do polish kids learn how to hack at school or smthng??
that would explain a lot
*random joke about Polaks + education*
well if thats so, then they need to learn better =)
nah i think they are doing a pretty good job :P its good that they ditch school when they have "how to hide your hax"-lessons
or they dont have enough money to make this lesson lol
sry polaks :<
in poland, education is for free! ;-)
sry but a good education system must cost money...
and who said that people have to pay for it? ;-)
I so hate Anglo Saxon ultraliberalist view on the world. No .. good education is free for everyone and all schools have to acquire a certain level of decency. Seriously, you Israelians should stop acting like a bunch of nazi's (regarding a lot of your policies)

I dont get how you can survive the shoa and start acting like a bunch of selfish hitlers.
you mixed things only to hurt...
there is no sense on what you are saying...
look at the american harward, you think this istitute can be one of the top in the world if it was free?
guess what harward is also the most expansive one !
also the technion in israel, very expansive, cost thousends of dollars to learn there but its one of the most advance uni in the world...

institutes without funds from her students cannot buy new and better teachers, prophesors etc :<
Dude, come to western europe. It works really well ... and ur parents dont have to be middle class or above to go study at even the best universities in your country.

About America: they live on the resources of the rest of the world (tradebalance - ten zillion billion trillion) They can only keep up their productivity by having minimum wages as low as 4/5 dollar (not euro's, its even less), not having to take care of elder ppl, no healthcare, no unemployment services, etc They invest a ridiculous amount of money in their armies (like Isreal) which they use to oppress other countries and get what they want (aka invade Iraq to make sure you got enough oil in the future) And America wont stay on top of the world, they are already over the hill and their decline might come faster then some ppl might expect. Oil used to cost 1 dollar a gallon few years ago, now its 4 dollar a gallon. They never put extra taxes on their oil so theres no way they can compensant. Add huge debts both for the american families as the american state.
that wasnt my poin, i know that some goverments in europe pay to the institutes so the students wont have to pay money...
my point was that institutes that do cost money (and the more they cost) the better the education you will get, also the research there will be much more productive...

but you had to write stuff about the shoa (from where you know hebrew?) and politics which i dont rly understand why ppl compare us to nazis...
Quotethat wasnt my poin, i know that some goverments in europe pay to the institutes so the students wont have to pay money...
my point was that institutes that do cost money (and the more they cost) the better the education you will get, also the research there will be much more productive...

Sounds liek an awesome fair system! Lets go back to the ancien regime and only have few enjoy the wealth and prosperity!

Quotebut you had to write stuff about the shoa (from where you know hebrew?) and politics which i dont rly understand why ppl compare us to nazis...

You got assraped once by (totally poor) Arabian countries after you took away their land. I guess this gives you the right to keep up your war of oppressioin in Gaza and the rest of palestina. Try this anywhere in the world: Hi fellas, our holy book tells us this is our country. Can you plz gtfo, this is our land now. I do not have any problems with individual Israeli's, but the state Israel and its alliance with USA is just despicable, especially if you look back at ww II and what your people went trough ...
but this is life man, high institutes cost more money...
blame the world for it not me...

assraped yes?
well i cant see how since im still living here,
i can see you are very infected by pro-arab propogenda...
btw accourding to geneva, we have the full right to bomb gaza into dirt since the terror groups there shoot from ppl house, but we dont do that since we are human...
in every other country they would bomb those houses

plz be more mature
Quotei can see you are very infected by pro-arab propaganda...

no, most ppl in Europe don't approve with how Israel handles its conflict with palestine. I never watch Al Jazeera, nor do i come into contact with any Arab media. Your country gets more money from the US then the total amount of development funds the USA gives to all countries in the world together. The only reason you guys haven't made a peaceful solution is because you are supplied with some of the best arms in the world, made by either yankees or israelis (uzi's anyone?)

Quotebtw according to geneva, we have the full right to bomb gaza into dirt since the terror groups there shoot from ppl house, but we dont do that since we are human...

dude, are you really this ... You fucking took away their land claiming it was your holy land. Could as well have been south Africa, but it ended up to be palestina. After all these years of war, Palestine is one big refugee camp full of desperate ppl with no lives, people who would be glad to blow themselves up. And you guys are still wondering why ppl blow attacked the WTC?

image: 64811-duty_calls

now plz do not reply anymore, i got some stuff to do :'(
Wot u sed is not rly true, u DO need to be middle class, if u want your son/daughter go to a good unervirsity.

I live in Leiden, And Leiden's university Costs very much:)
True, but low entrance fees to universities give more ppl a chance to study.
imo even someone who doesn't cheat can answer a question "how to hide your hax and don't get busted for a long time?"
gg dav1d
nice, theyve beaten us 4-2 in 3o3 offi, they were so cheating :X stupid fags ban them
gratz, u made me care
u dont have 2 reply, just stop ur crappy comments
they lost a map to you? Thats rather a proof they didnt cheat!

joking ofc =)
well we r unbeaten @ beach so nvm :)
Yeah sure you are, we raged you to flag last time we did an 3on3 offi vs you. so yeah sure you are unbeaten, You also played with a hacker again.. so fucking unexpected... playing with hackrs and still getting owned, so sad.
that was with reflex and okko :/

phunk kr3y me (reflex) = unbeaten idiot, if u dont know the normal lineup then u should stfu fintard
reflex is a fucking hacker, oh yeah you need to have more than 1 hacker in lineup to beat someone. so sad mate, so sad.
are you proud with playing a cheater?? idiot yermanangrykid.
hehe that explainz =)
they suck, even if they play with hackers like, circus, phunk, reflex......

that was blaming urself :>
... me > phunk
You suck the most from the team.
t1kyy didnt play in this match ;-)
you just showed your idiocracy and that you are only whining like "they beat us, they must be hax!"
Got banned <o/
Quote by t1kyyI have ban becouse i downloaded cfg from some ftp, and the cmd sol_aim 1 was in cfg not my fault.(similary to ght)
ja ofc it`s his version
but not true version
why are you banning for sol_aim 1?
"And they are obviously still cheating"
You ban them because someone said they are cheating?
Yes, now i'm 1 ahead on Ireland Sol
Ireland sol_wallplayer 1

Must be killerboy's cfg!
killerboy wasnt even born 2 years ago ;-)
they were very obvious
This is a chain which should result in a

its not dAv1d ;)

just reply on my last one so it looks nicer! XD
its dAv1d :O
its not dAv1d ;)
its dAv1d :O

it fucked up XD
its not dAv1d ;)
its dAv1d :O
its not dAv1d ;)
its not dAv1d ;)

go on here
its dAv1d :O

its not dAv1d ;)

no, but nvm XD
its dAv1d :O

haha :DD
its not dAv1d ;)
its dAv1d :O
its not dAv1d ;)
its dAv1d :O
its not dAv1d ;)
its dAv1d :O
its not dAv1d ;)
its dAv1d :O
its not dAv1d ;)
its dAv1d :O
its not dAv1d ;)
its dAv1d :O
its not dAv1d ;)
its dAv1d :O
its not dAv1d ;)

reply on this comment now plz
its dAv1d :O

did this go right? :DD
its not dAv1d ;)

yes was fine
its dAv1d :O
its not dAv1d ;)
its dAv1d :O
its not dAv1d ;)
its dAv1d :O
its not dAv1d ;)
its dAv1d :O
its not dAv1d ;)
its dAv1d :O
i smell ban :D
i dont accept! :D
its not dAv1d ;)
fucking polish
ban this poltards
ban yourself
lol and he told me i cheat :D
we dropped out of cup yesterday becuz of them =(((( fucking hackers, and ofc we would win them on any other map then wallhack_b4
expected from that mentally retarded people
Quoteno, most ppl in Europe dont approve with how Israel handles its conflict with palestine.

yes if we would have bomb them, it could end many years ago ^_^

Quotedude, are you really this ... You fucking took away their land claiming it was your holy land. Could as well have been south Africa, but it ended up to be palestina. After all these years of war, Palestine is one big refugee camp full of desperate ppl with no lives, people who would be glad to blow themselves up. And you guys are still wondering why ppl blow up the WTC?

we didnt took anyone land...there are records that jews were in israel much more then the arabs ;(
and they are in a camp cuz none of the arab country around dont want to take them lol
even their own countries dont want them...
and fu even in the shoa after all what jews suffer they didnt blow themself in a german houses or in german house........
great reply, really shows how you ppl think :DDDDD
its crossfire bug, sometimes it wont reply...
and nice comment you have, since i already manage to reply you with no problem...
I know it's pointless to argue with an Izraelian about Palestina's occupacy by Izraelians. Thats why I only wanted to tell you that you are fucked up.
lol its point less to talk with some kid who dont understand shit about the middle east...
there is no occupacy...
I dont get how you ppl can think this way after the Shoa. Seriously. You are doing exactly the same, though in a different packaging.
if wasnt the shoa we would bomb them to ashes ..
the idf is the most human army in the world.
U, sir, are a retard.
are you with me ! or against me LOL
You are even more retarded as I thought at first glance.
glance, nice word :>
It's English, maybe u heard of this newcomer language.
how to talk it? :x
like there was no USSR occupation for the world after WW II. fucking retard
sure compare israel to ussr you fucking retard...
i dont rly know from where you got all this "facts" or from where you learn or hear all those stuff, but unless you be here and see things in your own eyes, you cant rly argue :<
says a isrealen.
yes, replaying to some one from Estonia ...
are these those mafia guys?
PLS KURWA PLS t1kyy kk? FU ALL H8 Suck My C======B
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