create their own system here and remove everyone without writing about their system even in the OC rules? so where I can find this rule that the clan can be removed only because of the "sign"? maybe it's hidden and only cheatbusters can see it?
You dont have to say "polish CHEATERS", Polish is enough:)
just name the next topics "PL", everyone will understand without reading(?)
No, they can't do whatever they want, there is still the game admin and the management + head admins, only in the hosted cups sups can create their own system. In the OCs admins have to stick to the CB rules, such as C&A policy.

9.1. ClanBase's cheating and abuse policy applies to this cup.

And from the C&A policy: This policy applies to all competitions organized by ClanBase including ladders, cups, hosted cups and LAN events.

It's not nice to see a famous cheatbuster not knowing the rules he should remember about.
Killerboy, honey, WHO'S YOUR DADDY NOW!?
Fuckin polaks :S
this is low
75 % percent of all polish players HACKS
sure you did survey didnt you? or you did some research about that right? mr.i-kno-polakz-iz-haxorz
unfortunately hes right
99% of your nation is scum
xd "scum".. mr 99 % of a country is scum.. people like you should be taken away their passport, you r not worthy of any nationality
Im not the only one whos saying it, its a fact. When I read "poland" or "polish" I think about... HAX, LAG, LOL.
then my friend you are really narrow minded ;-)
lolz NOT
fucking 15 years old kid :[ 75% of 15 years old kid is cheating... 99% of 15 years od kids is scum bags :/
please explain it again in english
you dont understand? so you are in that 75% :/// sry kid
that david guy is very obvious , played him allready in 3v3.
david is ex cheater and now... he is still cheating, even i dont have to watch this demos ;]
polish cheaters? what a nice oxymoron
you seem to be the moron in this oxy
you seem to be the biggest idiot in this community
why am i not surprised, i didnt expect much insight from some one with the level of thinking like you
what iron? is the iron in your head pouring out of your ears? somebody call the doctor!
now that was just lame.
just how you fins like it :D
very late reply, but its a pleonasm you dumbass, no oxymoron!!! :D
Just read the rules, the admins cant exclude their clan.

Edit: ofc they can, they are admins and do what ever they feel like, even if it doesnt correspond with the rules :)
omg, poland has the same percentage number of cheaters like every country in the world, cant you understand that polish community in here?
true but my team isnt cheating
I dont know if you are cheating or not I dont really care about that ; >
nobody knows! ;-)
no I dont think so xD
hahahahaha they should ban u first for iq lower than shoe size :X RZYDelek ;[
rofl cant you see/feel/hear the nade blowing? ;-)
stopped reading after

QuotePolish cheaters ?
My first avi :) thx :*
edit. Next time make avi with sound... I want to listen to my headshots :*(and full action , no only killing)
edit2. Make avi with my actions on radar. Better wh+humanized
clear wh with switch toggle + humanized
show me demo or ss pls, proofs nothing. Get real proofs.
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